《Meliodas × Reader [Imagines]》Please.. Come back [2/3]


Zeldris and Estarossa had been taking care of me for weeks now. Ha. Meliodas didn't even come for me. I guess he actually didn't want me there anymore. Tsk.


I called Zeldris, who was reading a book. I was on the floor, doing nothing but thinking about the incident. I sighed.


He replied, looking up from the book and to me. We were the only ones in the guest room, which was now my bedroom.

I stood up and suddenly sat on his lap, straddling him and wrapping my arms around his neck, embracing him. My chest on his. My head on the crook of his neck. I then leaned close to his ear and asked.

"Zeldi, do you like me?"

I felt him flinch and feel him freeze. He then put the book down and put his hands around my waist, then his palms on my behind.


After the past few weeks, my feelings for Meliodas suddenly faded away. And now, my feelings for Zeldi grew.

"Well then"

I leaned back and looked at him, my eyes dark. I licked my lips.

"You wouldn't mind if I.."

I leaned forward, close to his face.

"Kiss you.. right?"

I asked, my fingers tracing his lips. He nodded, looking at my eyes as if he was hypnotized. I closed my eyes and leaned forward, aiming for his lips.

It wasn't a second until he kissed back. I was enjoying it. My hand started tugging on his hair. I tilted my head to kiss him deeper, which it worked.

I then pulled away, I needed to breathe and also Zeldris.


I heard him say. I giggled and got off him.

"Thank you, Zeldi!"

I smiled warmly at him, causing him to look up and smile back, which was pretty rare.


"No problem, N/N"

[Ya'll who doesn't know what N/N is, it means nickname. That's all. Bai]

"Anyways. Where's Estaros-"

I asked but was cut off by a loud crash outside the room. It sounded like it was in Estarossa's bedroom direction. Zeldris and I quickly stood up and ran out the room, sprinting to Estarossa's room.

As soon as Zeldris kicked open the door, I saw a glimpse of Meliodas over Estarossa, punching him on the face saying,


Estarossa looked calm but also bleeding a bit since Meliodas' punches didn't really affect him.



I yelled at him, he flinched at how loud my voice was.


I stomped towards him, I grabbed him by the collar and threw him to the wall. I was so angry he was punching Estarossa. Well, it didn't actually affect Estarossa but I still worry for him and Zeldris since they took care of me.

"Are you alright?"

I asked Estarossa as I helped him stand up. He just chuckled.

"I'm fine. You didn't have to do that"

He smiled, which was also rare.

"Huehue. Well, that's just how I am"

I scratched the back of my neck as I said that. I forgot Meliodas was in the room. My face turned dark and looked at him.

I walked towards him, squatting down to his level. Well, I had to since he slid down after he collided to the wall.

"What do you think you were doing, huh?"

His head was down, but I was glaring at him. I see tears dropping, which I didn't care about.

"Come back"

Meliodas whispered, enough for me to hear.

"Huh? And you think I would?"

I asked mockingly.


"Don'tcha think you need to apologize or something? Cuz boy, you are begging for me to come back"

I stood up, but before I could turn my heels away from him, I heard him mumble,

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. Please"

His voice was shaking, it was like he was literally crying so much.

"Stay there"

I bluntly said and walked towards Zeldris.

"Should I go back to him? Seeing him cry was my weakness, Zeldi. It would make me soft in the heart"

"You should. As much as I want to you to stay a bit longer, I don't want you to feel bad for my brother so you could go"

He said sincerely. I was happy.

"Sure, Zeldi. Anything for you!"

I then pulled back and kissed him. It wasn't long until he kissed back, his hands on my waist.

On the other hand, I can sense Meliodas watching. But I didn't care.

I pulled away and pecked his cheek. I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you, Zeldi"

I pulled away and walked to Meliodas.

"Sure, Meliodas"

"I'll come back"

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