《Conditionally Married》29- The Fire


Sia pov

I don't want to see him. I dont want him to know what he does to me.

He moved his steps towards me in same way as he use to do previously.

My feet were refusing to move and it felt like they weigh a ton, but I still managed to move and took steps backward.

He put his both arms on my side, completely trapping me as I hit the wall.

He is too unpredictable. I dont know what he wanna do with me.

He bought his face closer to me. Dangerously close that I can feel his caffeinated breath.

I moved my face the other way, trying to hold myself from falling for him. I dig my nails deeper in the skin of my hands as I turned them into a fist.

He moved his face closer to my ear. I could feel his breathing on my neck.

"Look at me" he said as if he owns me.

I am not going to follow his orders, and why should I? He doesn't own me. Nope... We're just married on papers and there is nothing like....

But he owns my heart...

My thoughts were interrupted by sudden feeling of his fingers on my face, and instantly I had goosebumps on my body.

My eyes were closed but I knew I was facing him. His breathing causes his chest to rub against mine.

I finally managed to look up and met his grey eyes.. but to my surprise, there was something else..

Again his mouth find my ears as he whisper" If I ever saw him touching you anywhere, I promise you that I will take you right here on this table and you won't be able to stop me"

And my wide opened eyes saw that table which was just in front of me. And I saw myself lying on it with him on top of me, holding my hands with his hands tearing my dress completely using only his mouth which too touched my every piece of skin

Our eyes met again and I felt like jelly which was ready to fall.

He created distance now by moving backward without breaking eye contact.

"Pack up your stuff. We are going home. I am waiting for you in parking" he said and left the room.

A big blow of air released from my mouth which I didn't know I was holding.

What the hell was that???

Now I am more scared!

I packed up my stuff and went into the car. Surprisingly he was on driving seat and he had opened the door for me.

He started the car as I sat on passenger seat.

He kept quiet as if nothing happened. But I had too many questions for him.

Just to clear the air I asked

"Where is your driver ?"

"I sent him home." He kept his nothing-happened-mask on and said without looking at me. I saw his knuckles which were holding steering wheel with so force that they had turned white.

I didn't want to risk my life and definitely doesn't want to die in car so I kept quite. But its the time for some answers.


As we reached home he opened the door and I followed him

"Mr. Ashar. Can you atleast tell me what I did wrong? Tristan was only.."

He turned around in my direction

"Enough of that guy. I don't want to listen his name ever again from you"

Why is he being so... Possessive I guess??

"I want to know the reason" I said fuming in anger

"It is enough for you to know that I HAD SAID SO" he yelled pointing his finger towards himself.

"What do you mean by 'you said so'. I want to know exactly what is your problem?"

He looked into my eyes and said

"YOU ARE MY PROBLEM" pointing his index finger at me.

So that's I am to him... A problem

Tears form in my eyes as he broke my little hope of he accepting me or having feelings for me. And I don't want to show him how his words hurt me. So I just ran to my room without looking back.

Thank God my feet were better.

I was lost in my world that I didn't know when he came after me and hold my wrist.

His touch is so intoxicating

I looked in his direction and he was no more angry rather worried.

"We need to leave now" he said

Leave... Now???

"What?" I asked

And without saying anything, he started to run holding my wrist firmly which made me to run too.

"What's the matter?" I asked, but he just ran.

As we reached the door, we heard a loud sound


Ashar turned around, covered his arms around me and started to run again.

My mind had stopped working as I still hear sounds of explosions. I turned and saw that the whole house was on fire and even that place where we were standing seconds ago.

"Run... Fast" Ashar said and I did what he told me to do. My mind had stopped working.

We went far away from home as much as we could. Both were out of breaths.

Ashar took out his phone and called 911. He gave them details and then called Eddy.

I was in shock still as what could have been done if he didnt took me out. He can easily left me there to die and term it as a accident.

But he saved me. Why?

"Eddy is on his way" and next thing I know is that ye kept his hands on my shoulder and pulled me close for side hug.

He asked us to get into car and took us to office guesthouse.

"Eddy. You know what to do " Ashar said with a dead tone.

He nodded and took us inside.

We came in and sat on sofa. We were still recovering of the incident that neither of us looked at its interior.

After a long silence. Eddy spoke.

"I suggest you guys to announce your marriage now"

I was no one to speak in this matter. This marriage was all forced and just on documents. I doesn't matter here.

And honestly I am still in shock


"Announcing the marriage will put Sia's life in more problem" Ashar said

I turned to look at him.

