《TECHNICALLY-NOT IN LOVE(Completed✅✅)》Part 36


With the fears running in my mind,sweat forming all over my body I turned to see Sid

Before I can react loud yelling made my breathe struck and I hugged him without any thought

I closed my eyes feeling his warmness

Strangely he had taken lot of time to wrap his hands around me

But I didn't leave my grip on him

As I decided never I'm going to leave my grip on him

This time a very tight one and nothing can break it

Giggles and laughs made their way to my ear drum

I opened my eyes still hugging him to see all the lights were back and now the ceiling to floor everything is decorated

I don't know when all this had happened

And the voice of laughs belongs to our gang

Vignesh shouted

Varsha hooted us

I still don't mind to stay in this heart warming hug which is essential

But to my dismay sid slowly pulled me out of the hug

I looked at him only to find him smiling at everyone awkwardly

He is not looking at me

Why this fevicol roy is not sticking to me?

I smiled externally,cursed internally and looked at them

Who are smiling with their wonderful teeth like 1000volts bulb

By the way why these monkeys shouted?

Why decorations all over the floor?

Ofcourse I'm busy in feeling my man warmth so I didn't hear anything

I saw a hand forwarded it's again my man

Now I gave my pearly teeth smile

Oh my god!!!

Today is my bday I don't even remember

Aww my baby did this all for me

He didn't change even a bit

I said smiling but I don't know why blush surfaced on my milky white cheeks making it to red one

I saw my gang again teasing us

Sid nodded with a smile scratching his neck

Everyone wished me and asked me to cut the cake

I looked at sid who is standing with our gang

He should stand with me right


Why he is standing with the monkeys?

I looked at him

But this mud brained man didn't understand

Aarnav pushed him towards me

He stood behind me

I signalled him through my eyes to hold my hand

He held my hand making my body to get goosebumps

I managed his effects on me

I cut the cake while he is holding my hand and his breathe fanning on my neck

I blushed at our proximity and its effects on me

I fed him with utmost love in my heart

After feeding cake to him slowly I shared cake to everyone not removing my gaze from him

One thing I noticed is while I'm observing him he is talking to someone and looking at me and then blush like a new bride

Awww my husband

Again rithika and varsha started teasing me

This time I did not feel irritated infact I liked the way they are acting as cupid's

Even though how much I wanted to avoid those at that time but my heart always do opposite

With all the thoughts I made my way towards our room after the little talk's

I saw sid drinking water

I wanted to hug him but I composed myself from doing it

I said looking into his eyes

With that he started moving towards bed

I pulled his wrist and stood infront of him

He looked into my eyes for a while

He loosened my hands grip and left to the bed

Before even I could say anything he slept by covering himself with the comforter

I felt like a rejected piece

My eyes moistened but I know I will tamper this man

Few years back he surprised me in the same way as of now

But the only difference is we both don't have issues then

Stepping on every step with eyes blindfolded

Sid held my hands and slowly whispering sweet things

I can hear the huge waves which is too peaceful for a soul when her only love standing very close


Within 5 seconds clock ticks to 12'o clock

Sid started countdown

I laughed at his baby counting






He removed the fold and shouted at very high pitch causing resound at that silence dancing area

I got spell bound by the view as I stood at the top of the lighthouse with only light

Whole sea is looking utmost beautiful giving goosebumps

Stars and moon were like playing torchlight game as in between the clouds hide them

For sometime I can only hear the shore sounds our heart beat

I cannot even move with the surprise shock

God!!!This is unbelievable

We two at the lonely hour in a beach that to standing on light house


Its...Its.....Oh no

No words

I can't even utter a single word with happiness in my all the nerves of the body

I looked at sid who is smiling with contempt in his eyes

He wiped the hot water drop on my cheek

That's when I noticed I cried in happiness

I hugged him tightly

I couldn't complete as I sniffled

He patted my back and hugged me

I melted in his arms


I regret now

How I wish I could take this decision a bit early

My love will change his play boy version to lover boy

I will change him

My heart don't accept him as a playboy where as I have seen with my eyes

Thinking of taming him I went into deep sleep not to forget after clearing the pillow wall created by sid


Why she is behaving different?

She is staring me

She is drooling me

What not?

Anything bit her

Tablets effect?

God this girl and her mood swings

Any girl will have mood swings for 4 days in a month

But my little she-devil will be too clumsy and I feel like she have mood swings 24/7

Two things running in my mind

1.I will find the reason behind her departure

2.I will not be close to her until she have a full clarity about her decision and our relationship

1st one is fine and I can do it but 2nd is something which I can't do it because my heart wants to do all the sweet things to her but my mind warns me saying she is not having comfortable relationship and still have some issues with me

My heart is yelling at me when she held my wrist and asked me about my ignorance but my mind warned me it's just she wanted to thank you

I know if I stand a minute more I will end up kissing her

Those honey dripping lips were my biggest distracting agents

I created a pillow wall as I can't believe myself when the only lady in my heart is on my bed that to right behind me

I feigned my sleep and don't know when my acting turned to deep sleep

Sun Ray's with sweet chirping sounds of birds sent signals to my brain to wake up

I opened my eyes with a smile on my face feeling some weight on my body

Looking at the weight I got horrified ofcourse the weight is something which I want to carry forever but......

Yeah you guessed right it's my Amrutha

But her little snores were too cute to listen

She slept on my chest with some of her hair strands falling on her face

I kissed her forehead as how much I try to resist myself I know its impossible

She moved and opened her eyes

I know a big volcano is on the way

Her eyes widened with me beneath her

Meanwhile someone barged into the room

Bad time varsha

She turned away and left from there running away

God!!Now no one can save us

After all she can't keep it to herself

She is like B.B.C Reporter waiting for a news

I closed my eyes thinking about consequences

I looked at my Amrutha whose cheeks were red now may be due to annoyance

Get ready for the battle sid

She is not going to leave you that easily

I left the bed by removing her hold

Her answer made my jaws hung

Seriously she said it's okay for this scene

Ofcourse the scene is a big fest for me but to her?

I checked her body temperature with my hand on her forehead and neck which is pretty normal

But something is different with her

She smiled at me and left to the washroom where I am still in shock with her behaviour


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