《TECHNICALLY-NOT IN LOVE(Completed✅✅)》Part 43


I missed her in the evening as she left the office a bit earlier

I have a fear what if she creates any new problem to herself but somewhere my heart asked me to calm down as she won't repeat the mistake

I drove to the flat and I did not find her so I just changed into my only nightware she left for me

My stomach grumbled by looking at the food in the oven with a note

How can she guess what I want?

My mom,Amrutha both of them knows what I want


Nah not weird it's the talent of the ladies

Mother's community

Ofcourse ammu is not a mom now but still every girl have that in their D.N.A

Can't help but admire them

But Amrutha is immatured girl

Ofcourse she is correct at her point but communication gap ruined our relationship

I need sometime to absorb all this

I wanted to have her handmade food but I don't want

I became mad along with her

So I ordered the food

After sometime I heard calling bell thinking it can be either my wife or delivery boy I opened the door

My eyes filled with tears by looking at the people infront of me

My mother and father

I hugged them at once

I miss them alot

Mom looked at dad

He said while looking down I can sense his words coming with a weak voice

He looked guilty

I invited them then I saw Amrutha standing there with a smile

Dad pointed towards my wife

Dad hugged and kissed her forehead

Mom interrupted

Dad cracked joke on mom and ammu

We all enjoyed alot

Amrutha went and prepared gulabjamun for all of us

My parents tasted it

I smiled at my mom

My dad raised the collar


We all laughed together

Meanwhile dad asked us to come back to the mansion

But mom hit his elbow playfully

I looked in other direction to avoid their teasing eyes as my cheeks turned to apple red

I saw Amrutha looked down while blushing

Amrutha looked at me with different emotion

My mom tried to stuff the sweet into my mouth but I tactically stuffed back into her mouth

Amrutha eyed everything and felt bad

But it's all needed

After sometime they left the flat with a promise of visiting them and shifting to the mansion as soon as possible

After they left again we heard a calling bell before I can open the door Amrutha opened it

Amrutha questioned the delivery boy

I left to take the delivery

Later I can hear the ear piercing sounds from kitchen

I'm in a call I saw Amrutha cleaning the utensils with high force and throwing them into the container

I cut the call and went into the kitchen

This time she yelled back

I closed my eyes as I can't see her outburst

I said it in low voice

She pulled me by collar and asked me

I nodded my head in no as there is a spell in her eyes

She kissed me cheeks and hugged me tightly

Don't know why I reciprocated the hug

Suddenly I remembered 7 years of my life and left the grip

I didn't even look at her and left to the room

I know it hurts her more


Why he is acting like I'm nothing to him?

Even in the office too he is acting as a stranger

But when I held him close then I find his loving eyes yelling at me stating that he still loves me

I went to aunty and uncle to convince them surprisingly uncle accepted to come with me to sid


Aunty told me that he realised it few days back but thinking ways to reach his son.I asked how he realised then aunty told that he got to know about Sukanya

I'm glad slowly everything is getting better

I just hope our relationship too mends quickly

Today I'm in complete mood to seduce my sexy beast

I just want him back to me

I wore my silk nighty which is gifted by varsha

He acted like he slept but I know he won't sleep that early

I slept on the bed slowly sticking my body to his body

His goosebumps clearly states how much I affect him

I laughed at his stubborn actions

I will see how long you will do it Mr.Husband

He is trying to turn towards me but he is stopping himself

He groaned slowly but I can hear the sounds

I wrapped my hands around his torso and sensually started drawing circles on his chest

He turned in one go only to find me in silk nighty

He gulped seeing me in the nighty and sat on the bed with shock

He nodded his head with wide mouth where I laughed at him

He nodded his head

Quickly he grabbed the sheets and pillows and left to the other room leaving me alone

I cried thinking about my misfortune

But I will not leave you sid I will not leave you

Days started passing but my stubborn husband remained as stubborn as he is on the first day.With arguments and my cries days passed but there is no change in him

Our project is going to complete I need to go back to pune but I asked for a transfer to vizag branch permanently as my husband is here I couldn't go anywhere leaving him

While I'm working varsha hugged me

Looking at my clumsy face

Varsha questioned me

He is going to abroad

He rejected

He again planned to go

No she might be kidding may be someone had accepted on his place so she thought it's my sid

I went in search of sid

I found him in a meeting with our manager

I waited for him to come out

I questioned him where he jus nodded his head

He raised his hand to slap me

I left the office even without informing anyone leaving my bag .I just have some money in my phone cover


I need my space which she is not giving me

Seriously if she gives me sometime I can adjust or think anything

She is acting too immature

How can I just change within one day?

She must understand

I don't have angry on her but I need time for thinking wisely and accept everything

I seriously can't take it that she left me because she saw something in a form

Leave that if she thinks I'm married she can ask me but no she didn't

I really got hurt because I thought my love is true we can have a good heart to heart conversation

But she acted so insane that I needed to digest everything

She left the office leaving her bag

I informed everyone saying she have some important work at home

I headed towards my flat only to find it to be locked

I checked everywhere but I didn't find her

I cried miserably for her

I went to the park where she goes everytime

There is no trace

I lost her again


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