《Cousin Miguel》Part 31


"Isaac, I need your help again", Stiles said through the phone. "I'll bring the make up", Isaac smirked. "Thanks man", Stiles ended the call and drove to school where Isaac awaited him. He covered the hickeys that could be seen up in the jeep. "Again?", Scott grinned when they met him in the hall. "Don't even get me started", Stiles groaned "my dad nearly caught us in the shower". Scott laughed and Isaac tried to supress it. "Caught who in the shower?", Allison asked appearing next to them. "Me?", Stiles said and Allison squinted her eyes. "Is that make up on your neck?", Lydia asked coming up next to Allison. "No?", Stiles blushed and Allison and Lydia eyed him suspiciously. "What is happening?", Isaac whispered to Scott. "Nothing good, that's for sure", Scott whispered back. "Are you seeing someone and didn't tell us?", Allison asked offended. "N-no of course not", Stiles lied. "Stiles!", Lydia pouted "why would you lie about this to us?" "I-I don't", Stiles stuttered. "I want to meet the girl", Lydia pleaded. "Scott, do you know something about this?", Allison accused. Fuck, Scott thought. "If he was, I would know. And I can assure you Stiles is not seeing any girl", Scott said absolutely truthfully. "Isaac, was he lying?", Allison asked, knowing that Isaac always said what was on his mind not taking a side. "No, he wasn't", Isaac said actually listening to Scott's heartbeat although he knew that he didn't lie. But he was the master of pokerface so why not put on a show. "If you were, you would tell us, right?", Lydia asked Stiles. "Of course. I'll tell you when I find a girl", Stiles smiled at them. The girls dropped the topic after that smiling at Stiles. Thank god they didn't ask about the shower or his neck again. They went to their class and sat down. "You know we could ask Derek. He would have noticed since he's living with Stiles", Lydia suggested and Allison smiled happily. Stiles slammed his head on the table groaning. This was gonna be a long day.


"He's in town", Chris said through the phone. "Any chance he is passimg through?", Derek asked not really having hope for this. "I don't think so. This is Beacon Hills after all", Chris deadpanned and Derek nodded. "Alright. I am gonna call in a pack meating and we are gonna discuss on what to do now", Derek told him. "Call me when you have a plan", Chris said and ended the call. Derek wrote all of them a message to come to Stiles' house after school. And they all did. Allison already knew the news from her dad and informed the others in school. "So?", Isaac asked "what do we do?" "We could wait if he finds us", Derek spoke up "or we go into the woods to look for him". "Isn't this silly? I mean walk to him? What if he doesn't want to find us or doens't know us at all? We would work against ourselves", Lydia reasoned. "Thought so, too", Stiles said "but my dad said they saw someone at the Hale house today and someone broke into the house where Derek's apartment is. This can't be a coincidence. Someone is looking for at least Derek". "Well if they want our alpha they need to pass us first", Aidan spoke up and Lydia smiled at him proudly. "So we are doing a night walk in the woods?", Stiles asked. "Only the werewolves", Derek glared at him. "Oh you've got to be kidding me! It's not like this would be the first time I'm in the woods at night", Stiles argued. "Yeah, last time Peter bit me and I turned into a werewolf", Scott accused. "Oh, come on Scottie. Cry in silence. Don't pretend you're unhappy", Stiles rolled his eyes at him. Scott just shrugged, Stiles had a point. "You could die", Derek warned. "Yeah, so could you. So either everyone is going or no one at all", Stiles said determined. Lydia and Allison both nodded, supporting his view on the topic. They might not be as strong as them but they could still help. "Fine", Derek groaned "but you stay behind us". "Sounds fair", Allison shrugged and Stiles and Lydia nodded in acceptance. The twins had already left to rest a bit before tonight. "Oh, Derek can we talk to you for a second?", Allison asked and Stiles shook his head at his boyfriend furiously. "Sure?", Derek said squinting his eyes and Stiles facepalmed. The girls lead Derek into the kitchen. "Listen to them", Stiles pleaded to Scott and Isaac. Meanwhile Derek sat down on one side of the kitchen table while the girls sat down on the opposite side. "It's about Stiles", Lydia started and Derek's heart beat picked up. "His heart is beating like crazy because Lydia mentioned your name", Scott said to Stiles who secretly smiled to himself. "What about him?", Derek asked the girls with his usual blank expression. "Is he seeing anyone?", Lydia asked "he wouldn't tell us and we thought that if he was seeing anyone you would have seen the girl in the house". "I have not seen or heard anyone else than Stiles or the sheriff in this house, except from the pack of course", Derek assured them. "So he wasn't lying", Allison mumbled, sure that Derek would tell them the truth. "Guess we should apologize", Lydia frowned and got up. Derek let out a deep breath. The girls came back and sat down next to Stiles who already knew about the outcome of the talk because of Scott's and Isaac's eavesdropping. "We're sorry", Allison said guilty "but everything seemed to fit". Lydia nodded and they hugged Stiles. "It's okay. I would tell you", Stiles assured them and the girls said their goodbyes and left. "You smooth liar", Scott said and shook his head laughing. Stiles shrugged. "This was awkward", Derek said and sat down next to Stiles. "Yeah...", Stiles rested his head on Derek's shoulder. "You shouldn't have talked about the shower incident in the school corridors", Isaac said. "You told them?", Derek asked offended. "Someone needed to cover up the outcome of your genius idea of giving me hickeys when my dad was there", Stiles glared at him. "At least he didn't talk about your sexual activities", Scott wiggled his eyebrows. "You told that too?", Derek frowned. "I promised Scott", Stiles shrugged and Derek just laughed about the situation. "Wait, you had sex?", Isaac asked frowning "that means I am the only virgin left". "I am sorry man", Stiles said "wait, no. I am not". He laughed and kissed Derek on the lips.

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