
"I want you to follow her every move. Make sure that she's got no evidence related to the pills," Humeyra threatened Nadia.

Nadia nodded,"Yes your highness."

She left the Queen's quarters and went to search for Anisa. She wasn't going to give the queen any evidence on her. That wasn't why she was here. Rather, she needed to stick to the plan of following orders from Mr. Latif.

Meanwhile, Anisa and Tahir were gathering information on their absence from Hakim. He was informing them about his suspicions with the queen and Yasin.

To them, it was nothing new. Anisa was already informed by Yasin himself. All she needed to do was confront the queen.

"Other than that, nothing seems to have happened. But, that time when we were expecting a guest, it was strange as to how the Queen made preparations, almost as though she knew the guest wasn't coming before we were ever informed," he explained.

"I find that troubling as well. Thank you, Hakim. You've done well," she gave him a light smile and received one in return.

Tahir grew bothered by how she was able to smile at everyone. So, he changed the topic and asked Anisa, "Don't you need to speak with the king?"

Anisa sighed in defeat. It was the one thing she was avoiding on her agenda today. But, she needed to brief him on the prime minister and other business related information.

Just as they walked back inside from the backyard, they spotted Nadia and Tahir instantly questioned her presence.


Anisa turned to look at his expression to see he was confused. But, her confusion was worse. Who was this woman?

"Tahir, it's been so long since I saw you," she grinned.

"Why wasn't I briefed about your entrance into the palace security?" He asked, ignoring the formalities.

Nadia quickly changed her attitude and cleared her throat as she said, "Because I was on trial for a couple days. They hadn't made the decision to officially enroll me. Had the head of security been in his office, he would tend to small matters like this."

It was true. Tahir hadn't been tending to the security in the palace. But, it was because ever since Anisa relocated to the beach house, he didn't see much of a threat.

"Either way, I'm still considered to be on-trial. That is...until you sign acceptance to officialize me," She broke his thoughts

Anisa felt that she was no longer needed between the two. So, she told Tahir, "I'll be going to my father's office. You can stay and handle matters here."

Tahir was going to say something but he was cut off by her walking away. He didn't like the tone she used but he needed answers from Nadia.

"What are you doing here?" He whispered, looking around for anyone nearby.

"I'm here as undercover just like you. You don't see me for a year and is this the greeting I get?" She frowned.

"Mr. Latif would've told me," He said.

"You see, he thought you had more pressing matters. I'm just sent here to be the Queen's bodyguard and It seems as though I'm already gathering evidence," Nadia put a strand of her hair behind her ear and looked back at him.


"What evidence?"

She sighed before responding, "The queen asked me to keep an eye on the princess while she's here. She also made sure that she didn't have any evidence related to the pills she gave her."

Tahir clenched his jaw and was about to walk off aggressively, but Nadia held his wrist before he could take another step and told him, "Stop, you're going to blow your cover. We already know she's the one that tried poisoning so why overreact?"

"She was supposed to be removed of her status a long time ago," he took his wrist away from her hand, "There's only so much patience I have. It makes me wonder if she was the cause of my father's death."

Nadia lightened her frown as she came into a state of shock. But, she only had sympathy for Tahir and if he had an assumption, it was almost always correct. She trusted him more than Mr. Latif.

Anisa sat awkwardly on the chair just across from her father's desk. He looked at the papers she brought for him and she waited for a response.

"I heard what happened in Singapore," he started, "I'm glad you're still in one piece."

She was annoyed with his attempt in getting close to her. It clearly wasn't working. His words held no sympathy. Just dry attitude.

"I'm also glad to be in one piece," she replied.

He turned a few papers and continued to read every document she brought him. Once he finished, he looked back up to realize Anisa was deep in thought, staring at the chair across from her.

"I also heard that you removed Layla off the association," he said.

Anisa came back to reality from her deep thoughts and looked back at him.

"Yes. It wasn't going to last long. She only caused an uproar for our system."

King Salman sighed and told her, "You should've been patient with her. She's different from you. It takes her longer to get used to something. I just wish you wouldn't rush into things like —"

She cut him off and angrily said, "She hired an outsider who granted access to other organizations for our intel. You tell me if I should've waited until another bomb welcomed this palace!?"

"You do NOT raise your voice at your father young lady!" He slammed his desk.

It was heard, even from outside which caused the door to open and reveal Tahir in a defensive position.

They both turned to look at him and before he could explain, Anisa stood up and gave her father one last look before telling Tahir, "Let's go. I'm done here."

Anger consumed her body. Till this day, she never understood how he wasn't able to see the true side of Layla. The one she saw. He always defended Layla and her mother. Not once has he spoken about her mother.

All of this thinking suddenly caused her head to spin and she quickly held onto to the wall.

Tahir grew alarmed and stepped closer to see that she was weak.

