《Rejected? As if!》06 | Apologies


| Lucas POV |

I've always loved mushrooms since I was a kid.

Oyster, enoki, portabella, swiss brown and Clementine Finch.

Who knew that the mushroom-head girl that I teased growing up ended up as my mate? I clearly didn't. Even though she tried to avoid me for the rest of the day at school, I enjoyed the chase of it all because I finally got to tell her about us.

Sitting next to her while I held her hand in mine, I feel truly blessed by the Moon Goddess for giving me a woman like Clem. I just wanted to stay in this moment forever with her, just us two against the world.

Clementine shifted closer and I catch her gaze at me, her green eyes sparkling from the sunlight. Like a moth to a flame, I am completely mesmerised by her beauty and her lips.

Those damn luscious lips.

As I traced her lips with my eyes, Clem gently bit her lip to reciprocate the lust I'm feeling which provoked my wolf even more. I grazed her lip with my thumb and I felt her shiver from my touch, the smell of her arousal driving me insane.

Shit. She's going to be the death of me, isn't she?

Not caring anymore about who sees us, I quickly devoured her mouth as she moved along with mine, her lips making me hungry for more. Clementine moaned so sensually in between our kisses while I ravaged her further with my tongue. More and more determination flowed through me as I pepper her with carnal kisses down to her jaw until my mouth reached the crook of her neck, where my mark would belong forever. Her shuddering breath has put me on edge, as I fight the inner turmoil with my wolf to mark her but my ringing phone had other plans.

I groaned out in annoyance as Clementine laughed while pushing my mouth away from her neck and she points to my phone with her eyes.

"Pick it up Lucas, it's probably the Moon Goddess telling us to leave a 10cm gap between us and be good wolf children." Clementine winked, as she fixes her dishevelled hair from our intimate moment.


I chuckled at that since if the Moon Goddess is such a prude then why did she make wolves into such horny beings?

Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I checked the caller who rang me and realised that it was Alice. Shit.

I sighed deeply as I read the messages she has left me and I glanced up at Clementine guiltily. Sensing who it was, she pressed her lips in a straight line and nodded at me with a slight smile to reassure me.

"Sorry Clem, it's Alice. She wanted to see me as soon as possible and I think this would be the perfect opportunity for me to tell her that is over." I uttered stressfully while I squeezed her hands tightly in mine.

"I know. You got to do what is right Lucas, so don't worry okay?"

"Clem, I'm yours forever and after tonight I want you to bare my mark proudly."

"I would love that so much, Lucas. I honestly can't wait till our bond with each other heightens during the full moon. It's going to be magical."

"I can't wait to see you tonight. I'll find you, yeah?"

"Find? I better be the only one you bloody see there since I should stand out as your mate of course." She flicked her imaginary long hair at me as she winked.

"I don't know Clem, Tom might wear a sparkly suit and we all know how distracting he is, like in a bad way."

"Don't put that mental image in my head please. I already deal with Tomtom's face on a daily basis."

"Tom-tom? Hm, I'll change the face you see on the daily basis starting tonight."

"Possessive much? Okay, captain jealous you should probably get going and see Alice, we've been sitting here for an hour already."

"You're mine Clementine Finch. Don't you forget it."

"Ughhhh okay 1850's patriarchy, just go already!" Clementine snickered and smacked my back to start walking.

Damn, I forgot how snarky she can get which I assume she got from hanging out with Tom too much. That man can somehow irritate me without being here which is a talent in itself. I really hope Tom finds his mate tonight because I don't want him as a third-wheel. I'll die purely from annoyance.



Reaching Alice's house, I stepped out of my car and started walking to her front door when it suddenly opened. I was greeted by Alice's worried face and I couldn't help but notice her red, puffy eyes as if she has been crying. I quickly ran up to her and she envelops me in a hug, making my wolf agitated. She started sobbing on my chest and my heart felt like it was going to explode from the guilt.

"Alice, what's wrong?" I asked as I caress the back of her head.

"I-- I-- got something to te--tell you." Alice muttered as her voice cracked with each sob.

"What is it, is there something wrong?"

"Luc, I don't want you to h-hate me."

"I would never hate you Alice, what is it? You're worrying me."

Alice looked up at me with her tear-stained face and grabbed my hand shakily. She dragged me towards her room and sat us down on her bed. She started crying again and I couldn't help but feel that pang of shame for what I'm about to tell her when she is in this state. She looked so fragile that I don't know what to do. I embraced her in my arms and rubbed circles on her back to calm her down as her tears marked my shirt.

When she has finally stopped crying, Alice pulls away shakily from me and slowly moved towards her drawers to grab something. She placed a plastic-wrapped object in my hands and told me to unwrap it. I looked at her hesitantly and unwrapped the white plastic while she silently sobbed in front of me. Picking it up nervously, my eyes widened at what they were.

Two pregnancy sticks.

"Alice, wait what? what is this?" I asked, my voice quivering from shock and confusion.

"Luc... my period is late. I didn't even realise until I got home and I got worried so I checked. I thought it was wrong at first and I used another one and they both came back positive. I'm pregnant Luc, I'm so sorry."

"That can't be... we've always used protection every time though?"

"I know but condoms aren't fool-proof all the time. Luc, I'm not ready for this."

"Shit Al, I-- I'm really sorry, this is all a bit too much."

"Too much? I'm the one who has to deal with it Luc. I'm the one who has to carry our mistake so don't you dare say that this is all too much for you! If you're not ready for this then I might as well abort this thing."

At those words, both my wolf and I saw red. She can't kill our pup, that's not even a choice to begin with. It's my mistake and I should own up to it.

"I'm so sorry Alice, that's not what I want, okay? We will keep it and I'll be there for you and the baby throughout the way. I'll take care of you both, I promise."

Alice crumpled on the floor in tears and I embraced her small body in mine. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I end up hurting her and our pup. As much as I am content to be a father, all I could think about is who I have to hurt in the process and how this would break her heart. Clementine deserves a man who could give her the world and make her the only woman in it.

And that couldn't be me.

I'm truly sorry, Clem.

===End of chapter===

Yikes. Poor Alice, poor Lucas and poor Clem! No winners here, only Tom and his sparkly suit.

How will Lucas tell Clem and how will she take it?

Happy reading! Comment and vote if you want more~

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