《Cousin Miguel》Part 34


It was a few minutes before Stiles and Derek were about to leave to get to Scott's when there was a knock at the door. Stiles went to open it and was surprised to find Peter standing there. "Hello there", he greeted and Stiles gestured for him to come in a little confused. "I heard it is Kate. How did she even survive?", Peter came right to the topic. "I think you didn't kill her but turned her, Peter", Derek accused "and now we have to get rid of her". "Well, dear nephew, that is not my problem", he shrugged "you could have just killed her yourself back then. But still I am pretty pissed it won't be me who actually killed her". "Oh, go ahead and kill her if you want", Derek motioned for the door "have the honour. Just meet her in the woods and go for it". Peter just laughed at him. "I could as well just kill myself. She is an alpha and a really powerful one too. That would be suicide", he then said. Derek scoffed and shook his head at his uncle's optimism. "Why are you even here?", Derek asked. "Did you even listen to me, nephew? If you fight her you will die", Peter summarised. "I need to protect my pack, that's something you won't understand", Derek snapped and Stiles swore he saw sadness in Peter's eyes for a split of a second. "I thought you would think so", Peter mumbled only to himself and took a deep breath "then I have no other chance". "What did you say?", Derek asked glaring at him. "You said you want to protect your pack, but the werewolves can protect themselves so I guess you are implying that you are protecting Stilinski over here. Tell me Derek, are you taking care or advantage of that boy?", Peter nodded in Stiles' direction. "I am just trying to protect him", Derek spat at his uncle. "For his good or for yours? Where are you going to live when he is dead? I bet the sheriff won't ever look at you again when his son died in a battle and you did nothing. I get that you need to save him. But who are you doing that for?", Peter asked. Derek was boiling with anger and was opening his mouth to speak but was cut off. "Shut your frickin face and get out of my house!", Stiles yelled out of the blue "Now!". Derek had never heard him that angry and he swallowed hard at his words, a sadness washing over him. Peter smiled, seemingly satisfied with himself. Derek started to move, the sadness all over his face, when suddenly a hand closed around his wrist. "Get out, Peter", Stiles repeated through gritted teath and you could see Peter's face falling when he realized Stiles wasn't talking to his nephew. He looked at them angry but left the house eventually. Stiles let go of Derek's wrist and Derek turned around to face him, tears in his eyes. "Stiles, he is lying. I would never...let me explain, please", Derek pleaded but Stiles just shook his head, smiled at him and pulled him closer. "You don't need to explain anything, Derek. It's Peter. He just wants to get chaos in everything. I know you and I know that the last person you care about tonight is yourself. We need to talk about that by the way. If you die on me out there, I will kill you", Stiles said and Derek laughed a tear rolling down his cheek. "I know you care about me, Derek. I know he was lying. I am the brain, remember?", Stiles asked and Derek nodded. "Good, so promise me you will take care of yourself, too", Stiles demanded and Derek nodded reluctantly. "I promise I will try to be safe", he said and added 'but you are my priority' in his thoughts. "You will try?", Stiles asked rolling his eyes "that's all I'll get from you, huh?" Derek nodded again and Stiles sighed in defeat. "Alright then let's go", Stiles said and they headed over to meet the pack. Everyone was already waiting for them when they arrived. "Peter showed up", Stiles explained and everyone nodded understanding. They drove to the edge of the woods together, parking their cars there and getting ready for the fight. Allison prepared her bow with silver arrowheads. She talked to her dad about everything and he was pissed to say the least. He granted her that he and some of his men were going to be back up. They were already out there in the woods ready to kill her if she showed up. Allison got her archery ready and signaled the others that they could head into the woods now. They kept on walking until they reached the spot they had parked yesterday, where they had met Kate. And of course she already sat there on a rock as if she was waiting for her friends to show up at her birthday party. "Finally, I thought you'd never show up", she snapped at them "at least you left some toys in the woods for me but don't worry they aren't dead....yet". "What did you do?", Allison yelled and got an arrow ready to shoot it into her aunt's head. "Calm down, I just knocked them out and maybe scratched them a little", she smiled at the thought "but as you send them out for me, I guess at least you don't want to join me. How about everyone else? Is there someone in this pack clever enough to chose my pack over the inevitable death that will happen to you if you don't follow me?" She smiled at them with that creepy serialkiller smile and Derek looked at her disgusted. "No one here is going to join a psychotic bitch in her mission to kill everyone that won't follow her. That's a little too 1936 for us people with working brains", Stiles spat with his bat in one hand. "Then death it is", Kate shrugged and jumped at them.

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