《Cousin Miguel》Part 43


"There is something I wanted to talk to you about", Derek said as he took Stiles hand when the pack had left. "Oh god, that sounds bad", Stiles' voice was low. "No, it's actually good news. For me at least. And I hope you think so too", Derek smiled and Stiles sat down watching his boyfriend confused. "Talk to me then", Stiles gestured for him to sit down next to him. "You know I love you right?", Derek asked and Stiles nodded so Derek continued "and when my wolf took over in the fight against Kate I realized that not only my human side loves you but my wolf side too. It has chosen you as his mate actually". "I'm your mate?", Stiles asked wide eyed. "Yes", Derek confirmed "I know that's much to process and...". "That means you'll be with me forever", Stiles exclaimed happily. "That's true", Derek furrowed his brows "aren't you weirded out or something?" "No, why would I be?", Stiles shrugged "I think that's the best news like ever". "I mean actually nothing has changed. I would have stayed with you anyway. Wether my wolf liked it or not", Derek admit and Stiles smiled at him lovingly. "Actually there is something else", Derek said now kind of holding back. "That would be?", Stiles was curious. "Well since we already completed the mating ritual without knowing, we are basically werewolf married", Derek told him. "Well, that's just awesome", Stiles laughed loudly "although we might not tell my dad". Derek let out a breath because Stiles was taking the news so well, but immediatly tensed again when he heard Noah's voice behind him. "Oh, you don't need to tell me", he said. "Oh, hey dad. Well turns out I married Derek by accident", Stiles blabbered awkwardly. "Yeah, I heard. Just make sure I have grandkids someday", he just shrugged, knowing that this whole supernatural stuff wasn't something to get mad about and just accept it as long as his son was happy. "I'm too young to adopt", Stiles answered his dad "and there is no other option". "Actually there is", Derek said. "What?", Noah and Stiles asked in unison. "Actually as an alpha's mate you are able to get pregnant", Derek told them. "But I'm a guy", Stiles exclaimed. "I don't know how it's possible and have never seen it but my mother used to tell me about it", he smiled at the mention of her. "Well that actually creeps me out a bit", Stiles admit and Noah laughed at him. "Weird yeah. But it's so funny to imagine you pregnant. You'd be even more exhausting then you are already", his dad said in a teasing way, not meaning it rude. "Well thanks dad", Stiles mumbled while Derek laughed. "I'm gonna head to bed before you are telling me more unsettling facts about werewolves I absolutely can't deal with now", Noah said and headed upstairs, leaving a grinning couple behind. "You know I think it's really weird if I got pregnant", Stiles stated and Derek nodded at him, understanding his concerns "but damn, I'd love to have a family with you someday". Derek smiled at him, wider than ever and kissed his forehead. "There is nothing more that I could wish for in life", Derek mumbled against his skin and Stiles smiled. He didn't need to worry about being pregnant with a werewolf baby as a male for now. Future Stiles could handle this problems. Right now he was happy knowing he was technically married to the man of his dreams with the possibility of having a family of their own. "I always loved the thought of having a family again", Derek told Stiles whose face fell a little "hey, what's wrong?" Stiles shrugged, then looked at him sadly. "I just thought of Isaac and how he didn't have a family. I mean yeah parts of our family died too. But Isaac never had what we had, a family that loved him and told him how wonderful he is. I feel so sorry for that. I mean, I lost a part of my family and you did too, but he never had that. We can remember it when we have bad days, but what Isaac can remember are only bad days. I wish I could just show him that he is not alone in this world and that there are people around, that not only have him as family but want him to be just that because we appreciate him. Does this sound stupid?", Stiles emptied his heart. "It really does sound like pack mom", Derek whispered softly and kissed Stiles forehead again. "Hey, you werewolf married me, so that is your fault!", Stiles pointed his finger at him. "It doesn't sound stupid at all", Derek then said honestly "you care about him. Like you care about all of us. I have actually been thinking about Isaac a lot lately and I think I have an idea for his birthday present". "What is it?", Stiles asked and Derek told him about it leaving Stiles in tears. "Do you really want to do this?", Stiles asked overwhelmed with emotion. "I would need help from your dad and Melissa. But I actually wanted to ask for green light from you", Derek was a little nervous. "Are you kidding me? Derek Hale you are the most wonderful human being in the world. You get every green light that I have. Please do it", a huge smile broke over Stiles' face and Derek let out a breath of relief. "I love you so much", Derek pulled him in for a kiss. "I need to tell my dad right now, so we can start planning this. Oh my god! Derek, I'm so proud of you", he kissed him again then ran up the stairs. 'How did I ever deserve this sunshine in my life?', Derek thought when Stiles disappeared from his view.He knew there was a lot of work ahead of them but he could do it with Stiles at his side. He just hoped that Isaac would be as enthusiastic about his present as Stiles was.

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