《Meliodas × Reader [Imagines]》I'm Sorry [1/3]


Meliodas and Y/N visited their clan. The Demon clan. They wanted to visit Meliodas' brothers, who are also her friends. Meliodas is only Y/N's bestfriend, even though Y/N has a crush on him. She didn't want to confess since she doesn't know if Meliodas feels the same.

"So, Meli. You sure you want to visit your brothers? They are a bit cold to you.."

Y/N said, concerned.

Meanwhile, Meliodas just smiled brightly and told her,

"Of course I want to, Y/N!"


They arrived to their destination. The Demon King's Castle. Which is also Meliodas' home.

They walked towards the entrance door and talked to some demon guards.

The guards let them in after they recognized Meliodas. Meliodas told them Y/N was his friend and they also let her in. They can't believe they didn't recognize her but shrugges it off.

"I haven't been here since 3,000 years ago, Meli!"

Exclaimed Y/N, which causes the ground to shake and powerful magic was sensed.

"Oh! They're here."

Y/N said calmly. Meliodas had his usual straightface.

"Yo, Zeldris. Estarossa."

Y/N greeted them.

"Nice to see you guys again! So, how are you?"

The two brothers looked at Y/N and looked away with a hint of pink on their cheeks, which made Y/N worried.

"Huh? Guys. Did you put some blush or something or.. are you guys blushing?"

Y/N smirked widely.

"N-No i'm not"

Zeldris answered first.

"Also me. I'm not blushing"

Estarossa replied.

"Yo, brothers"

Meliodas greeted with his usual goofy grin. The two brothers look at him and they looked back at him with a cold glare.

"Hello, brother"

Zeldris said, gritting his teeth.

"How are you?"


Estarossa trailed off

"Good. Until you arrived.."

Estarossa mumbled the last phrase.

"Hm? What was that?"

Y/N asked curiously.


Estarossa looked away, blushing.

"Alright! What should we do now?"

Meliodas asked.

"OH! Truth or Dare!"

Y/N suggested.

"Do you guys know that game?"

Y/N asked. Only Meliodas nodded. The two demon brothers looked curious.

"Hm how should I explain this.."

Y/N scratched the back of her neck.

[Lol idk how to explain it but imma use player 1 and 2 lmao]

"Ah! Got it! So, this is how you play it; A player should pick another player and ask him or her 'Truth or Dare'. Then if player 2 picks 'Truth', player 1 should ask a question or even something personal, huehue. Player 2 should say the answer truthfully. If player 2 picks dare, then player 2 needs to do what player 1 tells them to do. Got it?"


Y/N looked at them. They nodded.

"Oh! And the player who was picked by the main player, gets to pick another player and do the same thing."

Y/N said, pointing out her index finger.

"So. Shall we start?"

"I'll be in my bedroom. Bye Y/N"

Says Estarossa.

"Okay, sure. Bye bye"


"Truth or Dare.."

Y/N trailed off, glancing at the two who were patient.


Y/N now looked at Zeldris.

"U-Uh. Dare."

"I dare you to hug your brother"

This made Zeldris freeze. He hesitated. He hugged Meliodas unintentionally.

"Huehuehue. I didn't know you missed me that much, dear brother"

Meliodas grinned,which made Zeldris widen his eyes.



Meliodas and Zeldris looked over at Y/N and blushed. Zeldris quickly pulled away and had his hands out.

"Y-Y/N- Don't think of it that way!"


Y/N chuckled evilly.

"Alright! Your turn Zeldris!"

Y/N exclaimed.

"Uh.. Truth or Dare.."

He hesitated to choose.


Meliodas glanced at him.


Meliodas said.

"Why did you visit us anyway?"

Zeldris' tone changed. It sounded cold.

"Y/N told me she wanted to and I agreed. Since I also wanted to visit you guys"

He shrugged.

"Okay Y/N, Truth or Dare?"



Meliodas evilly laughed.

"I dare you to choose who attracts you the most and kiss his cheeks"

This made her eyes wide open.

"Under one condition"

They looked at her.

"You guys should close your eyes and turn around, backs facing me"

They did as she said, but she double checked if they closed their eyes.

Y/N had an evil plan. She goes up to Meliodas first and kiss both his cheeks and then did the same to Zeldris.

"Open your eyes"

Zeldris and Meliodas blushed.


The two brothers yelled at the same time. Which made the both of them look at eachother.

"She kissed mine, you idiot"

Zeldris says.

"But she kissed mine!"

Meliodas argued. They were arguing until they heard a laugh. They looked at you, laughing, and curiosity was filled in their eyes.

"Well, I might have kissed both of you"

Her hand on her mouth, muffling what she said because of laughter. But the two boys heard her clearly.

"Y/N! You should only pick one though!"

Meliodas whined.

"If you don't.."

Meliodas trailed off. He disappeared. she knew what he would do next- You felt hands on your breasts, squeezing it.

"I wouldn't stop doing this if you don't pick one"

Meliodas grinned cheekily.

Y/N didn't want to actually pick one though. They are her friends and they seem attractive in a different way but Meliodas caught her eye more, but she doesn't want to actually say it.


