《Cousin Miguel》Part 36


"Now to you, Stiles", she said sourly looking at the boy angry. Stiles just looked at Derek. He didn't look like he was breathing. Stiles panicked so much he didn't even notice when Kate lifted her arm again to kill him. What he did notice was the voice saying "my, my, always so wild in anger that you don't expect the unexpected" and a claw coming to Kate's neck and slashing it followed by two hands breaking her neck just to be sure. Stiles looked up to see Peter dropping the dead body of Kate Argent on the ground of the woods. He was more than suprised to see him but there were more important things at hand. Stiles was down on his knees beside Derek in a second and looked at him full of pain and fear. "He is still alive", Peter stated and his own face relaxed at his words as well as Stiles' did. "Peter", Stiles breath was shaky "what are you doing here?" "Saving all of your asses, what does it look like?", Peter sassed kneeling down beside Derek. "Why?", Stiles asked confused "I mean, a few hours ago you wanted to get me angry at Derek and now you come along out of nowhere and just...save us?", Stiles asked never lifting his gaze from Derek's painfilled face, holding on to his hand, not caring who was around. He saw it relaxing all of a sudden and feared the worst. "Derek!", he screamed out in shock. Derek slowly opened his eyes and smiled at him. Stiles looked confused until he saw in the corner of his eye that Peter had grabbed Derek's other hand. Next he noticed the black veins on Peter's arm and lifted his gaze to look at him. He was in pain, he saw that clearly. But he was smiling, a tear forming in the corner of his eye. He turned his head to look at Stiles. "He is the only one I have left. The only family I've got. I love him, even if none of you may believe me. I wanted the both of you to fight, so he wouldn't risk his life like this. I wanted to protect him...I just wanted to save him", Peter explained, answering Stiles' question from earlier. A tear ran down Peter's face as well as Stiles'. "I didn't want this to happen", Stiles whispered. "I know", Peter said "me neither. But I know Derek. I knew he'd do something like this. And I understand. I tried to save my family too. But unlike Derek, I wasn't succesfull". "You survived", Derek whispered. They both immediatly looked at him. "You will too", Peter said determined and lifted Derek off the ground and got him into his car. The others were back to consciousness except for the two girls who weren't healing quickly but had no critical wounds. Scott saw what had happened and motioned for them to go, he would care for the rest of the pack, the twins were already back on their feet as well as Isaac, who got over to Stiles and took the keys from him knowing that he wasn't in any state to drive a car. He and Stiles got in the Jeep with Derek and Peter and headed to Deaton. Thank god the vet practically lived in his office. When he saw Derek his jaw dropped for a second and he swallowed hard. Then he cleared his head and got every herb and every helping liquid he had around to treat Derek's wounds as best as he could. Derek still looked like he could die any second, but Deaton couldn't do anything else. They could just hope for Derek to be strong enough to heal and that's what he told Stiles, Isaac and Peter. "I won't leave his side", Stiles demanded and Deaton looked at him with pity. "There is nothing you can do right now, Stiles. He needs rest and you do, too", the vet said but Stiles wasn't convinced. "He's right and you know it. Derek wouldn't want you to stay by his side and watch him being unconscious. Especially when you are exhausted after a fight. It hurts you to see him like that, he wouldn't want you to feel like that all night", Isaac reasoned and lay a hand on Stiles' shoulder who knew the boy was right but it hurt him to leave Derek anyways. "You should rest for school tomorrow", Peter just added to the list of reasons for Stiles to leave. "It's not like I could sleep properly without him by my side", Stiles mumbled and Isaac remembered Stiles' nightmares. "I could stay with you and I'm sure Scott will come too if you'd like", Isaac suggested shyly. "Thanks", Stiles tried to smile at his friend although everything in him was crying. He looked at Derek again. He was still bleeding and he looked like he was hit by a bus, but he was breathing, he was alive and that's what Stiles needed to focus on. Stiles got over and squeezed his hand, then leant down to kiss his forehand, really not caring who saw. "Please, wake up", he whispered with tears in his eyes, then turned around to leave with Isaac. "I will call as soon as he wakes up or anything else happens", Deaton assured him and Stiles thanked him not wanting to think about the 'or anything else happens' part. Deaton turned around after the boys were gone and noticed that Peter was still there. "You can go home, too", he said to the man he didn't really sympathize with. "No, I can't", Peter said "he is all the family I have left". Deaton could clearly hear the sadness in his voice, could feel that his words were meaningfull. "There is nothing you could do to help him right now", Deaton said as Peter sat down next to Derek and held his hand. Black veins could be seen on his arms and he took away some pain from his nephew. Deaton could see he was in pain. "I'm sorry to say that, but this won't help him much", Deaton repeated but Peter didn't stop. "Oh, I think you're wrong for once, doc", Peter said and flashed his alpha red eyes at Deaton. Through killing Kate he got what he always wanted, he was an alpha again. But as he saw his nephew lying there, near death, he knew that there was something more important. Deaton looked at him shocked, not really sure why Peter continued to hold Derek's hand. But the once so cold hearted werewolf held the hand for minutes, through much pain and until he nearly passed out and his eyes changed the colour from bloody red back to the icy blue of a beta.

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