《TECHNICALLY-NOT IN LOVE(Completed✅✅)》Part 38


After feeding hand full of lies to siddharth Amrutha left to the old building in the city outskirts

She called someone and informed about her arrival

Handling her bag carefully with a bouquet in her other hand

She pressed calling bell

Within few seconds someone opened the door

After entering the person closed the door

She handed the bouquet to the person

With that Amrutha went towards the windows and opened

Person shivered little as scratches filled over her body shocked Amrutha alot

Person who did not even voiced now looked at Amrutha with different motives running in the eyes

The sudden lighting brought her into limelight

She answered monotonously

Amrutha nodded her head satisfied with her answer

Again a single word answer


With that Amrutha looked into daze where as Sukanya giving all angry and hatred expression towards her


Sid dropped me near the hostel

I entered the hostel without any one notice

I entered my room to find some of the girls from my college were in my room talking with my roomie

No one noticed my presence there

My blood boiled with their statements about sid

My roommate opposed the statements of those bitches

Sukanya??Sid didn't say anything to me

Anyhow don't pay attention to them Amrutha believe your man

I went back to the stairs and made sounds like someone is coming and slowly knocked the room

I don't want them to speak such things with me

By looking at them I glared them

They bid bye and left the room

I had some conversation with my roomie

Then suddenly my phone notification alerted me

I checked it to find it from my uncle whom I consider as my god father

I love him alot.He is in vizag for some work.Im planning to meet him

A huge age difference between my father and uncle so he is in his 40's

Happily married with his love but my family did not accept their marriage

Many times he narrated his love story when I used to meet him without anyone notice

I used to laugh at him for blushing even after 10 years of their marriage

I played the video where my roommate went out

In which uncle looked so stressed

Oh god!!Uncle how long you work, your charming face got wrinkles,carry bags under your eyes

What happened to you?

I must complain aunty

He started talking

incess. I always want you to be happy ma.

Video ended with the last line cutting his wrist

I closed my eyes with uncontrollable tears forming in my eyes



I looked at my roommate who is very concerned about my scream so I barged into the washroom

I cried there for an hour and I wanted to see him for the last time


I checked the news in my mobile to find the hospital address about the suicide victim

I found the hospital name and informed my warden

I quickly went into the hospital

I informed my parents about his condition

Doctors told he is in critical condition

I was in a daze to grasp anything my mind stuck at the point where he said good bye.

Walking like a lifeless women I hit the nurse who is having some forms in her hand and murmured something

I looked at her in confusion where she is busy in scolding our generation while collecting the papers fallen down

I tried to help her by collecting it but the name on the form grabbed my pluffy eyes

That too in the place of father's name

I checked the mothers name to find

Signed for abortion

My heart pierced at the names on the form

Nurse scrunched her nose

I answered her with horrified expressions

She pointed me towards sid who is talking to doctor

Irritated with my questions she left by taking the form from my hands

I looked at the form for the last time confirm if I read the same and looked at sid in disbelief

With no strength in my body I started taking my steps towards sid once again to confirm if I am correct or not

I heard his voice

Sid hung his head down

Does this mean he he.....


Sid stood silent


He left to the corridor with doctor

I want to ask him that's when I remember my uncle who did the same and got insulted by my aunt.There is nothing to ask.

I can't see anything with his statement

My eyes blurred with tears.I lost my balance and fell on the floor where everyone looked at me for acting like mad person.I hit my head hard for believing him.I want to die right now for behaving as a blind girl.I cannot live this life I cannot

I ran to the balcony to jump

I looked at my uncle whom is in critical condition because of love

Now again I failed in love

I looked at my father who is pouring his tears for a huge loss in his life

He never met my father after his marriage as my grandpa is so angry on him for doing it

I don't want to give him another pain.So I stopped myself to go for a suicide

I decided whatever it might be I will not leave my self respect and question him for it

I wrote a letter for that cheater sid

And informed my parents I can't stay here anymore

I quickly went to the warden and told her I'm leaving


I know the deceiver will come for me afterall I didn't reach his bed.I had given it to my roommate to pass the letter

I left the college and went to the hospital

I saw my mom crying endlessly

I looked at my father but no one is answering my questions

Doctor said with pity in his eyes

Everything went like a movie reel

Crimination got completed by evening and I left to the Hyderabad

I already asked aarnav to search a room for me

I went to the room and met some of the aarnav friends who are medical students

After 2 days I joined in the college there

I distanced myself from everyone

Neha a girl who is very good looking,funny and impressive girl helped me in notes as there is some syllabus difference.

