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(Y/n) was just in her bed alone sick in her room

A second pass and she sneezed and made a soft sigh after "this is all sakura fault" She mumbled talking to herself she had to skip school today to

(Y/n) made another soft sigh and turn to her side staring at her phone with a pink phone case with strawberries all over 'sakura.. Please come back for me...' You thought with a little tear forming at the corner of your left eye

Soon she heard the door of her room open she looked up to see sakura her new girlfriend "(y/n) how are you feeling?" She said with a white plastic bag with stuff inside of it she gently placed it down on the floor

"W-why are you here?" You asked as you sat up slowly and looked away from her as sakura giggled a bit a bend down a little "now now... I only came here to see how you doing" She said looking a little tired

And you quickly got back in your bed making a quick moment and pull the covers over you "i-i can deal with something this minor" You said as you pouted

"Oh? We're you crying earlier from being lonely?" Sakura said with a little smirk "huh? No I wasn't..." You said with a frown as you finally layed you eyes on her

She made a even bigger smirk and stayed quite as her expression says 'that's not ture' you quickly sat up as you cheeks were red "I really wasn't crying!" You shouted with a pout

"Okay, okay, if you don't calm down, your cold won't be better" Sakura says as she push you a little making you lay down and tucked you in as you sigh


"I thought you'll be at school?" You said looking into the side as Sakura sat down at the other side of your bed "yeah, but I'll worried about you, so I left early"

She said while smiling you turn your head facing her "you left early?" You said with a blush

"Your face is a little red, do you still have a fever?" Sakura said as she put her right hand on your right cheek and lean in to put her forehead against yours "yeah... It seems like you still have a fever, (y/n) are you in any pain?" She ask you face was even redder and you kept silently as your (e/c) eyes stared into hers green/yellow eyes

After about 5 seconds of staring you look away and mumbled "I'm... A little thirsty" "Huh?" "I'm thirsty!" You said now turning your whole body around your back facing her

She stared at you for a minute and smiled she got in the bag the she brought earlier and got a little water bottle and lean on your bed gently putting the cold water on your blushing cheek

"Here you go, I figured you wanted some so one the way I bought some and some snacks for you" She said leaning closer you still looked away she look at you for a moment and at the water bottle and smirk

Sakura sat up and druck some of the water and place it down somewhere putting the top on it

She got on top of you pinning your arms above your head "huh!? hold on wait-" You shout but as you said that she leaned in closer and closer to your face and kissed your soft lips opening your mouth putting the water in from her mouth to yours making sure you drink it


Soon she pulled away as she licked your lips "you want some more?" She asked mumbled but you head her of how close you guys were "i-im okay" You said to her back

And she put her left hand from your wrist and place it on your forehead head

"(Y/n) your sweating. Do you want to change?" She ask and you turn your head away "n-not really!" You blush of what she said "that's no good, if you want to get better, you need to change your clothes and rest" She said as she sat up "really?" You said moving your (e/c) eyes at her and as Sakura went ahead and unbutton your shirt "if your changing I'll wipe your body down for you"

She said with out hesitating to stop

"You haven't taken a bath yet, right?" She says as she continues and finally realized and sat up quickly "i-i can do it myself... I'm fine" You said blushing she playfully smiled "oh, come on. There's no need to be embarrassed" As she creepily moved her arm towards you and you pulled the covers over your body quickly "I'm fine!" You shouted "I can do it myself, I don't need you!!" You shouted once more at her

"H-hey, you're gonna make your cold worst!" Sakura says while she struggled to get the coves off your but you won't buge "give it up!" She said as she used all her mite and pull the covers off to reveal you with your button shirt almost off you. You quickly covered yourself by using your arms

"Jeez Sakura your so pushy" You said not looking her way of how she sees you like this in front of her she softly smiled and and kissed your cheek "it's okay I'll get right back okay" She said and left the room

You smiled and took off your clothes

As soon sakura came back she saw you with your clothes off and blush

You looked at her and walked up to her "sakura I... I want you~ and I want you to touch me please..." You said and kissed her lips she was shocked but kissed back taking off her clothes

She pulled you on the bed while kissing you "of course" She said as her clothes were off completely


"A- ahh~ sakura mmm~" You moaned out as you hugged her closer to you as you moved your 2 fingers that was in her pussy faster as she did the same "ahh~ baby right there~" She said and you nodded


A little sneeze came from a green haired girl lays down on the bed "this is your fault you know" Sakura said with a giggle as you put your head down "ugh I'm sorry" You said and she patted your head "hey it's okay~" She said "I'll get better soon" And you nodded "now go ahead and go to school I can take care of myself~" She said and gasp but nodded one side of your saying thats a lie but you ignore it

"Wait (y/n)!" She said and you turned to her "I had fun last night~" She said and your face went 50 shades of red and you ran out the house with a "BYE GET BETTER!!!" she giggle at your attitude and fell asleep

While she was asleep you skip school again and was right there by her side like she did for you~♥

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