《Cousin Miguel》Part 42


They all settled down in Stiles' living room and chatted while they waited for the twins to arrive. They knocked on the door and stepped inside. "What is Peter doing here?", Aiden asked confused and alarmed. "Killed Kate, saved Derek, is now part of the pack", Isaac summarised and Stiles grinned amused. "Well then hi", they waved and Aiden sat down while Ethan went to the kitchen to get something to drink. "Let's tell them, when Ethan joins us", Stiles smiled and Derek nodded. After some moments there was a knock at the door and Lydia went to open it, revealing a face that none of them had seen in months. "Hey, guys. Look who's back", Lydia announced and Jackson took a step forward. Stiles looked at him a little scared, as Jackson and him didn't got along well to say the least. Derek noticed the change in his boyfriend's feelings and leant a little in front of him to protect him. Jackson looked between the two of them and then at Lydia accusingly. "I have been gone a few month and you don't feel the need to tell me Stilinski and Hale...", Jackson started but was cut off by Isaac. "Are living together. Yeah I think we forgot", he grit through his teeth shaking his head to signal Jackson to stop it. "No I meant that they are a couple", Jackson finished, offended that no one told him. "What?", Aiden asked in the moment that Lydia asked "how did you figure out?". "Look at them! Derek's all over protective", Jackson said with a tiny smile "I mean it's all over their faces". "We were just about to tell you", Stiles shrugged at Aiden who smiled at the pair happily. "It's good to have some fellow gays around", Ethan announced who had heard them from the kitchen and then stopped dead in his tracks. "Jackson?", he watched the boy in the doorway carefully. Jackson's smile fell and he turned to where the voice came from. "Ethan? What are you doing here?", Jackson's voice was silent and maybe a little sad even. "Deucalion called me over to Beacon Hills to help him. If I hadn't come he would have killed Aiden", Ethan explained as a matter of fact and Stiles' heart sank at how bad the twins' life had been under Deucalion. "Why didn't you tell me?", Jackson asked. "I didn't want you to come. I knew you would have attacked Deucalion if you had known. And then you would have ended up dead as well. So I just left", Ethan dropped his head "I'm sorry". "I'm just glad you're alive", Jackson smiled and Ethan looked up into his eyes. "I thought you left because of me", Jackson added. "I never wanted to hurt you, Jackson. I left to protect you", Ethan said and lay his hand on Jackson's cheek "I still love you. I always will". "I love you too", Jackson smiled and kissed Ethan. "Oh my god", Stiles exclaimed loudly. Everyone looked over at him shocked. "I can't believe you bragged about me and Derek kissing but are okay about them", he said to Isaac and Scott and rolled his eyes playfully. "I am just glad he finally figured it out", Lydia exclaimed and smiled at her former boyfriend "welcome to the family". She winked at him and settled down next to Aidan. Jackson formed and 'oh' shape with his mouth and smiled. "Well that's just a little awkward I guess", he laughed. "Are you okay", Derek asked Stiles who was still a little tense around Jackson. "I guess so", he smiled at his boyfriend and kissed him. "Well that's not something I thought I'd ever see", Jackson said. "Right back at you", Stiles contered and looked at Jackson. "Listen, I feel like I should be apologizing. I have been an ass and I don't even know why. London changed me, Ethan changed me and I'd really like to start over with you. All of you", he spoke but settled his eyes on Stiles. "I like that Jackson better, can we keep him?", Stiles asked Scott. Jackson looked unsure, when everyone laughed. "Sit down already! We forgave Peter, we can as well also forgive you", Stiles gestured for them to settle down. "Rude", Peter said but smiled. "But I'm curious. How did you meet?", Stiles asked Jackson. "He ran into me and spilled my coffee over me and I said 'bite me'", Jackson said. "Charming as ever", Stiles laughed. "Anyways I said that this wasn't necessary as I could smell he was a werewolf but we could do other things involving our mouths", Ethan finished. "Classy move", Stiles nearly fell off the sofa laughing. Jackson had the decency to blush. "How long have the two of you been a thing?", Jackson then asked. "Um...about a month or so?", Stiles asked Derek. "Yeah, I think so", Derek said "but I actually lost track of time". "I don't even care", Stiles laughed and leant in to kiss Derek. "Now that all of you finally know", Stiles said as he parted from Derek "we have something else to discuss". "Isaac's birthday?", Scott asked. "I was talking about dinner", Stiles said. "Of course you were", Derek rolled his eyes. "But yeah let's talk about Isaac's birthday", Stiles said. "I don't think there is anything to discuss. I am just getting older", Isaac shrugged. "Don't you want to celebrate?", Allison asked. "I never did", Isaac admit sadly "my dad always said I wasn't worth celebrating for". "Okay then", Derek sounded pissed "your father wasn't worth anything and we are gonna show you just how much you are worth celebrating, you hear me?". Stiles smiled and Isaac looked like he was about to cry. "Okay", he just said and smiled at his alpha "thank you". "That's what family is for", Derek announced, the turned to look at Jackson "are you staying in Beacon Hills?" "Yeah I am", Jackson said. "Well then you're welcome to the pack, if you want", Derek asked him after he got the okay from Stiles in form of a nod. "I'd love to", Jackson accepted his offer and they celebrated the addition to the pack.

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