《Subway Cars & Lonely Hearts》thirtyseven/irl/


italics ~ elliot

underline ~ grace

wednesday september 19th 7:31 am est

the silence of the morning was interrupted by the soft noise of an iphone camera clicking over and over again, accompanied by the soft mumbling of "holy fucking shit i must be dreaming."

carter's eyes snapped open almost immediately at the sound and he pulled elliot's still asleep head further into him so she was hidden, all before he was fully awake and conscious.

"sorry! i didn't mean to startle you i swear i was just going to send the pictures to elliot!"

he chuckled before replying, ""

her eyes widened as he spoke, taking in his presence. "so she wasn't fucking lying. she texted me last night and i thought she was joking. her carter really is you carter."

elliot stirred at the noise of their voices but didn't wake up, she only seemed to pull the boy on the couch with her impossibly closer. At this action, carter smiled down at her, taking his eyes off of grace, and grace being grace used the opportunity to snap another picture, silently this time.

"so anyway, this seems like the perfect opportunity for the best friend talk. you guys are so in love it makes me sick, so don't break her heart or i'll break your face blah blah blah you get it right?"


the continued chatter seemed to finally encourage elliot to wake up, and her eyes opened to carter looking back at her.

"morning," she smiled looking up at him, and then over to grace, "i'm assuming you've met? hopefully she hasn't scared you off."

"for your information ellie, i think you should actually be thanking me," she waved her phone in the air, "mario told me to start collecting for the wedding, and i have obliged."


"i'm going to kill you," her cheeks turned red.

carter, on the other hand, was amused at the situation. ""

"of course, thank you for being so supportive," she looked at elliot, "somebody should take note. anyway, i have an early meeting so i'll see you guys later." grace left the apartment, leaving the two of them alone again on the couch.

"do you have meetings or stuff today?"


"perfect, i should be done with work by then, too," she smiled at him and her stomach growled. "i'm hungry."

"" he got up and held his hand out to pull her up too ""

"there's this bagel store on the corner that has the literal best everything bagel in the entire world."


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