《Conditionally Married》8- Its complicated


I followed him to parking lot. He went towards his car which was Audi. No doubt he can afford it.

"Sit" he ordered moving towards car.

He is no one to tell me what to do outside office.

"I'll take my car. I'll follow yours" I told him instead of asking.

"Then I will assume that you had died if you lost your way."

"What do you mean?" I asked

" That means do not expect that I will be your prince charming and will look for you " He made it clear

"I prefer dying rather to be saved by you". I snapped and went towards my car.

I really dont know why he keep pissing me off. I mean cant he just live and let me live.

His words were running in my mind. Will... Marriage..uh. It is true that Mr. Nicholson saved my life. But still he didn't have right to bound me in his family matters. Especially with his son.

I was following his car though out. I dont want to get lost anyway.

His car stopped in front of a big building, his driver opened the door for him. I also stopped my car and gave keys to valet and went with him.

As we were getting closer to meet him I was getting nervous and fidgeting with my pen that I always carry.

We took elevator and reached to 10th floor of the building.

There was the office of lawyer on the right whose name I supposed was Mr. Burke.

" Hi we have an appointment" He took the lead and told the receptionist.

"Of course Mr. Ashar, he is expecting you and the lady. Please come"

We entered in the office. It was antique style room,with bookshelves on every corner of the room. On some walls, there were his degree hanged and at some places his pictures.


There was a big window just behind his chair. His table was neatly organized.

"Welcome Ashar. Its great to see you. Oh my God you had so changed. When I last saw you, you still were in diapers. And now look at you."

I literally imagine how he would be looking in diapers and laughed silently.

"I am sorry about your father. I was out of country for a week and when I came back I heard the news. Albert and I were friends since childhood. He was such a fine man. Such a loss"

Mr. Burke was saying truth as it was seen in his eyes. Later, he composed himself and looked at me.

"I presume you are Sia?"

I forwarded my hand for shake , which he took and I said "Its a pleasure meeting you sir"

"Please have a seat and we will begin". Lawyer said.

He continued " usually will reading takes place in homes of the deceased or family members. But we can't take risk of leaking out any information regarding will that is why you people are called here. I know you people have so many questions. I will answer them all. Be patient and listen carefully."

I took a deep breath as he begin reading.

" I Albert Nicholson s/o Fred Nicholson. Aged 66 years. Residing at .." He started to read the particulars of will where it was stated whatever he had overall.

It all was of no interest to me. I was just looking for the clause where I was involved.

Then he started

"1. Mr. Ashar will have to marry to Ms. Sia within one month after my death

2. Mr. Ashar will have to stay married with her for atleast 2 years

3. During these 2 years, 51% of my company's share will be of Ms. Sia's and remaining 49% will be of my son's. If the couple decided to part away before completing their term, Ms. Sia will become full owner of 51% of shares without any restrictions.


4. They both should live together.

5. They both should sign all official documents (contracts, partnership, etc) to make it valid or else it will be null and void.

6. Any extra marital of any one or both of partner (within the term of their marriage) shall immediately led to disqualification and their share will be gone to charity.

7. Death of any partner shall be fully investigated. If anyone of them had found guilty,their share will automatically be transferred to stakeholders.

8. In case of divorce before or after the term, Ms. Sia will receive 10% profit for 25 years from company. Mr. Ashar will be liable to provide Ms. Sia suitable house as per need and wish of her.

I dont know about Ashar, but I was in complete trauma. I couldn't move myself. I wanted to go out the room but my feet felt so heavy.

"So do you both agree?" Mr. Burke asked us.

"I cant believe he can do this to me" I sighed.

"Ms. Sia, Albert wanted only goodness in your lives."

"Goodness?? Really" I snapped with anger " Basically he is asking me to become a prostitute of his son for two years. This is what you call goodness??"

"Ms. Sia that was certainly not his intentions" He defended his client.

"I doubt that." Tears now running from my eyes ruining my mascara.

"I will never be a part of all this"

I was about to collapse and I ran outside as to save myself from misery.

I drove back to my apartment. And I called Hayden and Violet as well.

"Oh my God! Really? What the hell. Are such wills even legal?" Violet asked .

"When you are one of the richest people in country, I guess everything is legal" I stated.

Just then Hayden said "Sia, I guess we need to think of a plan asap. Ashar will do anything to get you so that he can get his father's property"

I too had that thought, but was too scared to accept it

"Shit" I slammed my fist on table.

We all spent whole night thinking about anything to save me from the devil.

I dont know when I fallen asleep, and Hayden woke me up and said " I got an idea"

"Lets be the reason for someone's smile today.."

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