《Conditionally Married》28- Warning


Ashar pov

Why the fuck she doesn't take herself seriously. She needs rest but no, stubborn girl.

And then I saw her talking to some guy in basement. She was shifting her weight from one foot to other but she kept on talking...

"I will drive myself" I said to driver and looked behind

Sia was still very much behind. Limping..

She was in pain but it was hurting me. A sudden urge came and settled in my heart and went to her with fast steps.

She looked at me, catching her breath. While her eyes were asking me "what?"

I just kept on watching her eyes.. deep brown eyes with big lashes that touch each other when she blink. And those full lips that I cant wait to claim.

The more I see her, the more I want her. The more I want to mark her mine.

I lost the knowledge of time and space. I forgotten where was I, I just knew that my girl is standing in front of me.

And without wasting another second my lips descended on hers.

I closed my eyes enjoying this foreign feeling when the kiss turned out to be hot and passionate. Instead of moving them slow, I was moving them fast and hard almost punishing her for not following me. She was pushing me back but she underestimated my desire for her. My hand travelled from back of her neck towards her tigh and I lifted them to my waist. My other hand was holding her face pushing her to me more and more. Finally she lost it and I earned a moan from her in my mouth. I pinched her ass cheek and she gasped and I entered my tongue in her mouth. Our tongue danced in perfect rhythm, moving fast and I was exploring every inch of her mouth. She raised her hand to my hairs to give me a stop sign, but I refused and kept kissing her harder.

When I got so hard for her?

I was enjoying having her so close when a loud laugh broke my perfect moment

Breathing fast and hard I turned towards source of sound. It was my girl.

Dammit! I am now imagining her

I calmed myself and closed my eyes for a minute , while trying to get breath. I was uncomfortably hard from groin,so I tried to divert my mind from her.

Just then I hear her laugh again.

I turned and saw her standing with some guy.

Wait I have seen him somewhere.

My blood begins to boil when I saw her talking carelessly with some other man.


I took fast steps and reached to her in no time.

"Enough of chit chat Ms. Sia. You're here for my work and not for talking with ... I saw him and said "other man"

Sia was embarrassed. She should be. Her voice is only for my ears.

"I am sorry Mr. Ashar but..." That stupid guy interrupts

I gave him my coldest look and raised my left eyebrow

"WHO. ARE. YOU?" I asked

"Mr. Ashar I am Tristan and I had recently joined your company in sales and marketing department. Actually I came here as I also wanted to visit the land you're going to purchase. That is why ..."

I forgot about him. I knew he had joined the vacant place there.

"If you wanted to join, you should have asked ME and not my assistant. That is really unprofessional"

"Um .. I am really sorry... I ..I was just asking about her ankle and..."

"Dont give me lame excuses. I just know that you came here to talk to me about work but started to flirt with my...."

I saw her and her dark eyes met mine.

....wife.. But I'll make you mine in a way that you won't be able to forget and I'll make sure that you wont be able to walk properly when I'll confess.. when I'll make you my wife.

"Secretary. That was really.."

He interrupted me again

"Please Sir, this visit is really important for me too. We need to do market research of that area so we can prepare budget and predict sales"

As much as I hate to take him, I have to agree that he had got a valid point.

I dropped the idea of driving myself and called the driver.

"You sit in front" I said to Tristan. He nodded.

I turned to sit in the car when I saw Tristan opening the door of car for Sia. She smiled and sat in car.

Rest of the drive went in peace. I saw Tristan stealing glances of my girl through side mirrors. He is so in danger now.

We reached to a deserted area at highway.

"Welcome welcome Ashar" Bozo came and hugged me.

Bozo is my old friend and agent. He keep looking at new land and places for me where I can install new systems or new companies.

"Thanks Bozo.. Great to see you too"I hugged him back.

Sia and Tristan came together behind me. Laughing and talking.

I made a big mistake of taking him...

Bozo started to describe me about the area when they both joined me.

"Bozo, this is my secretary Sia and he is Tristan from sales and marketing department" I introduced them.


