
(Thank you for requesting I'll try to be posting a little early like 9:00 - 10:00 and please enjoy~♥)



You and kou and also yashiro was every close and always hang out together especially you and kou hanako San the bathroom ghost that was mistaken is a boy was your boyfriend and of course he'll was jealous of how you and kou he understands you and yashiro because she's actually childhood friends but not kou

Most of the time you and kou go to a cafe or over his house and completely forget about cleaning duty

Of course you be hanging out with your boyfriend but not as much as you do to kou you guys be having the best conversations that hanako thought kou minamoto himself was trying to take you away from him

Sometimes kou be busy hanging out with mitsuba sure but he just take you right away from hanako to hang out with mitsuba and him and it's actually hurting him and you didn't notice

When you want to hangout with hanako you tell kou and he'll understand but that only happens about 1 or 2 times a week and hanako is kinda sick of it

So today was cleaning duty but hanako told all three of them it's canceled and he need a talk with you

You all understood but what is kinda freaking you out is that hanako your first boyfriend wants have a talk with you maybe he wants to break up with you which that scares you the most but of course you understand why he would do that to you

You haven't spead time with him more than kou of course kou didn't have romantic feelings for you I mean only a little but he actually likes mitsuba and I mean in a romantic way and you like hanako in a romantic way to you'll never replace him with another guy



ou sure have some explaining to do now


"Bye bye~ (y/n) see you tomorrow!" "Later (y/n)!!" Yashiro and kou said to me before walking home I waved them goodbye

I had to stay till everyone in the school was gone and meet hanako at the front of the lockers? I stayed there soon I felt a cold hand on my right shoulder I looked to see hanako

"O-oh yeah hanako, what did you need me here for?" I ask but I felt my hand got dragged into a hug "h-hanako!" I said embarrassed and I heard "finally nobodys here~" Than I felt I got lift up it was hanako I squirm a bit

I felt him walking later we were in the bathroom he sit me down on the window that was covered making the bathroom dark but you can still see I heard him closed and locked the door as he finally turns to me and walked up

"Hanako what's going on" I said blushing waiting what else he gone do but he goes close to my face placing his hand on mine "(y/n) do you trust me?" He ask and I nodded this is kinda making me want him I close my legs a bit


I saw her close her legs heh I smirk at her and pick her up by her legs and sat her on the sink I put myself between her legs making her put her legs around my waist as I kissed her neck while taking ofc her clothes slowly as she moan out "ahh~ hanako~" I smirk and ripped all her clothes off and threw them somewhere I don't know what and also took off her panties and bra

And I kiss down her body all the way down to her pussy once I was I lick her pussy wow she was so wet "hehe you're wet you been waiting for this?" I said and I saw her nod


I started to lick her pussy thrusting my tongue in and out of her going deeper each time "ahhh!!~ hanako~ right there please hit that spot again!!~" She screamed as she started moving her hips I pulled out

"Now now~" I said and she whine I took off all my clothes as she started "like what you see babygirl?~" I ask I know she enjoying this~ she slowly nodded her head as I rub my dick on her pussy as she moaned out "ahh~ hanako please~" (Y/n) begged I smirk and put it inside her "AHH~" I moaned out hiding my face in her neck kissing it and I moved my hips fast "AHHH~ HANAKO PLEASE GO FASTER PLEASE~" she screamed I nodded and went faster

"You know... You were hanging out with kou all day everyday I think you deserve punishment~" I whisper in her ear nibbling it a little

"Ahhh~ ahh!!~" She moan and nodded and I sat down at the window placing her on the floor "suck it~" I said with a smirk she nodded and suck on my cock I pulled my head back "ahh!!~" I grabbed her hair and pulled her head down more making her deep throat me "SHIT!~" I screamed "wait, wait stop!"I said and she stop and looked at me

"What's wrong?" She ask I shock my head "nothing it's just I almost came" I pant out I grabbed her hand and she got on my lap putting my cock inside her making us both moan out in pleasure "ahhh~" She moaned and bonuse on me I pulled her into a hug as she continues "AHH~ a h-hanako!!~" (Y/n) moan it's making me more hard

"AHHH~ HANAKO I THINK I MIGHT CUM!!" she screamed I nodded "ME TO!!~ AH!~ AHH!!~"

Right after I said that me and (y/n) came at the same time

After me and her pant like dogs I softly kissed her lips as she kissed back

Hana-your mine, got it?~


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