

I wake up and sigh. I go put my outfit on and walk outside. Tom is playing with Dee. I smile and walk over to him. "You look so cute with Dee" said Clara. "Thank you and she is one hell of a girl" smiled Clara. I make some cereal and then I watch Dee laugh with Tom. I smile at him and he kisses me. "We will soon be going to America" said Tom. "I know... a break" said Clara. Tom takes my hand. "Everything will be fine. I promise" said Tom. There is a knock on the door and I open it. Jimmy and Natalie are standing there. "We got a call from Karl's lawyer, you can't leave country with Daisy" said Jimmy. "But I'm meant to be going with Tom" said Clara. "I know. There is nothing we can do about this. We tried to argue his cause but he has connections" said Natalie. I look at Tom. "Baby me and Dee will stay here" said Clara. Tom nods and kisses me. "I think.... I can't.... I'll see if I can postpone it" said Tom. "No" said Clara. "Yes." said Tom. "No! You will go. No buts or no's" said Clara. Tom just nods.

I sigh and they leave. Natalie heavily pregnant. Tom sits down. "How can I leave when you'll be dealing with Karl by yourself, surely having me here would help" said Tom. I look at him. "It would but your fans" said Clara. "No. I'm ringing them and telling me the situation. We can postpone until this is sorted. You can't stop me, Clara" said Tom. He goes to his room to call. Dee sits on my lap and I sigh. Dee is turning 2 in a couple of days so a birthday activity will be done. Tom looks at me. "I think it's time we announce our relationship" said Tom. "I agree" smiled Clara. We decide to do a photo shoot.


It's over and they send the pictures to us. We're gonna post our one first before thee family one.

TomHolland2013: This is my beautiful girl, Clara. God.... family friends, lost touch and somehow found our way back to each other. She is amazing and she is mine. I will always shower her with love. I know I never tell when I date but Clara is different. She is my forever, really. :)

Hazosterfield: Wow congrats Tom and Clara :D Must meet up soon!

Clara_Fisher: Me and this hunk are officially dating. I'm never letting you go again Tom. Never. Your my forever, baby!

Hazosterfield: Aw must catch up! :P

Clara_Fisher: You all know I have a kid but here is a family picture of us. Tom never shied away from helping me with Dee and they both have a connection and I am so proud to say that his the perfect dad. Dee won't call him step-dad but dad. I was a single mother but now I have a boyfriend and Dee has a father figure. Thank you Tom for being here with us.

TomHolland2013: I now have a daughter. A beautiful, loving daughter. No matter what happens I will protect her till death. No boys allowed at her, she is too special for boys. You might not be blood but your my daughter forever and always no matter what happens! x

Hazosterfield: You three are amazing and beautiful again!

We spend the day cuddled and planning the custody case. We need to stop Karl. Our dinner we just ordered in pizza.

At 8 we Dee to bed and we go to our to do some activities that require a bed at least and yes I am talking about sex but we call it making love. We fall asleep after, me on top of Tom... fully satisfied.

We will stop Karl!

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