《Cousin Miguel》Part 38


"What do you mean, he disappeared?", Stiles practically yelled into the phone and Scott and Isaac looked really worried. Deaton sighed and tried to explain. "Peter stayed here and he took Derek's pain, like really took it away. I guess Peter killed Kate last night, what made him an alpha again. He gave up his alpha status to save Derek. When Peter's eyes turned blue again, Derek was healing. The wounds closed and healed, but he stayed in a coma why I didn't bother to call", Deaton explained. Stiles was shocked to hear about the whole Peter incident but focused more on the whole missing boyfriend thing. "Back to the disappearing part, please", Stiles demanded. "Oh, right. I guess I fell asleep while sitting next to Derek and when I woke up I saw that he was gone and immediatly called", he said a little guilty that he fell asleep, but who could blame him for human needs? "O-okay, so what now?", Stiles asked still histerically. "I'm heading out to look for him. Also I am calling Peter, maybe he knows something", Deaton explained "I just wanted to let you know first". "Thanks doc, please call if you hear anything", Stiles asked of the doctor. "Of course", he assured him and hung up. Stiles breathing went fast again and his hand clutched his chest. He felt this pain in his lungs, like they couldn't take in any oxygen. "Stiles, whats wrong?", Isaac asked worried. Stiles sank to the ground to sit down. "Stiles?", echoed Scott and both sat down beside him, each laying a hand on his back to comfort him. The girls dropped down in front of him. "What did he say?", Isaac asked softly when Stiles breathing had become a little slower. "Derek disappeared", he stuttered out still struggling to breathe properly. "Isn't that kind of a good sign? I mean he is awake and can walk", Scott said. "What if he was taken by someone? What if he thought he was okay and now he lies unconscious in the woods, what if...", Stiles breathing came more irregular now and he panicked. What if Derek was dead? He felt the panic attack creep up on him and Scott noticed immediatly, after all he had years of practice to get Stiles through them. "Calm down, buddy. I am sure Derek is alright. I am sure he will call soon or something", Scott tried to calm him down but it wouldn't really work. Stiles started shaking, his vision became blurry and his chest hurt even more. "What is happening?", Allison asked worried. "He is having a panic attack", Lydia stated then silently asked herself "why is he having a panick attack over Derek?" The mention of his name made it even worse and Stiles let out a whine of pain. "Calm down, Stiles. Please calm down", Isaac said panicked himself now. They were the only people left outside so no one noticed Stiles' breakdown. "Let's get him up and inside", Scott suggested "splash his face with water or something". Everyone else nodded as they didn't have any other plan. They all still comforted him and his breathing at least hadn't got worse when they lifted him into a standing position. He actually could stand himself but was still pained breathing. He thought he might break down again as they took a few steps towards the door when he heard his name being called. "Stiles", the all too familiar voice called out to him. "Derek?", Stiles breath caught in his throat as he turned around seeing him at the foot of the stairs. Stiles eyes filled with tears and Derek smiled a little exhausted from running all the way there. "I went home but you weren't there so I figured you would be here...", he explained without Stiles asking the obvious question why he was there. "Shut up already", Stiles dropped his bag carelessly while he laughed through tears and ran down the stairs, to jump at Derek and shove his head into his neck. Derek, although exhausted, caught him with ease and held him with his arms, while Stiles slung his legs around Derek's waist. Both of them were panting and crying but still smiling. "I thought you were dead", Stiles whispered when he lifted his head to look at Derek. "I came here as soon as I woke up", Derek said "I'm sorry I left you alone with Kate in the woods". "You are sorry? Are you kidding me? You saved my life", Stiles said. "But I got unconscious and couldn't protect you anymore", Derek argued and Stiles laughed at him. "You saved my life, Derek. You were in a coma. Do you have any idea how worried I was about you? Still am? You nearly died because you saved my life", Stiles ran his thumb across Derek's cheek. "But...", Derek started again and Stiles rolled his eyes and kissed him to shut him up absolutely not caring who was around to watch them. When they kissed it was like all the tension from the last hours was lifted from Stiles' shoulders and when they parted Stiles had tears rolling down his face. "I'm sorry", Derek apologized. "Stop apologizing. This is all my fault. You nearly died because of me. I wanted to stay by your side but Deaton wouldn't let me. I couldn't sleep because I was so worried. I couldn't stand the thought of losing you Derek", Stiles stammered "I couldn't live with the thought of you dead. I-I love you Derek". His own eyes got wide at what he had just said and Derek looked at him at first startled then a big smile plastered on his face. "I love you too Stiles", he said and kissed him again. Stiles felt so happy in that moment, warmth spreading where a minute ago was the clutching pain of no air. "And don't feel guilty. I saved you because I couldn't stand the fact of living without you", Derek added. "I am so glad you are okay", Stiles smiled, still crying a little out of joy "I love you so much". He pressed his face into Derek's neck again and Derek smiled happily. "All that matters is that you are alive", Derek mumbled. "We are alive", Stiles corrected and Derek's smiled got even wider.

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