《Species Unknown [Book 1: Aves]》TEN


Day 15

C.R.O.S.S. Laboratories

Aves Department


hardly got any sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about what Dr.Pierce had planned for me today.

Today, I would not only get to see the subject again but for the first time since our accidental meeting, he would get to see me too. It goes without saying that I was nervous. After all, this would be our first scheduled interaction, and if I didn't want to end up stuck in a tree, I had to make a good impression.

Thankfully I wouldn't be going in completely oblivious. In fact, over the last few days, Dr. Pierce had me observe the subject's daily routine in preparation.

I took notes on what I observed.

8:00 am

Wake up and breakfast

9:00 am

Stretching and aerobic exercise

10:00 am

Weight lifting and strength training

12:00 pm

Lunch-break in the observatory

2:00 pm

Daily check-in questionnaire

3:00 pm


5:30 pm


7:00 pm

Retire for dinner

For a few days, I watched from behind the glass as a silent observer. I also took notes on how Dr. Pierce interacted with him since the subject seemed to tolerate her more than any of the other researchers.

Since the incident in the gym, the scientists have kept their distance and he had been working with Dr. Pierce almost entirely. She hoped that by observing her, I could take over and help the subject through his routine in her stead. She said by the way he reacted to me when we first met that this goal would be possible.

Though I was nervous, watching the subject when he wasn't angry seemed to calm me down. He looked gentle with Dr. Pierce, almost like a lost puppy during his lessons. I loved the way his eyes would widen when Dr. Pierce taught him something new in his lessons and hoped that he would give me the same look when I took over.

I was anxious to begin subbing for Dr. Pierce. I had been watching his routine and felt confident in my ability to succeed with most of the tasks. Though I fear some of them will be a challenge.

Just having to watch the testing was hard. Seeing him go through the physical pain of strength training, tests and various injections was rough. If watching was this difficult for me, I wasn't sure I would be able to be the one who actually inflicted the pain.

Dr. Pierce noticed my discomfort one day and she gave me some advice.

"If the testing stops then so does his life. It is uncomfortable but necessary to keep this program from being terminated."

With her words on my mind, I pulled into the compound and parked my car. Grabbing my notes, I locked the car and rushed to the building. Today I would be meeting the subject again. The memory of him lifting the 500-pound weights playing over and over in my mind only increased my nerves. But to say I wasn't excited would be a lie. I wanted to see him again. I wanted to talk to him, maybe to even apologize for running out on him like that. I bet he already feels like I freak and my actions just made it worse.

I had to make a conscious effort to walk normally as I entered the lab. Walking straight through the halls, I made my way to the Observatory where Dr. Pierce had told me to meet her the day before.


I scanned myself in and slowly made my way to the grass clearing in the center. As I approached, I heard voices grow louder until I saw the subject standing next to Dr. Pierce. She was holding a clipboard, no doubt performing his daily mental questionnaire.

He was wearing a sky blue shirt that matched his eyes and accentuated his muscular chest. The back was cut out to accommodate his wings.

His soft midnight locks shifted when he turned to look at me. I was overwhelmed with the urge to run my fingers through it. His eyes were as blue as I remembered, but without the glass between us, I could see that his pupils were flecked with green like the grass around us.

He was like sunshine, and by that, I didn't mean the hot blazing California sun, but rather a soft sunset that is so strikingly beautiful you can't help but stare.

For a long time, he said nothing. He kept still as if the slightest movement would send me running. He hardly seemed to be breathing at all. When at last he began to speak, his voice was distant. It sounded almost as though he was a dream.

"A-arent you going to run?" He said, his soft voice barely audible over the bird song and the quiet gurgling of the creek behind him.

I felt a pang of guilt when I noticed him shift his wings behind his back and out of view, no doubt remembering my first reaction to them.

I waited a few minutes trying to think of a response to somehow break this uncomfortable silence that had spread between us.

"Should I?" I replied finally, holding his gaze with more assurance than I felt.

He shrugged, breaking eye contact to look at the grass between us.

I exhaled. Squaring my shoulders, I took a few confident steps until I was only about two feet away from him.

"Well, I'm not going to. I didn't mean to run last time. It wasn't like I was afraid or anything, just surprised." I said. It was true. I didn't want to fear him if he didn't give me a reason to.

When he didn't look up, I tried again, "This is all so new to me. In case you haven't noticed, I'm kind of lacking in the wing department." I joked while twisting to flash him my back, attempting to lighten the mood.

It seemed to work because I noticed that his lips twitched with the threat of a smile. His vibrant blue eyes rose to meet mine.

"Really? I ha-hadn't noticed" he said. It took me a second to register the sarcasm dripping from his timid voice. Dr. Pierce wasn't kidding about his social skills. It seemed like even simple conversation was new to him.

Though it's not like it mattered. I'm sure it was something I could help him overcome now that I would be spending my days with him. After all, if the stuck up researchers here wouldn't talk to him, then I would.

