《Subway Cars & Lonely Hearts》twentyeight/texts/


italics ~ elliot

tuesday september 18th 9:26 am est

elliot: good morning

elliot: is it weird that i'm nervous

elliot: well i wasn't but maybe i should consider it...

elliot: but honesty the nerves are more about me making a complete fool of myself in front of you

elliot: promise that you'll like me in real life?

elliot: deal

elliot: are you going to send me a picture of your pinky again?

elliot: wow it's so beautiful

elliot: i guess i have to send one back

elliot: ignore my baby barf nail polish me and grace picked each other's nail colors

elliot: sparkly neon orange, so gorgeous

elliot: alright i actually have to do my job now my boss is calling

elliot: see you c

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