《Babysitting the Demon's baby ✔️》iii
August comes back to another similar scenario. Some animated movie playing in the background as Ria and Aaron cuddle each other. Aaron is passed out more like a deflated balloon on top of her, his face is soft and serene. There's an endeared grin on August's face. He loves things the way they are right now. There may be a lot of things he wants, but he's willing to not just go get them and put his son's safety at risk.
Aaron, his clever and intelligent boy, never really falls into ease around people he barely knows. But Ria was different. It's only been three months since they met her but Aaron had trusted the girl from the very beginning. So he falls asleep on her chest regularly.
His eyes travel up to Ria's. She's hugging the the little boy closer to her, head perched on the pillow. If August doesn't move the two babies soon, Ria is going to wake up with a bent neck tomorrow. Chuckling, he turns off the tv. Walking around the couch, he detangles the duo. Ria groans immediately, arms tightening around Aaron. His grin only broadens.
"Aren't you a fierce protector?" He whispers, finally taking the sleeping boy in his arms and carries him up to his room. He tucks the boy in, kisses his forehead and eyes. "I love you my baby."
Aaron makes an incoherent noise.
Smiling, August turns off the lights in his room. Before making his way downstairs, he discards his tie and suit. He rolls up his sleeves, descending the stairs two at a time. Back in the living room, he takes a seat beside the baby he hired for his baby.
"Wouldn't it be ridiculous? To have you around here all the time?" He asks the sleeping girl. Ria curls in to herself. August carefully pushed away the locks from her face, tucking them behind her ear. "I have always wanted ridiculous things. Selfishly enough, I want you too. All to myself."
He snakes one arm under her knees and on around her back as he lifts her up. In her sleep, Ria curls closer to him, burying her face in his chest. He can't keep his smile away as he carries Ria to the guest bedroom. He should start calling it her room at this point. She has slept in too many nights now, there's her clothes in the closet, her stuff scattered over the counter.
Fuck, even the sheets smell of her.
"For once, this demon doesn't want to selfishly just claim and claim. I want you to walk to me, on your own free will. You know I will welcome you with open arms." She's set down on her bed. Ria however, has a deadly grip on his silk shirt. August tenderly pries her fingers off. "Sleep well, angel."
He presses gentle kisses to her knuckles before putting her hand down. He retreats slowly, not wanting to part from her. Not when she smells so sweet, her hair is so soft and while sleeping, she looks so innocent. He's half out the door when he hears it.
"August?" Ria murmurs sleepily. He looks back at the girl. "Ria good night."
Ria is sitting up. "Ugh no! I have to get home."
August is beside her in a second, pushing her back against the mattress. "Impossible. You're sleeping here tonight."
"No, I can't, I-" she trails off, rubbing her eyes.
"Why can't you?"
"The bed, it's too big and I feel cold at night. I like small cozy places." She mutters slowly. August is endeared. "That can be solved."
She blinks up at him, sleep still hazing her eyes. Its probably the tender atmosphere, or how she looks so irresistibly soft. August reaches out, caressing her cheek. "I'll be here with you, if you don't object."
"I-In the same bed?"
"If you want to yes."
"Uhm okay, sure. I like cuddling." She replies as a blush blooms across her neck and crawls up to her cheeks. His thumb caresses her cheekbone. "Give me a moment to change, yeah?"
August leaves to change and returns unbelievably quickly. He finds Ria under the duvet, playing with her finger and trying her best to avoid his gaze. Ah yes, a shy one. How could he forget?
He slips under the duvet with her. She looks up at him expectantly but looks away when he looks at her. Smiling, August gets comfortable before opening his arms. "Come here you."
Shyly, Ria slides into his embrace and let's him wrap his arms around her. Her face is tucked under his chin, his arms tight around her waist. When August is sure Ria is deep in sleep, he presses loving gentle kisses on her hair.
"Riri?" His doe eyes are wide from where he stares up at his dad. August sighs. "I don't know baby, she usually texts me as soon as she's home. It's been an hour since she left."
August turns to his son. "Ria is fine, don't worry love. Let's give you a bath."
The duo find themselves in the bath, August washing his son's hair tenderly as Aaron is chewing on his rubber duck. He's been told not to do that, a thousand times now.
"You put that duck down right now or no Ria for one week."