Besides, it wasn't his voice that threw me off guard. I could care less about what he sounded like at the moment. I was too lost in the depths of his eyes that held more warmth than I would expect given how he was raised. Those beautiful blue orbs seemed to tease and smile and glint all at the same time. Eyes that were focused entirely on me.


I suddenly felt warmth creep up to my cheeks. His curious gaze was intense. Unrelenting and undeniably intrigued by the girl in front of him. His eyes were growing more confident the longer we stood there. Taking in as much of me as he could. It was like he had never seen a girl before. Without the glass, I began to feel uncomfortable under his inspection.

I wasn't anything special, long unruly hair and slightly scared pale skin from years of teenage acne. I was nothing compared to the otherworldly beauty of the winged man in front of me.

To ease my growing discomfort, I looked back to Dr. Pierce only to find that she had disappeared. She was nowhere in sight and must have left while I was distracted by Elias.

So, assuming she had permitted me, I looked down at my notebook and turned to page one. Looking at the schedule, I saw that his break was about over and it would soon be time for his testing.

"Well-" I began, looking up to meet his eyes again, "I might as well introduce myself then." I said holding out my hand for him to shake.

When he just stared at it I put it down and cleared my throat.

"Um...Well I'm Miss Hall" I said, shooting him a friendly smile.

"Hello" came his soft response before falling silent. His response was so hesitant I wondered if he had ever even had a simple conversation with someone before. By the growing silence between us, I think it was safe to assume not.

I cleared my throat. "Uh...hello..." I said mindlessly as I raked my brain for a way to break the awkward silence that had settled between us. It was clear that he had little social interaction which, in hindsight, was unsurprising considering his situation.

He tilted his head at my answer, probably as confused as I was. But then, his lips quirked up into a lopsided grin that somehow made the silence comfortable.

"Maybe you could tell me your name?" I tried again, feeling more confident with my ability to come up with more than two words to say. Though judging by his reaction, it seemed I had picked the wrong ones.

"I-I don't..." his smile fell as he stuttered, breaking eye contact with me.

I exhaled. "It's okay, nobody is here besides me. Your name is Elias right?" I said carefully, watching his expression.

His eyes widened and darted around the room similar to how Dr. Pierce checked for eavesdropping when she first told me his name. I made a mental note not to say it out loud so carelessly again.

"Yes," he said quietly, unsure.

"It's okay, nobody besides Dr. Pierce is around and she told me I could say it," I said flashing him an encouraging smile.

A smile that faltered when he just looked confused. I raked my brain for ideas, surely he had to know Dr. Pierce? Maybe she went by a different name with him?

"Jeanine?" I asked, trying out her first name. To my relief, his eyes seemed to soften with recognition.

"Yes" he said in confirmation.

"Dr. Jeanine Pierce" I repeated, hoping he would understand now.

He nodded, understanding washing over his features.

Suddenly that gave me an idea. "Well since she lets you use her first name, why don't you call me by mine. It's Aurora."

He was silent for a moment before his lips turned up into that familiar lopsided smile I was beginning to adore. When he looked at me again, his eyes glinted with something unfamiliar to me.

"Aurora?" He said, the words foreign on his tongue.

I smiled. "Perfect. Jeanine also said I would be working with you for a while if that's okay?"

The smile on his face widened.

"Great! Well looks like it's about time to begin testing. Would you mind walking with me?" I asked gesturing towards the door.

He looked taken aback by my question and for a moment I wondered how often people asked if he wanted to do something. But before I could think on it too much, he had already recovered. With a nod, he began walking towards the exit to the Section 3: Testing Room.

I was a bit taken aback as well.

From what I observed, he hated testing. In fact, I was expecting quite a bit of pushback, not complete acceptance, and even eagerness.

Shrugging, I followed him out of the Observatory to the Testing Room. On the way, we talked about all sorts of things: our favorite birds, colors, plants, activities, and more. When I talked about my life, I could tell he didn't quite understand everything I said. But for someone who grew up in a laboratory, he was surprisingly well-learned. I made a mental note to ask Dr. Pierce about that later.

Nevertheless, he seemed to be undeniably curious and listened to every word I had to say. We were so wrapped up in conversation that time flew by and, before I knew it, testing was over.

He took all of his shots surprisingly well. I remembered watching Dr. Pierce administer them, strapping him down on occasion. But today, he sat on the surgical table patiently, watching me with curious eyes as I cleaned his arm and gave him each injection as gently as possible.

At the end of the day, I walked him back to his cell to retire him for the night. A tray full of steaming hot chicken, rice, and veggies was already on his bed waiting for him. I watched as he walked inside his cell, eager to dig into the spread.

"Goodnight," I said, watching from the door as he picked up the food and turned back to face me.

"Goodnight Aurora," he said, a hesitant smile taking over his lips.

His smile was contagious and I couldn't help but return the gesture as the glass door slid shut between us. With a final wave goodbye, I turned and headed out of the room.

Aurora. I thought about the way he said my name as I left. He said it with such fascination and awe that I couldn't help but smile. The stupid grin remained plastered on my face as I walked out of the compound, which unbeknownst to me, caught the eye of a skeptical scientist...

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