I only used to speak with her

Nights I couldn't sleep thinking about sid

I look so dull and my eyes were red and week

My food quantity had fallen down

I only shed tears for my foolishness

Sometimes I scream so high that the next day I couldn't utter a word

Even if I try to sleep nightmares of the incident didnt leave me

On a fine day after reading for my exams I started watching the show where the heroine gets cheated by her boyfriend

Everything again disturbed me

I changed the channel to where they are covering one of the business party and I spotted sid standing with Nivedhitha holding her hands

Reporters stating

Again I started crying for him then I vomited saliva and felt hard to breathe seeing him with Nivedhitha dancing it means that brother and sister is also a drama

Slowly I fell down and when I opened my eyes I saw myself in a hospital

After sometime aarnav reached me and started crying

Aarnav recommended a doctor

I never told anyone about the reason why I left sid

My parents thought I'm in the sadness of my uncle death so much that I'm into depression

I know I'm too sad because of my uncle but sid I loved him like he is my life where he wanted to use me

Days passed still I'm in state of trauma

Without my notice sometimes I will loose my conscious

Sometimes thoughts like suicide disturbed me but aarnav and my parents supported me.

Even though my parents don't know anything they still wanted me to help

Arnav asked me alot but i never answered him

At a point I went to a state where I can't believe aarnav too

That's when I started crying more for not even believing my bestie

Aarnav got hurt but he understood my situation

I prepared myself to answer every question of the doctor to get out of the shit.I want my parents to be proud.They should love me

I lost my one year academics

Now I don't want to loose myself for a selfish man

I want to prove myself I need to come out of this depression

Doctor took counseling sessions and tablets made my hair fall but I gained my confidence alot that I learnt beauty is nothing which matters is our confidence

In all the up's and down's aarnav helped me alot

After one year they told I'm doing fine and prescribed medicines for my health in case of emergency

Soon I started concentrating on my studies and passed with flying colors

In campus recruitment I got selected to Ansole's one of the top M.N.C's

Whatever might be the situation or time something is constant in my mind is siddhartha roy

He never left my thoughts

But I learnt what is life in all the phase


Days were too tough to handle

I learned believing people by my treatment but somewhere I still have phobia

Even that horrible night I have a chance of getting back to depression but the earlier counselings with my doctor and aarnav asked that doctor to prescribe medicines by keeping my depression in his mind

But now I want to get back my sid

I met Sukanya few days ago while travelling for some company work

I met her she looked so pale

I saw sid marriage videos with pooja so I know now they are not together.I don't want her to remember about her past but she herself told me sid is still in love with her

I got shocked as sid is having an affair with her that's why I again hated him at that time

Later I told her about my marriage then she started crying saying that I lied to you Amrutha as you may laugh at me but sid ditched me

Again it came as a shocker to me

My head started spinning at her revelation.I tried to distance myself from sid on her advise.But somewhere I'm happy he is not in relationship. She asked me to divorce him but I don't have guts as I know I still love him.

Everytime I got closed to him she calls me to warn about his nature.I know she got affected but something is off which I don't know

With that I completely told her my opinion and I got relieved

But her silence is making me panic

I looked at her to find red eyes staring me with hatred

She digged her nails into my shoulder making me hiss in pain

She slapped me so hard that I hit my head to the table and started bleeding

My head started spinning and eyes got blurred

Again she moved towards me with evil laugh

She held my neck in her hands and pressed it tightly unabling me to breathe

I pushed her and started running out but she pulled me back

I started searching for my mobile to call sid for help

I tried calling him but its switched off

Sukanya is attacking like an animal

She is acting as psycho

I love you sid

I couldn't tell you but my love is true


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