《Species Unknown [Book 1: Aves]》ELEVEN


Day 30

C.R.O.S.S. Laboratories

Aves Department

Section 3

that Elias would react this way, Dr. Jeanine Pierce thought as she cleaned up her office. She had just finished reading the data that Miss Hall had collected today with Elias and was now preparing to go home for the day. As she packed her bag, she thought about the last few weeks.

Beginning with Elias's outburst in the Training Center to his intriguing reaction to the new intern, these past few days at C.R.O.S.S. Labs have been nothing short of chaotic for Jeanine. Nevertheless, she could understand his fascination with the young intern.

Looking through the data samples the intern collected, Jeanine was surprised to see Elias' biological reaction to Miss Hall's presence. From the blood samples she drew, Jeanine saw an increase in testosterone levels as well as an increase in his pheromones production. Not only that, but the heart rate that Miss Hall recorded was much higher than his normal base rate.

When Jeanine first saw this data, she laughed. Finally, in his twenties he beginning to go through his awkward hormonal teenage boy phase. If his biological data wasn't proof enough, Jeanine could tell he was curious about her just by the way he watched her. His curious eyes never left the young intern and he regarded her with something in his gaze that she had never seen before. But she couldn't blame him. Elias has never met someone his own age, let alone a pretty girl his own age.

With her golden hair and warm disposition, she was like a ray of sunshine, and like a flower, he couldn't help but bloom in her presence. All he has ever known was darkness, pain, and cruelty.

Beauty and kindness were foreign to him.


She felt a pang of guilt at the thought but she quickly brushed it off. She had to play the villain, no matter how much it hurt her.

A ringing from her desktop screen broke her from her thoughts. Sitting up in her chair, she read the flashing name on the screen.

Dr. Pierce mumbled a curse when she read the name on the screen. Her eyes were glued to the incoming call as she ran a shaky hand through her auburn curls. News finally must have gotten around to him about what happened in the Training Center.

Lifting her hand, she let it hover over the screen as she debated letting the call go to voicemail. But then she remembered there were cameras throughout the compound and he was no doubt watching her internal debate right now.

With a sigh, she pressed answer.

She forced a smile when the black call screen faded to show his disgruntled appearance. His salt and pepper locks have disheveled no doubt from running his hands through his hair in aggravation. Great just great, Jeanine thought with another sigh.

Clearing her throat, she greeted her grumpy boss, "Dr. Grant, good of you to call. To what do I owe the pleasure?" She said, her voice expertly feigning surprise.

"Enough pleasantries Dr. Pierce." Came his stoic reply, "I saw what happened with the subject and I want to know why it was not reported to me immediately. Did you think I would not find out?!" His gravelly voice fumed from the monitor.

Yes. "No of course not sir, I just did not think it was of any significance to a busy man such as yourself. Surely you are consumed with your other projects and did not want to be bothered with such a minor hiccup." She said, holding back the sarcasm that threatened to seep into her tone.


Dr. Grant went silent for a moment. Jeanine watched as the emotions brewed in his grey eyes before it erupted. "Minor?!" He seethed. "The subject destroyed the Training Center, damaging thousands of dollars of equipment and in the process also sent one of my top researchers to the hospital today." He said, his voice getting increasingly louder as he scolded her.

"Yes I understand, but the subject was able to be calmed down with some guidance, and believe me when I say it will not happen again. Also, the Training Center is being repaired as we speak, it should be up and functional again by tomorrow-"

"Enough! I do not want to hear any more excuses on behalf of that thing! That was not a minor hiccup. That was a fatal one."

Jeanine froze. Fatal? He couldn't mean... "Sir, you don't mean to terminate the project do you?" She asked carefully.

"Consider it in progress." Dr. Grant said with no hint of a bluff in his tone. "His mere existence is a liability enough, now add temperamental and sporadic to the list, and he is outright dangerous."

"But sir, what about the intern? She was able to calm him down after that outburst in a way I have never seen before. I truly believe that Miss Hall could-"

"You mean the little girl." He said cutting her off, his voice losing its angry edge to take on an almost mocking tone. "Oh yes, I saw that video as well. The subject certainly seems to take an interest in her." He said before pausing to think, his wrinkled brow scrunching up in concentration. After a few moments, his eyes gleamed with something unreadable before a chilling smirk took over his wrinkled lips. "I'll tell you what, I'll give you a week to get the subject under control. If you fail, consider this project terminated."

"But sir a week is not nearly enough time!" She pleaded.

"It was not up for debate. I have given you and The subject enough chances." He chided. "Now that that is decided, I will also be expecting daily updates on the subject's progress."

"Yes sir," Jeanine said, slumping back into her office chair in defeat.

"Good," he said, his smirk spreading into a sinister grin that sent a chill down her spine.

"Until next time, Jeanine," he said before the call ended with a sharp click.

Silence flooded the room as another chill ran down her spine. The way he said her name after that tense call unsettled her. I mean sure, she hated when Dr. Grant was angry, but at least it was expected. But what really bothered her was that parting triumphant smile. It was so disturbingly out of character for him. He never smiled. It was unnerving. What was he up to? She thought. Why change his mind and grant her a week? Would he actually consider letting the subject live if Miss Hall was successful?

Frowning, she forced herself to crush the hope that bloomed in her chest at that last thought. Grabbing her bag, she stormed out of her office. Her thoughts consumed her mind and before she knew it she was at home in bed waiting for sleep that never came.


This chapter is dedicated to @EsmeA3 for taking such an interest in my book ❤️

Thank you!

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