"Okay fine! I pick Zeldris"

Y/N laughed and finally Meliodas got off her. Meliodas looked jealous.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to pick me, Y/N"

Zeldris said. He was visibly shocked.

"Well. Meli only said to choose who's attractive though sooo"

Y/N grinned.

"There there"

Y/N patted Meliodas' head.

"We should go now, Meli"

Y/N smiled. Meliodas nodded and bidded Zeldris a goodbye. Y/N does the same thing.


Meliodas was ignoring Y/N since the time they were in the demon clan. And paid more attention to Elizabeth. That made Y/N sad and also ignored him. But she still felt sad in the inside.

Did I do something wrong? Was it the game? I actually picked Zeldris since he only said "choose who's attractive" and stuff. But if he asked "choose who you have a crush on" and it would be definitely Meliodas who I would pick.

More thoughts were flying around Y/N's mind and she didn't noticed Diane tapping her shoulder.


She snapped back to reality, looking up to see a human sized Diane (ofc).

"Are you and the Captain okay? You guys weren't as close as before nowadays.."

Diane asked worriedly. Y/N sighed and shrugged.

"Look, did something happen between you two?"

"I actually don't know, Diane. We just visited his brothers and after that, he completely ignored me"

A tear slipped out her eye, causing her to quickly wipe it away.

"But it's okay. Maybe he doesn't want me here anymore"

That made Diane's eyes to widen.

"N-No, Y/N! Maybe he has a reason-"

"Diane. I should leave."

Diane's eyes were tearing up.

"No! Y/N please!"

Diane hugged Y/N, who had blank expression on. Y/N stood up, getting Diane's hands off her.

She walked towards Meliodas and it was still the same, he ignored her.


Meliodas' eyes slightly widened. Y/N hadn't called him captain since the day they became best of friends. It made Meliodas' heart drop down his stomach. But still, he ignored her and continued on looking at Elizabeth talking to Hawk. Y/N only had a blank expression.

"Why are you like this?"

This question made Meliodas stop staring at Elizabeth and looked at her. Not speaking a word.

"Not saying anything? Fine. I should leave. Also, tell Merlin to get rid of my Sin mark on my arm because I'm leaving the sins."

Y/N said bluntly and turned around, walking away up to 'their room'.

She grabbed her cloak and went out the room. She went downstairs only to see a crying Diane looking at her.

"Y/N, please! Don't leave!"

She only looked at her friend blankly with a tear slipping out.

"Hey Bonbon.. Don't leave us. We're bestfriends right?"

Y/N heard Ban and looked up at him, still with a blank face.

King on the other hand, was comforting Diane.

"Y/N! You can't just leave us! We are your bestfriend, aren't we?"

King asked Y/N.

"I don't know. Ask the Captain."

They were shocked you called him 'Captain'. You haven't in the last 3,000 years.

"Merlin, did Captain tell you about getting rid of my mark yet?"

She looked at Merlin, who was watching silently with a frown. By that question, Merlin had her eyes widened.

"W-What? He didn't"

"Then do it. He is probably busy focusing on the Princess and didn't know what I said. Please. Get rid of my mark."

Y/N said blankly. Merlin sighed and did. After that, Y/N disappeared. She teleported. She left.

Meanwhile, Diane was crying her eyes out. The other members were tearing up too. Except for Gowther. He still doesn't know why they were crying or what they are feeling since he doesn't have a human heart. Even Escanor was crying, it was night time and he's back to his skinny form.

Meliodas, Hawk and Elizabeth were back inside the tavern, laughing about the story Hawk told them. When they went inside, they saw everyone crying, of course except for Gowther.

"Oh my. What happened here?"

Elizabeth asked.

A dark atmosphere was created when Diane stood up.

"So she was right. He was focused on the Princess"

Diane said, her fist forming. She glared at the Captain and stormed off, going upstairs. They heard a loud slam that made everyone flinch.

"Uh guys? What happened?"

Meliodas asked.


Ban quickly ran over to the Captain and punched him real hard on the stomach, resulting him to fly back outside and spit out blood. Elizabeth screamed Meliodas' name.

"Shut up, girly"

Ban snapped which made the Princess yelp and shut up.

"Captain, you idiot! Why would you do that to Y/N!? SHE LEFT! SHE EVEN TOLD MERLIN TO GET RID OF HER MARK!"

King shouted. Meliodas widened his eyes. He didn't know she was serious. He didn't know his actions hurt her. He regretted everything now. He actually missed her teasings and laughs. And still, he ignored her for days. Just because she picked Zeldris, his brother.

He teared up. His bangs covering his eyes. His head was down. He was crying.

Y/N.. I'm sorry


Y/N was now in their guest room. Just blankly thinking about what happened earlier. A tear escaped her eye and now turn into a waterfall. She was crying her eyes out. A figure walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her and comforting her.

"It's okay, Y/N. It's okay. Just get some rest okay?"

The figure kissed her temple and let her lie down on the bed. She looked up and smiled at him.

"Thank you..



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