The duck dives head fast into the tub.
August chuckles. He's grown even more clever, now he finally knows how to make his toddler obey him at all times. Just threaten to take Ria away.
"Yes baby?"
Smiling, August leans down to press a kiss on Aaron's wet cheeks. Ria has absolutely spoiled him rotten and now he's so used to getting kisses between each of his tasks. Everything he does, he thinks of Ria in some way. It's sickeningly sweet. With Aaron wrapped in fluffy grey towel, the duo comes back to the living room. Just then, his phone starts ringing.
"Who is it?" He answers the call in typical him manner, his son giggling as he hugs his dad's knee.
"Uhm, August... It's me."
He rechecks the caller id and it's an unknown number. There's a ruckus going behind her, August can hear it.
"Ria? Is everything okay?"
Aaron straightens up quickly. Ria chuckles nervously. "I'm so sorry to disturb you, I called my friend but she is out of town uhm... could you come to the police station?"
"How did you end up-"
"Hey you there! Are you done talking in the phone? There's other people who need the phone you know?" Someone barks from the other side. Ria is quickly apologizing to the man who just shouted her. August's body grows rigid in a second.
"August, uhm I understand if you can't come I'm sorry I'll just-"
"I'm leaving right now, I'll be there soon." He assures her and hears her sigh. "Why did they take you in?"
Ria doesn't even shut the door too loudly, or hurt a fly. There's no way she was arrested for some heinous crime.
"They're saying I stole this woman's wallet. I didn't, I swear." She informs him. August has already picked up Aaron with one arm and carried him up to his room.
"Just stay put and don't answer to any of their questions alright? I'll be there soon."
He takes out clothes for Aaron and the boy is putting them on hurriedly. Somehow, the toddler has understood through the serious tone his dad is speaking in.
"Thank you so much August!"
"Ria! You don't have to thank me, of course I'm coming." He has already grabbed the keys and is marching out of the house, his mini version following right behind.
"But still-"
"Girl are you fucking done?" Spoke the same man from earlier. Ria couldn't even reply before the line went dead. His jaw ticks as he unlocks his car. He'll burn that police station down to the ground. Aaron eyes his dad with anticipation as August gets on the driving seat and starts the engine. As he drives, he looks at his son from the rear view mirror.
"Okay baby, we're going to get Ria. But you cannot get mad there and start throwing fire at people."
"They hurt Riri!" Aaron bursts.
"No they're not hurting her, they're just being very mean to her."
"I'll mwake them bunn!"
August sighs. It's not gonna work this way. If he's to go rescue Ria and keep his son from exposure, he'll have to make a smart move. Luckily for him, he knows how to make his son obedient.
"Listen baby, if you control your anger and don't spit out fire at those people, if you promise to be a good boy I'll take you inside with me. But if you don't promise me, then in the car you stay. Understood?"
Aaron pouts as he ponders for a while. Then he gives a jerky nod.
"Use your words."
"Imma goob boy."
"Love you baby."
"Lub you too Dwaddy." Aaron grins.
August parks outside the station. He hoists up his baby on his lap, reminding him to stay put once again. When they enter the station, they spot Ria easily. Dressed in her fuzzy yellow sweater, seating at the benches across an officer who's blowing smoke at her direction.
"Riri!" Aaron shouts. Her head snaps up and lands on them. She gets slightly teary eyed. August is rushing to her with Aaron who wants jumps off his dad's hold and sprint to her.
"Hi!" She meekly waves.
"Did you call your boyfriend?" The officer questions her. She turns to him with a blank face. "How's that any of your concern?"
August takes a seat right beside her, Aaron settling on his lap. "Officer, why's she here?"
He's trying his best to be civil. This cop just looks like a scum and he must be enjoying tormenting the innocent babysitter.
"Accused of theft." The man replies briefly before taking a drag of his smoke again. When he blows out, Aaron coughs. He covers his nose with his little hands.
"I'm sure you're capable of explaining in detail."
The officer blinks up at him. "How are you related to her again?"
"We're family." He replies.
"How come I've never heard of her family has a young man and a literal child. I've known her for years." He replies. Realization dawns on August. He knows Ria somehow and looking at Ria August can tell, she doesn't want to be known to that man. With a sigh, he looks back at the officer, eyes finding his name tag.
