《TECHNICALLY-NOT IN LOVE(Completed✅✅)》Part 39


I left the on-site offer as I can't live without her

She is someone whom I can never leave

I got her after ages of prayers then how can I think of an option to leave her

I don't want her to leave the job.Its her identity I can't snatch it just because I got married to her

How much my career values to me the same values to her

Infact I always tried for on site but I got opportunity when everything is settling down

Life started giving me Hopes again so I cannot jump now by grabbing this opportunity

Actually the main reason why I wanted onsite is to run away from the memories and my parents who don't want me

My mom she loves me so much and today her prayers gave me my Amrutha back

I am okay with my father giving cold shoulder but my mom she can't do it

Recently I am hoping about my relationship with my parents will be fine

So I don't think going to abroad will be a better idea

But Amrutha tears made me feel guilt but it's for our future

These days her attention towards the phone is something different I don't know if there is something which I need to handle or not

I know something is cooking behind me as she already planned to go out with her school friend

Surprisingly Ammu didn't mention the name too

She left quickly as if she is very nervous

I wanted to know what's happening with her.As far as I know rithika and karan left the city a week ago

I want to follow her but before that I wanted to know who is that school friend.I called aarnav

I thought for a while and accepted

He arranged meeting with him for the next 30 minutes


After informing shalini I went to the hospital

I met aarnav who gladly showed me way to the doctor's room.I asked to accompany me.But the assistant of the doctor is so strict as she asked us to switch off the mobile.As the timing of the appointment is just 30 minutes we both didn't argue and put our mobiles switched off

I smiled at him

He scrunched his eyebrows

I breathed out

He looked at me with wide eyes for a while and got back to normal

Word cheated is like a poison to me

It will be better if they give it to me than hearing such things

Aarnav tried to explain him

I just nodded and left the room

With that aarnav started calling their school friends

I concentrated on doctor's words where he told us about his uncle's death

I looked at aarnav

I know she lied but I need to know what's happening

I stared thinking for a long time then suddenly my mind struck at Sukanya

No no no that can't happen she didn't see

With that we both went to the office where very few were left.My teammates were nowhere to see

I switched on my system and inserted my pendrive to find Amrutha mobile in my P.C

Yes I hacked her mobile and various social media sites

Aarnav looked at me in shock

I scrolled her Facebook,Instagram what not finally I opened her WhatsApp

My eyes struck at Sukanya name

God don't tell me she is in contact with her

You ruined it Sukanya

I face palmed with their frequent calls and chats

There is nothing in that but I can see Sukanya messaging her

Don't do it.Its not appropriate


I want to meet you I decided something sukanya


Its Amrutha's message

Let us meet

Now its confirmed she is behind everything

I did not answer him and checked for anyother details where she mentioned she is in the city now

So if my guess is correct then Amrutha went to meet this psycho

Wait let me check her location or call list where I can find anything

I checked her call log where her last call is my number

Oh no she called me

I switched on my mobile to find her missed calls

My heart started racing with the fact that she is with that psychopath girl

What if she attacks Amrutha?

Oh no these many missed calls I tried calling her but now her mobile is switched off

I ran my fingers into my hair with frustration

He offered me water but nowhere I can drink it

My hair is full of sweat now

My mind getting diverted with different thoughts running in my mind about worst consequences of loosing Amrutha

I can't let it happen

Concentrate sid.You still have an option

Come on

With shivering hands I tried to find her location

Oh god what's wrong with the network

It's not working now


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