《You, since forever》Chapter 13
The next morning , the wedding shenanigans were in the full swing. The guests were pouring. Especially Taimoor's paternal relatives. The distant ones were all surprised to find Taimoor's wife but Phupho handled the matter very well and gave her the kind smile evertime someone asked Haya about the rushed marriage.
Phupho is like Mama . Haya thought as she eyed her phupho who was busy getting the baskets of sweets ready. She had decided to call Phupho and Phupho Sahab, Ami and Abbu like Taimoor. They had welcomed her with open hearts. They treated her like their daughter , the least she could do was refer to them as Ami and Abu, she had thought. But what if Taimoor , looked too much into it was hindering her from acting on it.
Who cares if he does look to much into it ?You love him dummy . When he looks too much into it , he'll figure that out. If he hadn't until now since you are all smiles and blushing . Her alter mocked her.
"Phupho , don't worry I'll go to the parlor with Saman. Aiman Appa can handle her in-laws. " Haya offered.
"You shouldn't refer to your mother in law as Aunt . Tahira you have given her way too much freedom), Taimoor's Phupho Ami who was sitting on the table sipping her chai told her.
"Jee " ,Haya replied meekly. She was already planning to call Phupho, 'Ami' but Taimoor's Phupho just made things easier. Thank you Phupho Ami.
. (Ami, I'll look into it . Don't worry.) " Haya comforted her and ended getting a kiss on her forehead in return. She felt blessed. Forehead kisses were comforting and just heartwarming.
"Beta , why don't you ask Taimoor to drop you and Saman to the parlor. He's in the study with Shahmeer."
Shahmeer is here.Haya thought as she gave her mother in law a bright smile. Haya wanted to inquire about her friend ,Mariyam. She havent talked to her since her wedding. After her wedding , she didn't want to disturb her. It would have been awkward if she disturbed them at the wrong time . She wanted Mariyam to get on terms with the marriage and after that the couple had went on the 'long' honeymoon.
God, thinking about the last night's conversation and the way of birds and the bees still burned her cheeks. She was not so ignorant about these matters. She had read novels, she had biology in 10th and 12th standard. Even though her mother had not explained the work of nature, she knew enough. It was effing 21st century and Haya was no ignorant. And even if she were, she certainly didn't need some enlightenment from Taimoor.
Humming a love song , Haya smiled her way to the study. Being in love does that to you. Your heart feels like singing, the colors seems attractive and brighter , you feel like dancing and you smile a lot more and a lot often.And almost at everyone .
In the study , Shahmeer sat on the camel-back beige sofa , looking as distressed as he could while Taimoor was pacing around the study like a desi mother , whose son wasn't home and its 12 already . "It is messed up." Shahmeer said looking up at his friend who was still pacing around the study.
"I know. I know. When I married her, I was just guilty for the bet. Or I thought I was. I and Salman placed on her. I felt guilty thinking that maybe that was the reason which drove Salman to the obsession that he couldn't take no. I was a kid okay. I didn't know it would turn out like this. HELL, I THOUGHT HE WOULD BE OVER THAT. But then after our nikkah, Salman handed me over a 1000 ruppe note telling me I won. I was shocked. Baffled. Appalled. But instead of punching his face to pulp I just sat there . LOST! I planned on telling her from the start. I wanted to tell her. But she was feeling betrayed by everyone. The look she had in her eyes when she said 'no one believes me Taimoor' tore me apart .And I wanted to be there for her. So, I with-held the truth. I didn't intend to fall for her. HELL, I thought I'd tell her, but I couldn't. She thought , I married her because I pitied her. It was guilt or maybe the fact that I have always loved her. She'd leave me if she finds out. And I don't want her to go. I love her, man. I love all those 'stay safes' , 'have a good day' , 'sleep well' messages she sends with a yellow heart emoji even when we are just a room apart. And she uses a yellow heart because she doesn't want me to think that she is in love with me. God, she sends everyone red hearts and I get the yellow one." Taimoor said frowning.
He deserved a pink heart if not a red. He wanted a red heart too. Not just the emoji one, he wanted her heart just like she had his.
" I love how she involuntarily leans into me when we are watching a movie, or just sitting together. She is such a snuggler and a cuddler. I love how her face lights up because she feels important , I love how she funny she is . You know her comeback game is so strong. She once told me that the only thing I could turn on was a microwave." Taimoor said as he smiled. His eyes were glinting with admiration and pride.
"I love her so much Shahmeer, and I don't want to lose her. Not now, not ever. She makes my life better. She makes every shitty day worth living. She is my sun , my moon and all my stars." Taimoor said as he finished his speech. There was so much more that he wanted to add but he had to restrain himself. Shahmeer was his best friend. He didn't need the extra information , Taimoor had just given like a 14-year-old who was suffering from bad breakup.