"Listen here Sanchez, I don't care what you know or not. Are you gonna explain to me what exactly she stole?"
He offers him a plastic bag with a purse inside. "A woman's purse."
"Ria would never." August replies firmly.
"Well, that's what I thought of her too. But the purse was found in her bag, and she has no proof of her innocence, she might end up doing time." Sanchez explains with a smile at her direction. Aaron who was silent until now, somehow understanding everything going on, blinked up at Ria. Ria smiles at him through tears. With eyebrows furrowed in anger, he looks back at the officer. His expression very similar to his dad's.
"Do you have any proof she stole it? Any proof that she put the purse in her bag?"
"Well," the officer looks away. "She has no proof she didn't do it either."
August scoffs, leaning back. "Then, that makes you a thief too, right? You stole my wallet. It's in your pocket right now."
"What the fuck are you saying?"
"My wallet. It's in your pocket. You're a thief with a badge on."
Angrily, the officer check his pocket. There, surprisingly, is a heavy wallet in his back pocket. He takes it out with horror on his face.
"So, I can make you a deal. I'll forget about this little theft, you drop the charges against her, right-" he covers Aaron's ears. "- fucking now."
The man's face grows red. "Who-who the fuck do you think you are?"
August's eyes flash red. The officer notices that too, he wanted him to notice that. "I don't appreciate this language around my son. Drop the charges before I drop your pants in front of the entire station."
Ria gasps. "You can do that?" She whispers. August turns to her with a faint smile on his face. "How do you think my wallet ended up there?"
"Oh you're so hot for this, Mr.Knight."
August simply smirks before turning back to the officer. "Do I have to repeat myself?"
The officer has his fist clenched around Ria's papers. His tears it into half before glaring at Ria. "You're free to go."
"Great. Learn to do your job better." August remarks before Aaron is jumping to Ria's lap, giving the girl a tight hug. They make their way out of the police station with the officer's glare fixed on Ria's back.
Once they're seated in the car, August driving them to his home, he asks her the million dollar question.
"How do you know him?"
"That was pretty easy to figure out huh?" Ria wraps her arms around herself, staring intently out of the window.
"Look Ria-"
"Can we do it later? I want to put him to bed first." She motions backseat where Aaron is dozing off in his baby seat. August drops the topic. They arrive home and he watches silently as Ria picks up a sleepy boy in her arms and walks into the house.
He waits in the living room, watching the flames in electric fireplace as Ria puts his son to bed. He hears her footsteps on the stairs, straightens up. She wordlessly makes her way around the couch, sitting down on his right.
"He, uhm. My dad is friends with his dad, that's how I met him. He was annoying from his teenage days but then he moved away for training. He came back here after getting some promotion last month and has been annoying me since. He wants me to go on a date with him. Personally, I don't want to be associated with anyone familiar to my dad. But he's just, he-"
"Has never been denied anything. I know what you mean." August finishes for her. With a sigh, her head falls back on the headrest. "He just won't take no for an answer, fucking asshole."
August blinks, trying to not let his amusement show. So, Ria can curse every now and then.
His mood darkens pretty soon. The cop must've been a real asshole for even sweet innocent Ria to curse at him.
"He told me if I agree to become his girlfriend, he'll drop the false charges against me. He took all of my stuff away and his co workers they- they were laughing at me too. They said I was letting go off a real catch."
His fists clenched. Literally no one deserves to go through that shit.
"I didn't want to disturb you but, I had no one else to call. I'm so sorry, you had to come all the way down to there and-"
"Ria, don't apologize please. I'm glad you called, you can ask me for help anytime." He cuts her off. When she looks into those dark eyes, she sees the sincerity. She melts. "B-But it's so late."
"Demons don't technically need sleep."
August nods. "Aaron is still growing so his habits are similar to a human's. Once he is twenty three, his growth will come to pause."
"Thank you for coming tonight."
"I'll do it anytime." He answers almost immediately.
That leaves Ria searching for words. She has never had this type of family. Family as August claimed down in the station. She always had people leaving her when she needed them the most, she always had to pick herself up all by herself, tend to herself all alone. It's good to have him. But how much can she even expect from her employer.
Of course August came to help her. He needs her in one piece without any criminal record so she can show up right on time for her job the next day. He needs Aaron's babysitter unharmed.
