《Cousin Miguel》Part 32


From: Derek

To: Pack Group Chat

9pm at the Stilinski house. Don't be late. Yeah, I am talking to you Scott.

"Sassy", Stiles smiled at Derek when he read the message on his phone "I like that". They sat on Stiles' bed watching something that was on TV. Derek rested against the headboard and Stiles got up to straddle his lap. He started to kiss his cheek and jaw down to his neck where he gave him some hickeys that would heal and disappear immediatly which Stiles thought was a little unfair. "You really do, huh?", Derek smiled and lay his arms around Stiles body. Stiles lifted his head from Derek's neck and went for his lips instead. Derek deepened the kiss and they were just lazily making out for the next few minutes. "Let's not start something we can't finish", Derek mumbled while breaking the kiss. "Why not finish it?", Stiles asked diappointed. "Your dad just came home", Derek explained and Stiles got up and looked at the clock. "It's 7pm already?", he asked disbelievingly "I am gonna prepare some dinner". Derek nodded and they both got downstairs. "Hey, dad. How was your day?", Stiles asked when the sheriff entered the house. "Exhausting", he answered and put away his jacket. Stiles decided to make some spaghetti because it was fast and tasty. "The pack comes over later and we head into the woods to look for an alpha", Stiles told his father casually. "All of you?", he asked concerned. "Yeah. I can take my bat if it makes you feel better", he suggested. "Stiles, be careful kid", he said rubbing his face with his hand. "I will protect him if anything should happen", Derek said from the living room slowly going over to them. "Good...Okay", the sheriff agreed tiredly and sat down on a chair. "Food will be ready in half an hour", Stiles announced and that made his dad smile.


After dinner they sat in the living room and talked about sports, well Derek and the sheriff did, until Stiles' dad headed to bed. "Be careful", he whispered when he hugged his son goodnight. "I will dad. Also, I have five werewolves, a hunter and a banshee by my side", Stiles stated and his dad huffed a laugh, then went upstairs. "I would not let anything bad happen to you", Derek said softly when Stiles sat down beside him. "I know. I will look out for you too, as much as I can", Stiles laughed at his words. "You are doing a pretty good job so far", Derek leaned in to his face. "Am I?", Stiles asked and Derek felt his breath against his skin. "Indeed. I would be homeless without you", Derek said "and I couldn't do this, which would be a shame". He then closed the last gap between them and kissed Stiles, fingers tangling in his hair. "You're right, I am doing a good job", he smiled and kissed Derek again. Derek moved down to his neck but Stiles pulled back. "No more hickeys!", he said sternly "I don't want any more make up on my throat". Derek obliged reluctantly and kissed Stiles' lips again when someone knocked on the door. "Come in", Stiles yelled while scooting away from Derek. "Hey, bro", Scott greeted coming inside and looking at Stiles "dude, you should fix your hair before the rest comes in". Stiles ran to a mirror rapidly and tried to straighten the mess. Derek snorted and Stiles glared at him. "This is your fault!", Stiles pointed a finger at him. "You look good anyway", Derek shrugged. "That's adorable, but I look like I have sex hair and the girls are already suspicious enough", Stiles said finally content with his hair just as the rest of the pack entered the house.


"Your hair looks different", Lydia said after she greeted Stiles, who just rolled his eyes and plopped down on the sofa.

"We should split up and search throughout the forest. Two werewolves going with one human at a time. Leaves me with one human. If anyone sees anything suspicious, you howl and the rest will find you. After two hours we meet up again. Got it?", Derek explained to the pack who all nodded. The groups were easily formed as Scott demanded to go with Allison and Aidan demanded to go with Lydia and his brother not wanting to leave his side as they were more powerful together. Left Derek with Stiles and Isaac joining Scott and Allison. Stiles was happy that he went with Derek, who had already planned this outcome as he had never let Stiles out of his sight. They drove to the edge of the woods, parking their cars there and then heading into the forest in their groups.

"If we weren't looking for a freaked out, powerthirsty, people killing alpha, this could be really romantic", Stiles said and Derek laughed. "What? You don't think hunting down a murderer is romantic?", Derek joked and Stiles was impressed again of his influence on him. "Romantic? No. But it is indeed really sexy", Stiles admit and Derek turned to face him. "Keep that in mind for later on", he whispered and kissed him. "Oh, believe me I will", Stiles assured him and took his hand when they continued walking.

Two hours later and none of them found anything. "Nothing", Stiles announced groaning when he saw the rest of the pack, of course he had let go of Derek's hand by then "not even a bird. Just nothing". They just met back at their cars, all a little tired and unnerved from walking through the forest in the middle of the night for absolutely nothing. But that changed as they all heard a loud laugh go through the air. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Were you looking for me?", the voice asked and they saw red eyes flashing in the darkness. Looks like the alpha found them and this voice sounded awfully familiar. But it wasn't a man's voice as they had expected. "Well, here I am", the voice said again and the alpha moved out of the shadows in front of the pack.


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