Taimoor was in deep shit. And it was all his fault. "I understand man. I get that you love her. Just tell her the truth before she finds it on her own. She'll understand. From what I have heard from Mariyam, she's quite great at forgiving people. Plus, the bet was what a decade ago? She would not hold it against you. Hopefully ." Shahmeer had amended after witnessing the look of disbelief on his best friend's face as he got up and patted Taimoor's shoulder in support.
Mariyam hadn't only told Shahmeer about Haya's forgiveness. She had told him some more. Mariyam had told Shahmeer how she had always felt that Haya and Taimoor were meant to be. How they didn't see it coming or realized it, but they were destined to be with each other. That there is a thin line between love and hate which Haya would have probably crossed by now. That Haya never even hated Taimoor, it was just mutual dislike.
Shahmeer had laughed when his wife had told him all that. He had told her that she was delusional and romantic which had earned him a glare. But God, his wife was right, like he was . Taimoor was a whipped man . The funny part was that the mighty , control freak , bossy Taimoor didn't see that coming. And since he loved to be in control, he hated how his heart wasn't in his control all this while .Resisting it every time it began beating for her. Shahmeer was glad that Taimoor had finally come to his senses. It was high time.
"It is so unlike me and so like my wife, but I have to say it. I knew it since the beginning. When you chased that Afnan away , I saw it coming. Remember that day when you threatened Afnan. After that I asked you why you were all worked up and ranting about how stupid and naïve Haya was. To be exact I said something like (Are you his brother ? Why are you taking it on your heart, maybe she likes him ( You should have seen your face. ) It seemed you would have killed me instead of Afnan for making such claim" . Shahmeer said as he laughed reminiscing the day and Taimoor's animated face.
Taimoor joined his best friend as the recalled the day. God , Taimoor hated Afnan with passion. What a swine he was. Going after his girl . His kitty !
Everyone was out in the lawn ,Taimoor's sister Saman and Aiman, Haya and Hassan and Haris were sitting in a circle . They used to do it every night. They would sneak in the lawn when everyone slept and talk as the gazed the night sky full of stars. They would talk about anything. Favorite movies ,ideal personalities, you name it.
Haya was sitting there talking to Aiman Appa in her light pink chicken shalwar qameez looking so adorable as her cheeks turned red every time, she made eye contact with anyone. Such a child she was. She infuriated him. He didn't like how naive and stupid she could be. Open a door for her , and she would look at you with the "please-marry-me" expression. Taimoor despised that. She was vulnerable to everyone's deceit and such an easy target. Because for her there was no grey. It was either black or white. And mostly white for her. Mamo jaan was at fault for that. He had protected her so much, shielded her from the outside word to such extent that she failed to realize that not everyone was to be trusted. God, she lacked maturity.
Every boy from his class had this crush on sweet innocent Haya even though she was a junior. She was partly responsible for that too. He knew that since she just went all smiles, with her dimple showings, her cheeks reddening, every time someone made eye contact with her. Normal people consider that flirting but for Haya it was good manners. She took smiling for charity to another level.
What exasperated Taimoor more was the fact that she was completely oblivious of the crushes everyone had developed like she was oblivious to everything which was happening around her. To shatter her self-confidence, he had gone far and called her fat. She wasn't fat. She was perfectly well proportionate , and maybe that was something that didn't sit well with him. He hated how his conscience sometimes considered her perfect. How he found her intoxicating.
She is n't perfect. She is bloody stupid , idiotic and beautiful. Taimoor thought. God again he had thought of her as beautiful. He felt like a jerk every time he thought about her like that. He hadn't meant to add that beautiful at the end of insults. But he did and it was true no matter how much he contradicted it.
19-year-old Taimoor sat on the foyer watching the 14-year-old Haya , who was laughing like there was no tomorrow, her eyes were glittering with tears of joy. "Tujhe Haya say kya problem hai?"(What is your issue with Haya) Salman asked as he said beside him putting his hand on Taimoor's shoulder. "Pagal hai woh"(She is crazy) Taimoor replied, dismissing him. And Salman sighed ."Haan shayad mere pyar.Jese main uskay Pyar main ."(Maybe she is crazy in love with me , like I am.) Salman was looking dreamily at Haya . Taimoor didn't know why but it infuriated him. Salman and Haya.NO .A BIG FAT NO ! He wanted to say. Not say, shout. But then his bond with his cousin came in between and he had to be civil.
Again, her naivety had gotten Salman misinterpreting her kindness as her crushing on him, or that she was interested in him. "Tumhara dimag kharab ho gaya hai.( You have gone mad.)" Taimoor said without realizing that his tone was slightly louder and harsher than he had intended it to be. Salman looked at Taimoor in disbelieve over the claim and over his strange behavior. "Okay 1000 ruppess says, she is into me." Salman said staring her like she was a piece of meat. It took all his self-control to not to punch him.
