《Conditionally Married》11- He made me his without love


"We are going to be married today. It will not be in any church rather it would be a court marriage" He said looking at me.

"Once we will get married. Your friends will be free."

"One more thing. We both will sign a confidentiality agreement where it is written that we both won't tell anyone about our marriage"

"But my friends know about it" I interrupted him and looked at them.

"I had prepared other contract for them as well that says if they leaked anything out, they will have to pay me 50 million dollars or else I can get them arrested for 7 years."

Bloody hell...

He had done his homework

I looked towards them. Their mouths still covered with tape.

"I love you guys. You guys had done enough for me. But now, it is my war. Let me fight it. Please you both sign the contract. Dont worry about me. I will be fine."

I dont know if I will be fine....

They both looked at me. But I insisted them to do whatever he is telling you to do.

"I am ready to sign" I kept my straight face.

"Eddy give her documents to sign" he ordered.

His men opened my hands. I took a sigh of relief and rubbed my wrist which were burning with pain. I tried to read that document but I couldn't focus. But I still pretended that I am reading. I signed the document.

"Eddy will take you to room upstairs. You have 30 minutes. Your dress and makeup stuffs are there. I hope you can hide your ugliness by yourself using those."

They all laughed at me.

I looked down. I wanted to burry myself right now.

I couldn't fight for myself. I am a loser.


They opened the ropes that were around my legs and Eddy took me to room upstairs. It was a pretty room with big dressing table and also had a bed and bathroom all neat and clean.

Eddy left and closed the door. I locked it as soon as he left and looked for something that can help me escape.

No window nothing.

I ran to bathroom. There was an exhaust fan installed. But it was too high.

I took chair from the dressing table and stood on it.

Just there... Almost..

But it was sealed with tight screws.


No where to escape.

Sia.. What are you trying to do

He still got Hayden and Violet

If he didn't find you he will kill them.

I realized my mistake.

Looked at the watch and realized that I just had 20 more minutes

20 minutes to get married

I took really small shower and looked at my dress.

It was white strapless sweetheart neckline lace dress over white lining with an a-line above the knee length skirt and snow ribbon belt at natural waist.

At least it was white.

I wore it and then applied makeup carefully as not to ruin my dress.

My wedding dress

I cover all the marks and applied dark peach colored lipstick and wore sandals.

All were of my perfect size.

Just then there was knock on the door.

My 20 minutes were up

I opened the door and it was Eddy

"You ready"

I nodded.

He started to walk and I followed him like a lost puppy.

He took me to a car where Mr. Ashar was already sat.

Eddy opened the door for me and I sat next to Mr. Ashar. He then closed the door and sat on driving seat and started to drive.


There was silence though out the journey . I looked out of the window whole time as to ignore any eye contact with any one.

As the car stopped, Mr. Ashar got out of car, opened my side of door and took my hand by wrist.

"Come on" he said.

Things were going so fast. My mind was refusing to accept all this.

He had hold me very tightly as if I will ran away.

Did he forget that he have my friends with him?

We kept on walking when I looked at the door.

I know this place. I had seen it before.

This is Mr. Burke's office.

As we enter in that room. Mr. Burke and another man who looked like a judge were already there.

I just stood there with Mr. Ashar. Keeping my mouth shut.

What was the point anyway to talk or to resist.

He got money. He had even arranged a judge using his power.

I recalled everything standing there.. The will, my friends, his kidnappings,etc. How cruel he can be.

I wish Mr. Nicholson had not included me in all this.

"Ms. Sia, please sign here and here" voice interrupted me. It was of judge asking me to sign marriage document.

Or rather my death document.

I looked towards Mr. Ashar with tears in my eyes begging him to let me go.

"Sign now" he said with strict tone.

And I signed.

"You may now exchange your rings" The judge said.

Mr. Ashar took out two boxes of rings. He gave one to me and one he kept with himself.

He took the ring out from box and just like this marriage, he forcefully glide the ring into my fingers

Then I took the ring out from the box I held and inserted the ring into his finger and left it in mid way.

"I pronounce you husband and wife" the judge said.

Husband and wife... Without love

What a joke..

It was just a business deal.

For two years.

And suddenly my heads starts to spin and it kept on spinning until I feel dead.


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