"Pleasure meeting with you sir" Said Tristan and shook hand

"You're a beautiful lady" Said Bozo while shaking hands with Sia.

One more Casanova....

"Thanks" her lips ran widely from ear to ear as she smiles.

"Bozo we don't have all day" I said. But what I wanted to say is "STOP FLIRTING WITH MY SIA"

"Oh busy as usual" Bozo raised both his hands in defeat and started to give us a tour.

"So here is that land which I want you to buy. It is perfect location with every resource available nearby. You'll be having advantage of the locals here as well as they can give cheap labor to you"

I was analyzing the area when Sia shouted

"Ouch.. oh my God!... Aaahhh"

I ran back as fast as I could, leaving Bozo behind.

"What happen?" I reached to her and found her sitting on a big rock.

"My ankle" tears formed from her eyes as she screams again.

She was seriously in pain. I guess I pushed her too much

"Let me handle this" Tristan came out of nowhere. He bent down and took off her shoes.

He touched her clean and fair feet. He lifted her pant above and started to massage her feet.

"Feeling better" he asked for which she nodded.

"Ok. Now this will hurt you little" and with that he twisted her ankle to left with both hands and she screams.

I was boiling with rage and anger. I couldn't tolerate when she talks to someone, how could I bear someone else touching her. I dig my nails deeper in my skin and I don't care if its bleeding or not.

As Sia screamed, I grabbed his collar and hit him hard on his face.

"How dare you touch her" I gave him another punch

"Sir... Please... Listen" he kept on begging me to listen, but I had lost my control when already. I kept punching him harder and harder when felt pair of hands on my arms.

I didn't need to turn around to see..

"I am alright Mr. Ashar. Stop it will you?" She said.

I lowered my arm,which was raised as I was going to hit him again. I took few steps backward and Sia took some steps forward as she helped Tristan.

He stood up with her help.

Sia turned towards me and looked at me with tears.

"He was just helping me Mr. Ashar with acupuncture and physiotherapy"

Her eyes were in darket shade, as she was angry.

"He helped me in making me walk again."

I never saw her this much angry. But this time I think she had enough!

It is said that if you close your eyes and you dont see the world, that doesn't mean that the world cant see you. Still I closed my eyes so that I don't have to see Sia taking care of some other man.

"Bozo, please continue" I said and went ahead leaving them behind.

I kept on going ahead. Dont want to see her touching him. Just the thought of this is making me boil.

I wrapped the tour as soon as possible and went back just to find Sia and Tristan on same place where I left them.

"We're going" I said.

We went back at office. Sia was still angry as her face was plain and with marks of tear that flowed.

When we were in office elevator, I said to him

"I need to see your report within two days"


"You wanted to join me on this visit, now I want report to see 'how much' you had understood" I said to him.

As elevator opens I went out, but Sia was talking to him about something that i didn't hear... And I dont want to hear that either.

"SIA.IN MY OFFICE NOW"I shouted as she wasn't expecting this.

It was 6 pm. So most of the staff were already gone.

She followed me to my room.

"What?" She asked. Still fuming. But she is still irresistible.

I walked towards her as I kept looking in her eyes. She was angry and now scared of what I will be doing now..

I kept moving closer and closer and she took steps backward. There was now no turning back as she hit the wall.

I caged her with my arms and got closer to her ears. She turned her face to other side. Her heart was beating faster as she was breathing heavily that her chest was touching mine.

"Look at me" I whispered in her ears with authority.

I went back to meet her face and saw that she didn't followed me.

My Stubborn Sia

I lifted my right hand and with my thumb and index finger,I turned her face towards mine.

She lifted her dark long eyelashes upward, and her dark eyes met mine.

" If I ever saw him touching you anywhere, I promise you that I will take you right here on this table and you won't be able to stop me"

Her eyes were now showing astonishment rather fear. She was still and didnt move.

My groin was hard again for her. But not now... Not at this moment.

I will deal with her later...


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