That's why. Because she's Aaron's babysitter. Not like he was worried about her or anything.
"What's going on in your pretty head, Mhm?" His deep voice breaks through the silence. Ria stares. "Nothing."
"Then go freshen up and go to sleep. You've had a long day." He tells her. Ria nods. "Thanks again for coming."
August smirks. "If you're really thankful you'd give me something as a present, wouldn't you?"
"What could I possibly give you? You're the August Knight."
"A kiss for my troubles?"
Her ears go red so fast, August laughs. He leans in, closer to her face as amusement shines in his eyes. Ria's frozen on her spot.
"I'm just kidding, babe." He brushes their noses together before standing up and walking away. "Good night Ria."
Ria is still perched in the couch for several more minutes before her fingers touch the tip of her nose. They just had an Eskimo kiss!
She runs off to the guest bedroom, muffling her shrieks in her hands.
Some hours later, when the moon hangs above their heads and the midnight air is toasty and fuzzy, the door to August's bedroom creaks open. August's eyes fly open immediately, sharp gaze pining the intruder where they stand.
It's Ria, dressed in a sweatshirt twice her size. The shirt shrinks her in size and it melts August's heart just the same.
"I couldn't sleep so-"
"Get over here!" He whispers, making space for her in his bed. Her footsteps are soft as she makes her way to him, making herself comfortable under the duvet and snuggling closer to August. He wraps his muscular arms around, hiding his smile and strokes her hair. He gazes at her long lashes as he trails a finger down her face.
"Any time of the day, no matter what happens, I want you to call me, okay? I will help you, whenever you need it."
She sighs. "You're a busy man."
"I'm worried about you Ria, and I care enough to leave the work waiting." He hopes she can understand just how much he feels for her. Her hearts thumps. "Thank you."
"I told you I'd come-"
"No! Not for that!" She cuts him off as softly as she's capable of. August furrows his eyebrows.
"For caring."
They don't say anything after that.
The next morning, August feels a weirdly heavy weight on his chest. He groggily blinks his eyes open only to find his son seated on his chest, happily playing with his toy.
"Aaron, what—" he starts but he's quickly shushed by his son who places a finger on his lips. Aaron looks over at his side and it's then August registers her—Ria who's curled around him, her arm over his chest and her legs entangled with his. She has her head buried into the crook of his neck, she's breathing softly.
"Oh her—" August starts again but then Aaron starts glaring "dwddy shh, Riri's slweeping."
August sinks back into the mattress, slightly terrified because his son's eyes change colour for a second. Aaron is very cool about finding Ria here, something his father had not anticipated. The boy is usually mad possessive about his Riri and hates having to share her. Sometime in the morning he must've slipped into August's room with his toy.
He eventually relaxes, the body against his not feeling foreign anymore.
A few minutes later, he feels Ria's little sleepy whine as her legs stretch and kick him. He doesn't know why he holds his breath until Ria registers her surroundings, until she looks up at the person's face she's currently cuddling with her eyes wide. Then she looks at the baby sitting on top him and her mouth falls open.
And just like that, suddenly they're too close, with her lips brushing August's jaw. It lasts for a few seconds before she yelps, reeling back and eventually falling off the bed.
Aaron looks stunned for a second before he starts giggling.
August's breathing goes back to normal before he lazily smirks "Wow, I must be fun to look at." He sits up slowly. Ria is curled into an embarrassed little ball beside the bed.
"I don't know what was I thinking, I shouldn't have come-"
"Come on Ria! This is not even the first time we've done this." He jokes, clearly enjoying this. Yes they have, this is their third time sleeping in one bed.
But for the first two times, August had woken up way too early and left for work, leaving Ria to a cold bed to wake up to. But this. This is a first.
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𝐷𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝑅𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 ~~"ℋ𝑖𝑠 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑒𝑡𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝒽𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑙𝑙 " Can a Mafia fall in love with a quiet boy?? .......... If he can, how will the Mafia make him his, & his only??????top Kookbottom TaeMy YouTube channel @RomanceFanatic got deleted... Here you'll find all the parts of this fiction. I did not own any pictures or fanart. The book cover, the story line & idea are mine. Please don't copy the name or the idea & concept or anything related to this story. Thank you
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