《Cousin Miguel》Part 29


"Why don't you join us in the water?", Scott asked Stiles who lay on his towel on the grass next to the pool. "I can admire Derek better from over here", Stiles answered truthfully "no one watches me when they're in the water". "Damn, bro. You really have it bad", Scott laughed and Stiles just shrugged. "Have you seen him?", Stiled asked to make his point clear. "You could be in the water with him right now, you know?", Scott explained. "How would you feel if you were next to Allison and both of you are half naked and you couldn't act on it?", Stiled raised an eyebrow at his best friend. "Oh, so this is about sex?", Scott asked loudly, when he understood. "Oh my god, Scott. Could you speak any louder?", Stiles shushed him. "So it is?", Scott wiggled his eyebrows. "No! Yes? Maybe", Stiles confused himself "I don't know, okay?" "You would have told me if you weren't a virgin anymore, right?", Scott asked. "What do you expect? A message with happy emojis and 'hey Scottie, I'm not a virgin anymore. Have a good day'?", Stiles asked sarcastically. "You didn't tell me?", Scott asked offended. "Relax, Scott. Of course I'd tell you. But there is nothing to tell", Stiles admitted. "So you're afraid if you're near Derek in the water your body might react...", Scott thought loudly. "Oh god, please stop. Let's not talk about this", Stiles whined blushing and hiding his face in his hands. "What are you talking about?", Derek asked joining them on the lawn. "Nothing", Stiles said while Scott answered something else simultaniously. "Stiles fears he might get horny when he gets into the water with you", Scott blurted out, thinking Derek knew about Stiles' dilemma. Stiles eyes got wide and he looked at his best friend really really pissed. "I hate you", he spat between gritted teeth. Scott noticed his mistake and ran to the water quickly. Stiles turned around so that his face was pressed into the towel and Derek couldn't see him furiously blushing. "Do you really think that?", Derek asked after a little silence. Stiles just groaned but eventually nodded his head. "Thank you", Derek just said smiling. "What?", Stiles mumbled into the towel confused. "Well, that's the best compliment I ever got", Derek stated and Stiles actually smiled a little, not that anyone could see it with his face on the ground. "Would you look at me? Or will you forever look into the towel?", Derek asked and Stiles shrugged signaling he didn't know yet. Derek smiled and just grabbed one of his shoulders and turned him around. Stiles immediatly covered his face with his hands. "Why aren't you looking at me?", Derek asked desperatly. "Because I am embarrassed", Stiles explained. "Why? You are allowed to be turned on by your boyfriend", Derek told him his opinion "I am. Constantly". "You're not", Stiles said not believing his words. "How would you know? Do you know how hard it is to hold back sometimes with you around?", Derek asked "Like when you wear skinny jeans. Or when you reach for the highest drawer in the kitchen and your shirt lifts up and I can see your waist and all the moles on it and I wonder how many more moles are all over your body". Stiles put down his hands. "Are you serious?", Stiles asked still blushed. "Of course I am. You are really sexy to me, Stiles", Derek was absolutely serious. "Why didn't anything happen between us then?", Stiles asked hesitantly and really quiet. "I didn't want to pressure you into anything. I know you haven't done it before, so I thought I'd wait until you made a move", Derek explained. "I waited for you to make a move. I didn't know what to do, as I have never done it before. And when I tried to make a move, Lydia interrupted us", Stiles said. "Well damn", Derek laughed and Stiles did too. "I don't want you to do anything you're not ready for", Derek repeated. "Derek, I am ready, trust me. And there is no one I'd rather do it with than you", Stiles reassured him. Derek smiled at him. "Okay so now that the awkward swimming pool sex talk is over, let's get into the water", Stiles said and they both went to the others.


When they got home Stiles was reliefed to not see his fathers car in the driveway. They entered the house and Stiles immediatly turned around to face Derek. "We have the house to ourselves", he whispered glancing up at Derek. He was only inches apart from his face. "I hoped so", Derek said and Stiles could feel his breath on his skin. Derek closed the gap between their mouths and captured Stiles' lips with his own. They already moved in perfect sync. Stiles chapped his lips slightly so Derek's tongue could explore his mouth. One of Derek's hands rested on Stiles' neck the other on the small of his back. He pulled him even closer to him and deepened the kiss. Stiles parted for breath after some time. "Upstairs", he panted breathing heavily. Derek nodded and motioned for him to jump and Stiles did. He slung his legs around Derek's waist, who held him with his arms under Stiles' ass. Stiles moaned silently at the touch and leaned in for another kiss. Derek slowly made his way upstairs and into Stiles' room where he lay him down on the bed, hovering over him. Stiles' hands wandered to the hem of Derek's shirt and they parted so he could take it off. Derek did the same with Stiles' shirt and they continued kissing passionatly. "I fell so hard for you", Derek suddenly said and Stiles felt so happy. "Me too", he kissed Derek again and his hands wandered over Derek's six pack down to the waistband of his jeans. "Are you sure?", Derek asked again. "I've never been so sure of something in all my life", Stiles reassured him and opened the button of his jeans.

Scott awoke to a text message from Stiles on his phone the next morning.

😄😄😄Hey Scottie, I'm not a virgin anymore. Have a good day! 🎉🎉🎉

He laughed and shook his head at his best friend's words.

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