《Species Unknown [Book 1: Aves]》SIXTEEN


Day 35

C.R.O.S.S. Laboratories

Aves Department

Section 3

knew something was off minutes after the test ended. She had figured Dr. Grant would reach out to her immediately regarding the results, but he didn't.

She knew that Dr. Grant was watching that day, and could only wonder what was going through his head. Throughout her years of working for him, she knew Dr. Richard Grant was a great many things, but passive was not one of them.

In the past, he never hesitated to contact her about Elias' progress, so his silence was unnerving to say the least.

She passed the time in her office, compiling all her notes on Elias together and drafting one final email to Dr. Grant. She could only assume that he was up to something, and it wouldn't be in her or Elias' favor.

She went through pages of pages of her journals, recounting almost twenty years of life. She read logs of her past self describing Elias' progress, reminiscing on the memories of his childhood. She remembered everything. From when he first tried walking, to his first word, she was there, beside him.

She had a bond with Elias that she had with no one else. Beside her research, he was the only thing she had left in her life to care about.

She devoted her life to science. In pursuit of her dream career alongside the infamous and terribly handsome Dr. Richard Grant, she busied herself with work, distancing herself from her family. She was so detached she didn't even realize they had moved across the country until her mother sent her a Christmas card from their new home in Florida.

She tried not to let it bother her, and she almost succeeded. She was always very good at that. Focusing on the task at hand, ignoring the consequences that it may bring. She called it a sacrifice, for the greater good.


She sacrificed so much for this project. She gave up on her family, her dreams of a husband, kids, and a cosy family home to grow old in. Instead spending out her days in a lonely apartment in the city, an agonizingly long commute away.

She had given up so much for this, she couldn't give up now. Not when she was so close to proving Elias was humanity's solution. She just had to make Dr. Grant see that.

She had to.

Without this project, without this job, she would be nothing.

A knock at the door sounded, pulling her from her thoughts. Looking down at her notes, she closed her folder and focused her attention back to the door.

"Come in" she called to the still shadow waiting on the other side of her door before glancing back at her computer to finish the email.

She heard the door slide open and the stiff stride of her guest entering. As she pressed send, a cool voice she recognized all to well spoke, sending a shot of dread throughout her body.

"Hello Jeanine"


Hey beautiful people!

Just in case you didn't realize this chapter was from Dr. Jeanine Pierce's POV. Hopefully I didn't throw you off with the sudden shift.

On a different note, I can't believe I am almost done with book one! It's been a year in the making and it will be my first completed story.

I know it's kind of short, but I plan to have about 30 chapters and and a teaser chapter to Book 2! Once I have published all these chapters, I will go back and edit my MANY mistakes and make the necessary plot changes. I will be sure to post on my profile when I do this for people who want to read the edited and polished version.

Thank you for all the lovely comments and happy reading ❤️

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