At that moment Haya decided to raise her eyes only to meet Taimoor's .Her cheeks became rosy as she saw them looking at her shamelessly. For a moment her gaze stilled on Taimoor and then flicked around. "Done, I know she isn't . Common let's play truth and dare. We will find out." Taimoor had claimed. "Whatever man, I will have her one day." Salman said, the determination in his tone was upsetting. But Taimoor let it slip, as they both went to sit beside everyone. Taimoor hadn't realized how serious Salman was. If only he had.
As they had planned, everyone was sitting in the lawn playing truth and dare . Both Taimoor and Salman were looking forward to Haya's turn. And then the bottle, finally landed on Haya. Salman asked who her favorite cousin was. Taimoor knew that there was no way she would take his name. He always has been intentionally extra mean to her , hoping that she would toughen up, fight back instead of being the shy mouse she was. But still a small part of him had hoped that she would take his name.
Haya was blushing like an idiot when Aiman appa had claimed that it was him. Aiman appa was really out of her mind if she thought Haya ,crushed over him. HIM of all the people? It had brought him immense joy , but was he going to admit it ? No ! He was going to overthink it and convince himself that his sister was out of her mind.
Haya looked shocked .Her mouth had turned into an O shape while Salman smirked at him, he had "see-she-is-horrified" expression plastered on his face while his eyes were shinning with satisfaction. Taimoor felt disgusted just thinking that she would choose Salman . Salman was his cousin come friend, but he knew Salman and knew that he would corrupt an innocent soul like Haya. Taimoor didn't know why but he felt protective of her. So, the thought of her and Salman were disgusting and sickening. She was too good for someone like Salman.
He was lost in his thought when Haya voiced her objection to the claim made earlier by his sister, telling everyone that she hated him. Her words stung. He was okay with the dislike, but the H word set him off.She hated him? The confession was destructive. It was a blow he wasn't ready for.
She had hurt his ego in-front of everyone or so he thought . But it wasn't just his ego. It had broken his heart, but he was too proud to admit that ,even to himself. Taimoor couldn't control himself and before he knew he was hurling insults back at her.
But instead of returning all the mean words, she instead got up and left with those big doe eye filled with tears. Taimoor felt guilty and like a complete douche but it was a little too late for everything.
"At least we know that she hates you. It means you are out of the game buddy. She loves me and probably would have taken my name , if Aiman appa hadn't made that claim. "Salman said as he laughed , while Taimoor retorted with "whatever."
Maybe, he is right Taimoor. Maybe , Haya likes him. But why do I care? Why should I care ? Karay who jo uski marzi hai . (She is free to do whatever she likes) Taimoor told himself. But he did care. He cared way too much.
From that day onwards, Haya changed. She replied to each and every of his insult with an insult. She looked at him with animosity and hatred. She became north to his south. They'd just argue whatever chance they got. It was what he wanted? Wasn't it ? But it exasperated him more. It hurt him instead of bringing satisfaction. Because Haya had changed her ways but only with him . For the rest of the world , she was still childish naïve little girl who wore her heart on her sleeves.
When Haya knocked on the hard wood of the study , she was completely unaware of the discussion which had just taken place before her arrival. She opened the door to find Taimoor and Shahmeer laughing over something.
The sound of their rich laughter echoed in the room as Haya stepped inside the room. Taimoor looked so carefree , there were smile lines around his eyes and lips. He held his stomach as he laughed . Shahmeer too was laughing but Haya was so lost in staring at her husband that she didn't even gave Shahmeer a second glance.
Taimoor and Shahmeer both sobered up as they found Haya , standing in the doorway , coughing to gain their attention. "Salam Bhabhi", Shahmeer greeted a blushing Haya. "Wa-Salam" Haya replied. She still hadn't gotten used to the being called 'bhabhi' . It pulled her heart strings every time someone called her 'bhabhi'.
"How is Mariyam? " , Haya inquired about her best friend who she hasn't talked to since she they had gotten married.
"Mariyam is good, Alhumdulilah. Actually, she told me to tell you that she misses you and your weirds dreams alot. " Shahmeer replied as his eyes sparkled at the mention of Mariyam's name while Haya blushed scarlet.
Why couldn't Mariyam just shut her trunk for once? What had she told Shahmeer? Did he know the details of those weird dreams ? What would Shahmeer think now ? That she was a nutcase with weird and absurd dreams. Haya thought. She was pissed but she was more mortified than pissed.
Haya didn't miss that sparkle in Shahmeer's eyes. She was really happy for her friend . Their long honeymoon and the glimmer in Shahmeer's eyes were proof enough that they were blissful together.
Haya didn't know how or when she had moved to stand beside Taimoor. She didn't even know if it were her who had walked towards him or was it him? . A while ago ,both Shahmeer and Taimoor were seated, and Haya was at the door. And now she was standing beside Taimoor who was standing near the window, invading his personal space; trying to hide her blushing face by using his body as a cover.
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