《Cousin Miguel》Part 37


"What's wrong with him?", Scott asked arriving at the clinic right as Stiles and Isaac came out. "He's in a coma, but he is alive", Stiles said tears rolling down his face. "That's good news for now", Scott stated "he will make it. There is no one I know that is as strong as Derek". "What about the others?", Isaac asked. "Lydia has a terrible headache and Allison's back hurts. The twins are awake but still healing, Kate got them really bad. They are all okay and home", Scott told them. "That's good", Stiles attempted a smile. "Come on, buddy we'll get you home", Scott stated and they got in the Jeep and drove to Stiles' house. His dad was at work when they came home. He had the night shift once again and Stiles just hoped they wouldn't find the body of Kate Argent - again. Isaac told Scott that they were staying and Scott said that he would have done that anyway. "You can sleep in Derek's room if you want", Stiles said to them. "No, we're staying by your side, man. I slept on your floor often enough. One more time won't hurt me", Scott said and Stiles was really thankful he didn't have to be alone tonight. His bed smelt like Derek what made it easier but also harder for him to try to sleep. Isaac and Scott tried to stay awake at least until Stiles was asleep and at some point exhaustion won over worry and Stiles fell asleep. But that didn't hold on for too long as he was awoken by a nightmare of Derek's dead body with Kate hovering over him and smiling down with blood on her face. He was sweating and crying quietly. He lay awake for the next hour until he decided to head down at 5am. He sat on the couch and tried to calm himself down. Suddenly the doorknob turned and his dad came in. He was more than surprised to see his son up but you could see the relief in his face to see him unharmed. "Hey, son. What are you doing down here? Where is Derek?", he asked and Stiles just broke down crying on the couch. The sheriff didn't know what was happening and immediatly sprinted over to him and lay his arms around the crying figure. "Hey, what's wrong?", he asked worried. "Derek is in a coma", Stiles said inbetween sobs and his father looked hurt. "Kate...she wanted to kill me but Derek jumped in front of me and she sliced his throat and there was so much blood and...", Stiles breath had gone ragid and he felt that he was close to a panic attack. "He will be alright", his dad tried to calm him down. Stiles was panicking even more because he didn't tell his dad about him and Derek. He felt so bad about it now. What if Derek didn't wake up and thought that Stiles was ashamed of him? He tried to breath but he couldn't. All those thoughts just kept flooding his head and he didn't know how to handle it. "Breathe, boy", his dad said worried, then remembered that a doctor once said to him that people who have a panic attack should talk about the problem so the others could take the fear away from them. "Talk to me", he then said. Stiles looked at him, still breathing heavily, tears rolling down his face. He was afraid but right now he just needed someone to comfort him and to tell him that everything's gonna be alright. "I...I can't lose him dad", Stiles stammered "I just wouldn't stand it. I can't lose another person so close to me. He means so much to me". He looked at his dad who nodded at him. "Dad, I...I...", he started but couldn't finish as the panic attack took over. "I know", the sheriff just said and Stiles looked at him a little shocked. "You...know?", Stiles asked not focusing on breathing anymore, so it became easier. "Of course I do. You are not exactly subtle", his dad joked "his feet behind the door, your hickeys, his shirt in your room when you were showering and how you wanted to get rid of me. I am a sheriff, remember? I get paid to see the details". Stiles actually laughed at that. His breathing was still a bit fast until his father turned his face to look him in the eyes and said "I'm really happy for the both of you". Stiles let out a breath he had been holding since Derek's body had hit the ground in the woods and fell into his father's arms and started sobbing uncontrollably. "I'm so afraid, dad", he whispered into his dad's shoulder "I miss him already". "He's gonna be okay. That's not the first time he is injured and he always made it. He is really strong. He has to be to keep up with you", the sheriff said. Stiles was happy that his dad tried to lighten the mood and he actually smiled at the joke on his costs. Although Stiles knew it was a really bad wound and from an alpha on top, he was sure that if anyone could survive it, it was Derek. He kept on sitting in his dad's arms while crying, until Scott and Isaac came down the stairs at 7am. Scott sat down next to him and Isaac in front of him on the floor. "Have you slept at all?", Isaac asked. "Maybe an hour", Stiles shrugged. "I'm sure he will be alright and you will have him back in no time at all", Scott said then looked at the sheriff "oh shit". "Don't worry, he knows", Stiles huffed a little laugh "actually has for some time. Why didn't you say something if you knew, dad?" "I thought you would talk to me when you were ready to talk. Why didn't you tell me?", the sheriff asked back. "We were afraid you'd kick him out", Stiles said "the age difference and stuff". "As long as you are happy and Derek treats you right, I am good", the sheriff smiled at his son "and those two facts are definetly given". Stiles smiled sadly. He hoped Deaton would call to tell him that Derek is awake but he needed to be patient. Deaton said it may take some time. "Let's get ready for school, I need something else to think about, take my mind off my comatose boyfriend", Stiles said and got ready for school, as did Scott and Isaac. "How does your face feel?", Scott asked pointing to the bruise that Kate gave him. "It's alright. But why does it always have to be my face?", Stiles pouted. Isaac laughed and shrugged his jacket on. "Take care of him", the sheriff said to Scott as they left the house. "Of course", Scott assured him and gave Isaac the keys to the Jeep as Stiles was in no condition to drive and Scott wasn't allowed because he was a 'reckless driver' as Stiles put it. They had just arrived at school and headed up the few stairs to where Allison and Lydia were standing when Stiles' phone rang. All eyes were on him as he fumbled it out of his pocket, hands shaking as he saw that the caller ID said 'Dr. Deaton'. "What is it?", Stiles asked histerically. His hopes were up until he heard Deaton swallow at the other end of the line. "Tell me", Stiles demanded and he heard Deaton take a deep breath before he said something that made every colour leave Stiles' face.


"It's about Derek...he disappeared".

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