《Meliodas × Reader [Imagines]》Home [2/2]


I miss him.. I miss him so much.. Even though I still watch the Anime to watch him and the Sins battle and fight, I still long for his hugs and kisses. And that.. memorable moment..

It has been a year already since he got back and also asked for my address. Why did he ask though? Why did mother say I should be prepared? What's going to happen?

I have been drawing Meliodas and throwing the drawing book to the TV for awhile now.. I wanted him to be back.

I want him back..

My mother wouldn't tell me what would happen but she always say,

"You'll find out, dear"

I really want to find out..

Even if I die finding out..

I hear muffled noises as I was still asleep. The noises are still a blur. And after a few seconds, it starts to clear up.

"Dear, Wake up"

My mother shakes me to wake up.

"I have a surprise for you downstairs. Come on, you might want to see this"

She said in a happy tone. I then start to rub my eyes to make me see clearer.

"I do love surprises but I'm so tired! Can't I see the surprise later?"

"Hmm. Very well, dear. But do be prepared when you wake up later, okay?"

I nod as I sleep again. Drifting off to dreamland once again. More like, Meliodas Fantasies Land.


I hear a muffle-like voice as I start to wake up. Sit up as I start to stretch my arms and cover my mouth as I yawn.


I hear again from my side. I rub my eyes to get a clearer look once again. I look to my side and saw yellow hair.

"Hmm mom, you bleached your hair, is this your surprise?"

I said, half awake.

"Do I look like your mother to you, Y/N?"


My eyes then widen to see my blonde haired lover.


I exclaimed as I hug him, I teared up as I sobbed lightly.

"H-How did you get here, Meli?"

I start as I still cling on to him.

"Remember that day when I went back to my world? Well after I got back, I was in a pond that was sparkling when I arrived. It looked like a portal. First, I told everyone in the tavern about it and Merlin told me it was actually a magical place to go to if you want to wish for something"

He explained.

"Well after that, we fought alot of enemies. Didn't you see what we were doing in this box thing called 'Television'?"

"Yes, I did. You were fighting with the Commandments right?"

"Exactly, that's what happened. It took me a long time to actually go to that pond because I forgot where it was."

He continues,

"So, I asked Merlin about it and she led me the way, well also with Sins. Oh, before I forget, I would like to show you something downstairs. Come on."

I nod as I hold his hand as we went downstairs. He instructs me to close my eyes before I went inside the living room, and I did.


He asks as he pulls me inside th room



I opened them and I was completely shocked. THE SINS WERE HERE. Along with Elizabeth, his lover in the Anime, and Hawk.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Y/N"

Merlin was the first one to speak from the group.

"O-Oh, uh, pleasure to meet you too, Miss Merlin"

"No need to call me that, Y/N, just call me Merlin"

She says as she wears her usual smug smile.

"N-No! I shall as I am a lower rank than you"

"Very well"

She says as she does her usual pose.


"Hello, Lady Y/N. I am Escanor, greetings"

"Hello to you too, Escanor. Please, don't call me that hehe you're a higher rank than me"

I scratch my neck nervously. I didn't expect to meet the Sins!

"Good morning, Y/N! Sparkle!"

I look towards the voice and noticed it was the pink haired doll.

"Good morning to you too, Gowther"

I chuckle as he made a peace sign with a girly pose at the end.

"Hey, the name's Ban. Pleasure to meet the Cap'n's girl. By the way, he has been talking all about ya since he got back to the tavern"

He whispered the last part and I laughed as he mimicked Meliodas. I felt someone behind me and cuddled on to me.

"Oh my gosh, Meli don't scare me like that—"

"That's not fair! Captain should've also hugged me like that!"

I heard a high pitched whine and looked at the human sized Diane. I see her pout at me.

"There, there Diane. It's okay"

I removed Meli off me as I go to Diane and pat her head. I notice her smile and then spoke up,

"Nice to meet you Y/N! We could be good friends!"

She hugs me and I hug her back. I then notice the orange haired boy laying down on his floating pillow, not bothering to 'introduce' himself.

"Uhm. King?"

I went near his pillow and noticed him sleeping. I then poke his cheek twice.

"Wow. Okay—"

"Hello, Lady Y/N"

I hear a soft and gentle voice beside me. I look and I saw the Princess Elizabeth. I then stutter out,

"U-Uh Hello Princess!"

I scratch my neck as I nervously chuckle.

"No need to call me that, Lady Y/N"

She says nervously as she puts her hands infront of her as she also starts to fidget.

"No need to call me that too, Princes— uh i mean, Elizabeth!"

I chuckled as I feel really shy and nervous. I then go behind Meli, embarassed on what happened.

"This embarassing, Meli. She's also your lover"

"Past Lover, actually"

I asked him why as I look at him questioningly.

"Well, I got you, don't I?"

I blushed a crimsons red as I hug him tightly behind him.

"There, there. There's nothing to be embarassed about, Y/Nnie"

He then pulls me infront of him to hug me back. As expected, he gropes my breasts. It's good my mother wasn't here or she would freak out.



I hear Diane and the pig, Hawk, yell as they pull Meliodas off of me.

"G-Guys it's okay—"

"Don't worry Y/N we got this!"

I hear Diane say as I sweatdrop. I hope he's going to be fine. I then hear Hawk speak,

"And I am the Captain of the Scraps Disposal! Glad to meet ya!"

"Yes, yes, I know that Hawk"

I giggled.

"So you got beat up by Diane and Hawk?"


Meliodas answered with an unbothered face as he crossed his arms as I also took care of his 'booboos' as he would like to call it. He even told me to kiss it better. Is this guy for real?

"Be careful around them next time, Meli"

I said as i sighed. I kissed his cheek and got up to get us food to eat and water to drink.

The Sins, Elizabeth and Hawk went back to their world as I did the 'spell' thingy. So basically it's just me and Meli since my mother is still working.

I'm glad he came back.. I'm glad he's back. I love him so, so much to even just forget about him.

I went back to the living room with all we needed. I see that he disappeared once again. I yelp as I feel his head between my boobs.

"This would make me feel better"

I look down and smiled.

"I love you"

I said.

"You're my home"

I said again as I cup his cheeks again and leaned in and kiss him passionately. He kissed back of course.

"I love you too, Y/Nnie."

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