

I wake up and groan. Daisy is still asleep. I go look for an outfit. I put on some nice outfit and curl my hair and do light make up. I go out and make some breakfast and then hear Daisy. I go over and pick her up. I put her in a skirt, a blue top and converse. I smile and kiss her forehead. I feed her breakfast and wow, she is hungry. I love her. I eat mine and then we decide to go to the park and go buy some small snacks for a picnic. I put her in the pram and we begin the walk to Tesco's. I smile and look around. I go inside and it's fun. I buy some sandwiches and some drinks and goodies. I pay and we head to the park.

I find a spot and we sit down, after I put the blanket down. I smile and place Daisy on the ground. I kiss her forehead and smile. "You hungry?" asked Clara. She claps and I laugh. I give her a strawberry. She smiles. I have a strawberry and take a sip of my water. Daisy claps her hand. I notice a woman walking around. She spots me and walks over. "Hi..... I'm America and I just moved here last week I was wondering if you knew any good coffee place?" asked the girl. "Oh Starbucks, Costa" said Clara. "Oh I'm Gabriella" said Gabriella. "Clara and my daughter Daisy" said Clara. She smiles. "You can join us" said Clara. She smiles and sits down. "Thank you" said Gabriella. I smile at her.

She digs in and makes Daisy laugh. "So Clara where is her dad?" asked Gabriella. "Dumped me" said Clara. "Oh that's shit" said Gabriella. "Yeah.... Karl Foster. His a dick" said Clara, whispering the dick part so Daisy doesn't hear us. "Oh wow. I hate that." said Gabriella. I smile at her and she smiles back.


We finish and I show her where Costa is, since that's closer. Anyway once we get there, I say bye because I have to go home and bath Daisy. We swap numbers before we part ways though. I walk home and we go inside. I get everything ready and put Daisy in. I smile at her and she splashes. I smile. I take her out and dry her. She smiles and I put her pyjama's on. I smile and then we have dinner. I put Daisy to bed and kiss her forehead.

I watch some movies. I then go to bed at 11.

Today was fine. Nice, even.

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