《Species Unknown [Book 1: Aves]》SEVEN


Day 08

C.R.O.S.S. Laboratories

Aves Department

Section 1

that I was more than a little confused. Now that the spectacle of what I saw had worn off, I began thinking about the logic behind it. What was he? He must have been an experiment of some kind. After today, there's no doubt in my mind that C.R.O.S.S. laboratories had taken the next step in genetic modification and moved from animals to humans. Is he the only one? Are there others? My mind swirled with unanswered questions.

I didn't want to go back to work knowing what kind of place I was stepping into, but the scientist in me was far too curious to give up now. Call me crazy, but I had to know more. I had to see him again.

Pulling up to the gates, I gave a nod to the stoic guard and was buzzed into the compound. Soon I was in front of Section 1. With my access badge clasped firmly in my hand, I let it hover above the lock. Despite my nerves, I had to act normal like nothing happened or they might get suspicious. There's no doubt in my mind that I was not supposed to find him. Taking a steadying breath, I scanned my access badge and walked through the doors.

I hastily strode to my office and once inside, began pulling out my notes from yesterday. I started my work and everything was going as planned until I heard someone at my door.

Tap. Tap.

Oh yes, the meticulous knock of an esteemed scientist and most likely the person I was trying to avoid.

I tensed. Taking a second to collect myself, I steadied my breathing before responding.

"Come in!" I yelled to the thin figure on the other side of the glass door.


Dr. Pierce walked in. The door slid closed behind her and from the way her fingers turned white as they clutched her tablet to her chest, I could tell that whatever she had to say was not going to be good.

"I was wondering if you could take a look at something for me," Dr. Pierce said as she held up a black tablet.

"Sure" I responded. My answer came out as more of a squeak rather than a word. This is why I always lose at Poker I mumbled internally. I watched as she unlocked her tablet and began scrolling through security footage of Section 3. My heart began to race when I saw the blurry yet unmistakeable video of me walking into the restricted area.

I swallowed.

"Have anything you want to tell me, Miss Hall?" Dr. Pierce asked, pausing the video to survey me over the gleam of her glasses.

I chewed my lip. My mind began to race with all the possible ways to explain what brought me there. Would she understand? Would I be fired? Or worse, could they convict me for trespassing and have me arrested? I shuddered.

Whatever the choice, my options were limited now that there was proof of what I saw. I had no choice but to tell the truth. Exhaling, I figured I would at least try to explain, "It was an accident. I swear I didn't mean to trespass I just-"

"Let me stop you there." Dr. Pierce stated, cutting me off. Adjusting her glasses, she sighed and leaned against my desk. "You didn't do anything wrong, sure some of our more controversial experiments are kept behind closed doors, but you're one of us now right" She said flashing that smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "So, I don't see a problem, unless...maybe you do?"


"No, no problem at all." I quipped, not wanting to give Dr. Pierce anything to be suspicious about.

Dr. Pierce nodded, "Good. Then I'm sure you won't have a problem with being transferred" she added, hugging the tablet to her chest.

"Transferred?" I repeated carefully, my brows furrowing as I looked at Dr. Pierce with uncertainty.

Dr. Pierce gave me a disapproving look before speaking, "You'll be working with the subject of course" she said as if it was obvious.

Ignoring her jab at my intelligence, I focused on what she said. "The subject..." I repeated, feeling a wave of recognition and followed by disgust as I remembered my actions from the previous night. I ran. From the man behind the glass...

Does he not have a name?

"Yes, Subject A 43." She said and I saw a flash of a memory. Electric blue eyes peaking through disheveled clumps of dark hair, scarred limbs, and a tattoo with the number .

"You see, recently we have been encountering some behavioral issues with the subject and then you waltz in and suddenly he is docile, curious even" Dr. Pierce added, laughing to herself. It was brief and soon I found she was looking down at me, her eyes gleaming behind her glasses. Maybe she was waiting to gauge my reaction, but I was still too stunned and disgusted to respond.

When she realized I was not going to respond, she continued, "You will work with us to help us explore him. It's time we exposed him to creatures his own age. Besides, judging by his reaction to you, we might be able to get him to cooperate again with your help."

My eyes darted around the room as I scrambled for some kind of response to her proposition. Taking my silence as consent, Dr. Pierce nodded to herself before reaching into her lab coat to pull out a black spiral notebook. Pushing off from her spot against my desk, she walked over and held the book out to me.

"Here. All the information you need on the subject is in this file. I know it's paper but most of the notes are from the early 2000s so it's a bit old school. Read it tonight and come prepared for tomorrow. That's when the real work begins. You're dismissed for today, but I want you to get started on that reading as soon as you get home tonight. See you tomorrow Miss Hall." She finished, flashing the ghost of a smile before turning to leave.

I gave a half-hearted nod as I watched her walk out of the room. When she was out of sight, I let out a breath of relief I didn't know I was holding. Looking down at the journal, my head spun when I read the words printed on the cover.


Hey beautiful people!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. The plot only thickens from this point on, and many of your questions will be answered within the next few chapters!

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