It feels so weird listening my name from his mouth. And especially when he is in 'caring-for-sia' mode.

Is he the same guy who didn't care about me? Who thought I am a gold digger??

"It will put both of your lives in danger. But by announcing the marriage, it will be easier to set a trap for traitor." Eddy spoke.

"Whoever is behind all this will want to kill you both or one of you more quickly then. Because by announcing your marriage, you will deliver them the message that things are going better between you two and that's what he or she doesn't want" he explained the plan

Ashar was lost in his thoughts. So am I

"Think about it Ashar." He said and left.

Which leaves him and me alone.

Ashar turned and looked towards me and I looked to him searching for answers

He sighed and said

"Dont stress yourself right now. You already had enough. Go, have some sleep"

I don't understand this two faced demon.

I nodded and stood up to go to my room but suddenly a sharp pain hit me on my shoulder

I holded my arm as I cried in pain. I saw blood drops on the floor too

"Shit you're hurt" Ashar said

"I am fine. Dont worry" I started to move towards the room.

He came in front of me, blocking my way

"Just move" I said while trying to move him around.

Instead of moving,he did what he is best in doing.

He lifted me in his arms and move towards the room.

"Ashar please. I'm fine" but I wasn't. It was hurting me badly which I didn't realized earlier. But its bad I know.

He took me to kitchen area and took my coat off. I was wearing a nude color shirt black pant. Blood had made sleeve of my arm red. And it does made me scared more.

"Open buttons of your shirt" his tone was like ordering. I was embarrassed as I had never took my clothes off in front of any man. He lean forward to my ear and whispered

"Are you opening buttons by your self or you want me to do it?"

But I was in no mood for following his orders. He dont have that...

I was snapped out from my thoughts with sound of my shirt being teared apart.

"Hey" I tried to move his hand but it was too late. By the time I was in front from him just in my black bra

He filled his eyes with the view. And I moved my face to my side so he doesn't see me blushing. He pull down the strap of my bra down and cleaned the wound

"Its not that deep" he said. And I was not hearing. His hands on my bare skin was so intoxicating. I was so lost as his hard strong fingers touched naked skin of my shoulders. How it would feel when I'll feel those hands on my chest and thighs.

I didn't know when he came so close to me and whispered in my ear "Its done" his breath touched the base of my neck causing goosebumps.

I steady my fast heartbeat. "Thanks" I said. I stood up and went to one of the door,but it was gallery.

Again I felt that same drug of touch on my waist. "This way, sweetheart" he husked in my ears.

He took me to one of the bedrooms that a large bed with satin white bedsheet. He took me in and closed the door.

I went to bathroom to get freshen up. It was too much for me to handle. I already have enough.

Why I can't have normal life???

I splashed cold water on my face with the non-injured hand. Still figuring out what to do next.

I came out from bathroom just to find that my boss-cum-husband is still in my room, without shirt.

Shit. He's still here. He should have left for his room. I am no way coming out without proper clothes.

And why is he standing here without shirt???

The only way to find out was to ask.

"Mr. Ashar, can you please leave the room, so I can have my privacy?"

"There is only one bed room in this house"

Wait what?

"So where you would be sleeping ?" I shouted from bathroom.

"Here, with you. Now come out I need shower" he said

And it was true. I cant stay here forever.

So, I came out and saw him standing shirtless just outside the door.

Ohhh I would never get tired of this look!!

I kept my face down as to hide my blushing face.

"New clothes will be here before morning. Meanwhile we have to adjust" he said and went to bathroom passing by me.

I laid on the bed half naked. As soon as I heard the sound of opening the door I closed my eyes.

I was scared of whatever happened. I cant believe someone actually wants us dead. And even though Mr. Ashar doesn't accept, but he always found me one way or the other.

Felt the depression on bed, I know he is coming to sleep

"I know you're awake" he said. But I kept my eyes closed.

"Open up your eyes" he was ordering. I opened them but just kept looking down. He put his finger below my chin and lifted my face up. I know he saw my red eyes with tears and fear.

He climbed up on me and pressed his body against mine. Our skin made contact and I again felt the addictive smell of his breath and his signature perfume.

"Look into my eyes" he said and I did

His cold eyes were not so cold, rather warm.

"I won't let anything happen to you" he said

And my traitor tears fell from my eyes.

"Ssshhh..shhh its ok" he carefully hugged me and I just let him do that.

He moved away from me, but I hugged him back.

Just tonight!!!

"Sleep well, princess. You're safe" he said and I slept.


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