《Cousin Miguel》Part 39


"Not to interrupt your moment, but I am also glad you're back", Isaac spoke up from a few meters away. Stiles lifted his head and just then remembered that they were not alone. Derek let him down and turned to the others. Scott and Isaac smiled at him and came down to hug Derek. Stiles refused to let go of Derek so they ended up in awkward side hugs. The girls still stood at the top of the stairs jaws dropped. "What is happening?", Lydia asked when she recovered and Allison too came back to her senses. "Did Stiles and Derek just kiss?", Allison asked and Stiles started laughing. "I am glad that panic attack is over", Isaac smiled at his laughing friend. "You had a panic attack?", Derek asked concerned looking at Stiles. "One or two this night and then one when Deaton called a few minutes ago", Stiles admitted. "How did you stop it?", Derek asked. "Tonight my dad was with me and after the call it was actually you who stopped it", Stiles smiled at him "like always". Derek kissed him and caressed his cheek, that was still bruised from Kate's attack. "What does that mean 'like always'? How long has this been going on?", Lydia's eyes were wide. The girls had gotten down to them and stood there still not understanding what was up. "A few weeks?", Stiles said hesitantly. "Weeks?!", Allison repeated. "So the two of you are...", Lydia started wondering. "A couple", Scott finished for them, smiling at the pair. "You knew?", Allison accused him. "He promised me to keep it a secret", Stiles chimed in. "Why didn't you tell us?", Lydia asked sadly. "Actually we wouldn't have told anyone if Isaac hadn't walked in on us", Stiles shrugged. "Too much information", Lydia frowned. "Oh my god, what is it with y'all? He walked in on us kissing", Stiles rolled his eyes. "I am scarred for life", Isaac mumbled. "Watch your mouth", Derek growled "you could have knocked". "A few days back you could have walked in on worse", Scott joked and Isaac made a disgusted face. "I am never telling you anything ever again, Scott", Stiles spat between gritted teeth and Derek face palmed. "Oh, we will talk about this later", Lydia assured him and smiled sweetly "but right now we should head to class". "I...", Derek started but Stiles cut him off right away. "You are not leaving my side", he ordered and Derek knew it was to no avail to contradict him. Also he didn't want to leave Stiles' side either. "I am not going anywhere", Derek assured him and kissed his head. "God, you are so cute", Allison cooed and Stiles huffed a laugh. They all headed inside the building and actually had the class together. To everyone's luck it was Coach's class. He didn't really care much that they were late, but as they sat down in the back of the class he eyed them suspiciously. "You look too old to be my student", he directed at Derek who sat down next to Stiles. "That's a good observation, coach", Stiles sassed and of course everyone turned around to look at the misfit in the room. Stiles was just about to come up with anything when Danny suddenly spoke up. "That's Stiles' cousin", he said what he believed was the truth "he is from Mexico". Coach squinted his eyes at Derek who tried to hide a smile remembering meeting Danny a few years back. "Hola", Derek greeted to support this explanation and Stiles snorted along with Isaac and Scott. That was so not typical Derek behaviour. "You are too good looking to be Bilinski's cousin", Coach stated without his verbal filter as usual. "Are you trying to insult Stiles' looks?", Derek asked dead serious and coach looked at him bewildered. "They take family insults really serious down in Mexico", Stiles lied to end coach's confusion on why his cousin wanted to defend his looks. "Bilinski?", Derek mouthed. "Long story", Stiles shrugged. Coach then dropped the topic with the words "whatever. Your cousin can stay. What's his name anyway?" "Miguel", Stiles answered "he is my cousin Miguel". Coach nodded and continued talking about something with the class while Lydia slapped Stiles' back lightly. "Like in the cousin Miguel you kissed?", she whispered hinting at their game of 'never have I ever'. "I knew I had heard that name before", Isaac remembered. "You didn't even lie", Allison said impressed. "Yeah, Derek has always been my cousin Miguel", Stiles admitted. "That sounds so wrong on so many levels", Derek mumbled. "Does that mean you fucked your cousin?", Scott teased. "Oh my god, Scott. Shut your unholy mouth", Stiles hissed. "Yeah, like seriously, Scott. Clearly it's the other way round. I mean Derek totally is the top in their relationship", Isaac stated bluntly. Stiles groaned and Derek looked embarassed. "You know this is your own fault", Derek accused his boyfriend, but not in a mean kind of way. "We have a lot to talk about later, Stiles", Allison whispered and Lydia nodded enthusiastically. "I hate my life", Stiles frowned then looked to his side seeing Derek smile at him. It dawned on him that he actually did quite the opposite. Derek was alive and he loved him. "On the other hand...", he said and smiled at his handsome looking boyfriend. "Stop being so adorable", Allison cooed and Lydia looked like she had heart eyes. Derek took Stiles' hand under the table and interwined their fingers. While coach went on in the front about how important lacrosse was for the human kind, although they were sitting in economics, Stiles leant over to Derek slightly. "Promise me you will never do something like that to me again", he whispered. "I can't", Derek shrugged "I would always act like that again. I would always put your life before my own". Stiles was near tears. He didn't want Derek to die for him, but he also knew that Derek will heal when he saved him like he did. So he didn't argue with him about that now. Instead he smiled at him. "I love you", he whispered. "I love you, too", Derek smiled right back. "What did you say, Bilinski?", Coach yelled. "I said I love lacrosse", Stiles blurted out. "That's my boy", he smiled at him proudly "Greenberg, act more like him!". Stiles snorted. "Is this guy on drugs? Is he seriously your teacher?", Derek asked wide eyed and his pack cracked up in laughter.

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