"I'm cancelling everything on your schedule today. You're going to the hospital."


Suddenly, she felt herself being picked up from the ground where she no longer felt it. Her instinct was to wrap her arms around his neck as he walked to exit the palace.

"Tahir, what are you doing? Let me go," she ordered.

"Just trust me. I'm taking you someplace where I trust results. Not the royal hospital."

With that, he gently placed her on the passenger seat of the car.

On their way, Anisa couldn't help but grunt from the pain she was feeling throughout her head.

"Tahir, it's just a headache. All I need is medicine," she begged him.

That only caused him to drive faster. The hospital he was taking her was one owned by JSS. They're open to the public but their identities aren't disclosed. It's just a health protocol.

After he reached their destination and parked the car, Anisa had already begun walking out the car. He rushed over to hold her and give her balance and she had no choice but to give in.

"Tahir!" She grasped onto his arm after feeling a wave of pain escalate throughout her body, causing her to arch her spine.

He immediately held her waist and brought her close to his chest. Her heartbeat was abnormal and he was able to feel it just from embracing her.

"Hold on, we're almost there," he picked her back up and hurried inside. After spotting one of the doctors, he called out to her and she rushed over towards him.

"Dr. Maryam, I need you to give her a full analysis and treatment. She may have poison running in her blood," Tahir informed her as he placed Anisa on the portable bed.

Dr. Maryam nodded in full compliance and carried Anisa, along with other doctors, to a room. This time, Tahir chose to stay in the main hall to call Saif.

"Saif, I need you to look into the system and get me Yasin's number, now."

"Alright, I'll text you the number," he quickly replied.

With that, he hung up and started walking down the hallway they took Anisa. He found a chair just outside her room and took a seat.

That was when Saif sent Yasin's number and Tahir called him in a matter of seconds.

"Hello? Who's this?" Yasin picked up.

"It's Tahir. If you want your sister's forgiveness, I suggest you do what's right and hold a press conference as soon as you can, regarding her actions," he spoke into the phone.

"I already told Anisa the truth. What more do you want from me?" Yasin angrily said.

"I want you to gain her trust again and release news of your mother's doing. You understand? You have a murderer as the queen of a country. Explain to me how you sleep at night," he threatened Yasin and spoke with gritted teeth.

Tahir wasn't going to hold back any longer.

"I don't," Yasin replied, "I don't sleep at night. But, I'll arrange a press conference first thing in the morning tomorrow. I'm only doing this because you're head of security. Don't think you have any authority over me."

Tahir didn't bother responding and hung up. Then, he stood up from his chair and waited while pacing back and forth, slowly.

While waiting, he even gave instructions through his headset to the other guards that were at the palace. He didn't bring extra guards since he knew how heavily secured this hospital was. It was from his own agency so he had no doubt an incident would occur here.



Tahir's head shot up instantly as he opened his eyes. Dr. Maryam stood just across from him, prompting him to stand up and ask,

"How is she?"

Dr. Maryam sighed before she explained everything to him.

"She's currently in a period of rest. We did a full analysis and check up of her body. Not only did we find Arsenic in her blood channels but we also started the process of removing it. It should take a day for it to be completely flushed out of her system."

Tahir nodded, "It must've been what caused her legs and her head to start having pain."

"Yes. This poison targets the muscles and the brain. Luckily, she consumed a safe amount so you won't have to worry about any long-term effects," she reassured, "Had you been any late, she would've started to lose movement in her muscles. The poison seems to have been in her system for a months period of time."

That was exactly when she began taking those pills. All these details were adding up. But, compared to the auction, the shooting incident in Singapore, as well as the presence of a bomb, none of these seemed like the Queen's doing.

Her tactics seemed to be more modest and hidden, just like the poison found in Anisa's sleeping pills. So, if it's not her, there has to be another variable in this equation.

Tahir finally nodded towards Dr. Maryam and thanked her.

"I appreciate it."

"Don't mention it. But, just how exactly does the princess ever begin to consume poison?" She asked

"You'll find out tomorrow," he said, referring to Yasin's press conference he agreed to do.

Eventually, Tahir walked into Anisa's room and saw that she was sound asleep. She hadn't been sleeping well the last week. Not since the shooting. Her addiction was still present but it slowly progressed with other supplements, personally given by Reem.

He slowly held her hand and caressed her palm with his thumb. He saw how peaceful she looked and thought he could get used to this any day.

While she lay, unconscious in her sleep, he whispered a small prayer to ease her pain and suffering.


Hey guys. With the world in such chaos and pain, surrounded with a pandemic that has hit the world, if you ever feel pain of any sort, the Dua above will help you, inshallah:)

Hope you guys stay safe and well!

Also, how's the story so far? I'm not boring you guys out, am I??

Don't forget to show this book some love by hitting that star button and commenting wherever you'd like ☺️

Thank you ~

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