《Conditionally Married》22 - Expecting the Unexpected


Sia pov

I started to walk fast as I want to get as far from hotel as much I can and at the same time I dont want to get attention of any visitor.

Ok Sia, step 1 - run away far

Step 2 - ???

I didn't know the value of cell phone until now..

As per the map that I saw yesterday, the nearest hotel was 4 km away. But that would have been obvious spot for me to hide and I know he can get me there easily.

So I decide to stay as far as I can get from Rowan's hotel.

I hired a taxi and gave him instructions to take me.

Everything was going as per plan, just then car suddenly stopped with jerks.

"What happened?" I asked the driver

"Out of gas ma'am" he said.

"Dammit.. now what?"

"The nearest petrol pump is around 3km far and your destination is around 2km" he said

I did the math and calculations.

"I'll come with you" I said and he nodded.

We didn't talk much during our walk. I don't want to let him know my name and all. But still if someone tell him details of my physical appearance or show a photograph, he'll recognize me.

I have to take the risk, that's what Mr. Ashar did when he married me.

Shit.. you're missing him

Nope I cant be serious. Its just a random thought.

Means yaa I like his touch, I like giving him sarcastic and taunting answers. But missing him was the last thing I want to do.

"Hey babe. Wanna ride"

I turned around to see a group of vagabond boys in jeans and tshirt standing nearby.

Calm down calm down... Deep breaths

I ignored them and kept on walking as fast as I can.


"Come on beautiful" one of them said.

"Just keep walking" I said to driver

We try to go as far as we can, but those men were following us, passing comments though out.

When they realize that we are not giving up, they surrounded us from all directions.

"Girl, we're admiring your beauty and you're running away... Not fair"

"Stop it" with that the driver raised his fist to hit that guy. But someone from behind hit him with a baseball bat and the driver fell unconscious on the road

Now I am a dead meat

"Please let me go" tears forming in my eyes as now I was all alone with them.

"Once we taste you delicious lips and these full boobs and have a piece of your legs, you'll be free to go" the guy said and other laughed

It was not difficult to guess what they are planning to do.

The man who looked older among all took out his knife from his back and started to tear my dress from downwards.

"No please just let me go" I begged

A car came towards us, which diverted the attention of those men. I took full advantage of that , I dodged them and started to run

The car didn't stop for me. So I kept on running on my own.

"You won't get far" he shouted

"You wont be enjoying if you kept running" and they laughed

I didnt dare to look back, instead I focused on running.

After running for few minutes, I found a garage where there were all old rusted cars were standing

I was panting but adrenaline rush made my muscles and mind stronger and sharper. I didn't gave it another thought and hid behind one of the car.

I was shivering with fear and crying. I closed my lips tightly for not to make any sound.


"You search here, we'll go there. She wont be far" Those men said

"Find her first and enjoy her first" the person who I presumed was their leader shouted and they all cheered

I was very out of breath and it made sound while breathing. Tears were flowing heavily from my eyes and I have to keep it clean so that I can see them.

One of the man was coming towards the area where I was hiding

Shit.. what should I do

I cant move, it will attract him.

Please God help!!!

That man's footstep was coming closer and closer to me.

I know I'll be used by them and thrown like tissue paper, if they found me.

My eyes were wide open as I see him coming closer to the car where I was hiding.

Suddenly, a hand came out of nowhere and covered my mouth hardly.

I used my hands to take that hand out but it was very strong.

"Sshh ssshhh" male voice

I turned my face to see that person and I couldn't believe my luck

It was Ashar.

He signaled me to keep quite.

He found me...how?

He asked me to follow him. And I did that blindly.

I would like to die by his hands than those men.

He took me to a store room which was covered with wild trees. It was very well hidden and I don't know how he find that.

He pushed me inside and he came after and closed the door.

"You ok?" He asked in whisper

And I broke into tears.

"Sshh.. someone is coming" he said

But I couldn't control my sobbing. I tried as much as I could but still it made some sound

Out of nothing he came over me and put his lips on mine.

I looked him in astonishment, but then I saw a silhouette of a man nearby, so I kept quite

I holded him from his back.

His lips started to move on mine. He took my lower lip between his and suck it softly. He kept playing with it and then he took my upper lip as well giving me current of pure ecstasy.

It was something I was not expecting. But I like how it felt. His arms covered my waist. He kept his pressure on me which surprisingly didn't feel any heavy to me.

His smooth lips pressed against my lips again and again. I was losing the memory of present and was lost in this arms.

"She ran away. Let's find her there" we came back to our senses with that voice.

Ashar lifted his face and our eyes met.

His eyes looked me like a hungry lion... He wants more of me.

And I wanted to give him...

He stood up and looked out of small window

"They ran away" he said

And I took sigh of relief.

"Frank, I had sent you coordinates of my location. Bring some armed men with you as soon as you can" he said while talking on phone.

I too got up but decided to stay in sitting position.

I looked at him,but he didnt see me. As if he is trying not to make eye contact.

As if he regrets that moment.

I guess it was nothing... He just got into heat of that moment.

Surely,why would someone love an ugly girl?? Especially that girl who had stolen what was his.

For me, it was moment of a lifetime. I felt so much alive.

But who cares. His body language tells me that he is regretting kissing me.

Like I care...

I don't know what he'll do to me now?


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