《Forbidden Magic》Fifteen



Aniki, told me everything that happened while I was sleeping, including the sin of pride Escanor-san and the holy knight Jericho-san who’s in Liones,

We arrive at Liones 6 in the evening and there is a party for Meliodas-dono and Princess Elizabeth’s wedding, everyone is very happy,

I spotted a lavender/silver haired girl in a corner that fits Aniki’s description to Jericho-san, I walked towards her

“Jericho-san?” From the people she shift her gaze to me

I waved at her “H! I’m Bell, Ban’s sister”

“Oh, hi, nice to meet you” she said

“Nice to meet you too”, I walked to her side while she’s playing her drink

I looked at her “Thank you”, she looked at me “For everything you’ve done for Aniki and Elaine Nee-chan” I smiled at her

She smiled at me “Nah, It’s nothing, they’re my friends after all”

“Oh, excuse me, I have to talk to someone” I saw a man who fits Aniki’s description to Escanor-san

She nodded while smiling, I followed the man, H

he end up seating in a corner and nailing his gaze to someone, I walk towards him and followed his gaze

“Merlin-san?” The man almost jump in surprise, me as well

“Ha-how did you know M-Merlin-san, Miss?” the man asked

“Well, uh—are you Escanor-san?” I ask the weak looking man, he nodded

“Oh, hi! I’m Bell, Ban’s sister and I also leave in Camelot so, I know Merlin-san very well” I smiled


“You like her?” Escanor-san’s face turned red like a tomato, I chuckled a little

“N-NO! I uh--

I raised an eyebrow at him

“Y-yes” he shyly answered his face still red like a tomato, I chuckled again

“I like you for her” I smile

“She don’t have a boyfriend” I whispered

“I DON’T BELIEVE YOU!” he looked away “A-arthur”

“Is mine, so go get her” I smiled

“A-arthur-san is yours?” his face turned red again “So that means M-merlin-san is”

I laughed at Escanor-san, he really is funny

“I really do like you for her”

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