《Cousin Miguel》Part 33


"Kate?", Allison asked disbelieving and with obvious hurt in her voice. "You know her?", Ethan asked confused. "She's my aunt. I thought she was dead", Allison explained, too many mixed emotions in her voice. "You", Derek spat through clenched teeth. "You know her, too?", Isaac asked Derek this time. "One little fire and everyone is against you", Kate sing sang. "Fire?", Aidan asked "like the Hale house fire?" "Exactly that", Stiles sounded sad "she killed everyone in the house that night". "Peter survived", Kate argued. "Well, congratulations", Isaac sassed "on the worst argument ever". "I like the new one", Kate laughed pointing at Isaac. "Awesome. But there's still no one that likes you", Stiles shrugged and fake smiled at her. "Still the same old sarcastic Stiles", she smiled nostalgic "although you smell different". "Stop smelling him and get to the point", Derek spat out and glared at her. "Derek, baby", she purred "eager as always". She smiled that crazy psychopath smile at him and Stiles clenched his teeth. "What do you want?", Scott asked again and Kate looked at him. "Scott, you've grown. Are you two still a thing?", she gestured between her niece and Scott. "That's none of your business", Allison spat obviously clear in her emotions now. "Allison", Kate clutched her chest in fake shock "okay, so here is what I want. I want a pack, as you may have heard already. If you don't want to join me I think I need to kill you which wouldn't really bother me to be honest. The offer counts for all of you, even Stiles. As does the threat. Follow me or die. It's up to you. I give you twenty four hours to decide and then we'll meet up here again. You can try to hide but I'll find you". Kate smiled triumphantly. "Allison, honey. I sure do hope you're joining my pack, you're family after all", she watched her niece, voice dripping of threat. Allison looked like she wanted to kill her then and there. "And Derek", she licked her lips "we could continue where we left off". Derek growled at her and she put her hands up laughing at him. "I'll see you guys tomorrow then. Make the right decision", she even had the guts to wave them goodbye as she slowly walked away. They stood there in silence for a bit before they got in their cars and drove to Scott's.


"I think we're all sure not to join her pack. Or has anyone changed their mind?", Isaac asked generally into the round. "I'd rather die than join that friggin bitch", Stiles spat then looked at Allison and added "not to be rude, Allie". "I agree with you", she just said and half smiled at Stiles to let him know she hadn't taken offense. "I'd rather see her die than us", Ethan said and Aidan nodded. Lydia also confirmed that she was absolutely not leaving this pack. "So we just go back there tomorrow and fight?", Scott asked. "Yeah, I guess so", Derek mumbled seeming like he was somewhere else with his thoughts. Everyone started to discuss their strategy from then on and it was hard to follow any conversation with that many voices. Stiles watched Derek intendly, feeling that something was bothering him. "What's wrong?", he asked turning towards him. "It's nothing I guess", Derek mumbled. "Derek talk to me", Stiles pleaded. "I ... I just don't understand why she gave you that offer too... she knows you are human. She...just wants to make you suffer", Derek concluded staring at the floor and Stiles thought he might look angry but instead he looked sad, like a kid who lost it's favourite stuffed animal. "Derek, look at me", Stiles said and Derek lifted his eyes to meet his "that's how she is. Cruel and unpredictable. But we'll fight her together. I can protect myself... well kind of... but I have you there with me. Even if she didn't count me in on the offer she would have gone after me just to show that she has the upper hand. I guess she thinks that maybe Scott would join her to protect me. As I think about it now, why isn't Scott trying to protect me?" "Because I know you wouldn't want that and I know you will just do whatever the hell you want", Scott said listening in on their conversation. "Well that's true. Thanks for caring tho, buddy", Stiles smiled at his best friend who rolled his eyes at him. "If she hurts you I swear to god...", Derek starts but Stiles cut him off. "She won't get to try cause we kick her ass", Stiles said determined. "Allison if you can't do this...", Derek started when the voices had calmed down a little. "I want her dead just as much as you do, believe me", she said sternly "everything bad in my life starting with her showing up". Derek nodded understanding. If Kate hadn't broke the code and got herself killed, Gerard wouldn't have shown up which led to the death of Allisons mother somehow. The girl had gone through enough. "How about we meet here at 8pm tomorrow then head to the woods together?", Scott suggested and everyone agreed. Lydia left along with the twins and Stiles and Derek gave Allison a ride who needed to talk to her dad about the events. "I really don't have a good feeling about bringing humans to this fight", Derek said in the car and Allison threw him a glare through the rareview mirror. "You do remember I almost killed you once?", she asked and Stiles laughed at that. "Yeah, we are coming, sourwolf. No more discussing, no more excuses", Stiles said then added with his thinking face "I think I'll take my bat". Derek just frowned at the thought of Stiles with a bat against big bad Kate. But he would do anything and by that he meant anything so that Stiles would get out there alive.

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