《Cousin Miguel》Part 28


It was sunday morning and Stiles packed his things for going swimming with the pack. He already put his swimming trunk on in the bathroom, so he didn't have to change there. Isaac was right, it was really hot outside and he was already sweating just from packing stuff into a bag. "Are you done?", Derek appeared in his door frame. "Yep, I just need to put in the sunblocker and some water", Stiles informed him. "Are we meeting up here or at the swimming pool?", Derek asked. "I guess at the pool, but we have to pick up Scott and Isaac first", Stiles explained while putting the sun blocker in the bag. "Is that SPF factor 100?", Derek raised his eyebrows at his boyfriend. "Yeah, I turn really red really fast if I don't use it", he started. "Well, that would be a new colour on you after all the blue and purple on your cheek", Derek joked. "Oh, yeah. Joke about my sunburn. It's so unfair that you heal so fast and I get burned", Stiles pouted and Derek stood behind him and lay his arms around his chest. "I could put it on you", he whispered in his ear and Stiles gulped at the idea. "You better, if I get sunburnt you can't touch me for days", Stiles mumbled. "That would be a shame", Derek leant down to kiss his neck. Stiles lay his head on the side to grant Derek better access, who bit and sucked lightly on the sensitive flesh. Stiles let out a moan of pleasure, then clapped his hand over his mouth and tensed. "He didn't hear it", Derek mumbled into his skin referring to the sheriff. Stiles relaxed and turned around in Derek's arms. He kissed Derek on the lips but broke the kiss soon after because they needed to hurry. "We need to go", Stiles looked up at Derek. "I guess so", Derek nodded and then looked at Stiles "oh damn". "What?", Stiles asked him, seeing Derek's eyes widen. "I'm sorry", Derek said and squeezed his eyes shut. "What is it?!", Stiles asked louder. Derek just took his shoulders and turned him to the mirror. "What the hell, Derek?!", he screamed "how am I supposed to hide that in a swimming pool, huh?". He pointed at the obvious hickey on his neck. "I'm sorry, I didn't think about it. I'm so dumb. I just wanted to mark you as mine", Derek admitted and Stiles blushed a little at his words. He was marked as Derek's, he liked that. "Hey, you're not dumb. I actually like it, it's just the worst timing ever", Stiles said and smiled at Derek "maybe I can just put a band aid on it?" "I actually have an idea", Derek said "let's drive to Scott". Stiles was confused but they headed out anyway. He yelled a goodbye to his dad while leaving so he didn't see the hickey on his neck and soon they were in the Jeep. "What is the plan?", Stiles asked. "You'll see", Derek said. As they arrived at Scott's house, Stiles lay a hand over the hickey in case Melissa was home. "Hey, you're early", Scott greated them. "Is your mom home?", Derek asked bluntly. "Um...no", Scott answered. "Good, we need her make-up. Waterproof make-up", Derek ordered. "That's the plan?", Stiles wondered. "What plan?", Isaac asked, appearing on the staircase. "The plan to get rid of this", Stiles lifted his hand from his throat to reveal his hickey. "Damn", Scott said. "Good work", Isaac joked and Derek huffed a laugh. "Guys, I need help", Stiles pushed and Scott went searching for make-up. He soon got back with something in his hand. "How do we put this on?", he asked. "Let me do it", Isaac rolled his eyes and snapped the cream out of Scott's hands. Stiles followed him suit to the bathroom and sat down on the edge of the bathtub. Isaac covered the hickey perfectly and Stiles was mesmerized by the outcome. You couldn't see anything. "How are you so good at this?", he asked. "Learning by doing", Isaac told him a little hurt in his voice "I covered up more bruises on my face than I can count". Stiles face fell. "I'm so sorry, Isaac", he said honestly. "Don't be", Isaac smiled at him "I am good now". Stiles smiled back at him and they headed out. "Wow", Scott and Derek admired Isaac's work. "Okay now let's go already", Stiles shooed them.


A few minutes later they met up with the others at the swimming pool. They paid and headed straight for the locker room. The twins, Isaac and Scott were out in no time at all, leaving Derek and Stiles in the room. Derek got rid of his shirt and his shoes and left Stiles watching him. When he noticed he raised his eyebrows at him. "What?", he asked him, then noticing that Stiles was still fully dressed "don't you wanna undress?" "I'm good", was all Stiles managed to say. "What?", Derek asked again, confused. "I...", Stiles stuttered then threw his head in his hands. "What's wrong?", Derek asked softly. "I am self conscious about my body", Stiles admit looking on the floor. "But why?", Derek asked disbelievingly "you look perfectly fine". Stiles shook his head and looked up at him. "Look at you! You look like some sculptor made you. I mean... damn Derek you are fucking hot", Stiles gestured wildly with his hands at Derek. "Thank you?", Derek was still confused. "I look like cheese next to you or a spaghetti. I look like cream cheese spaghetti", he added sounding so done. "You don't", Derek argued. "I do", Stiles consisted sadly. Derek walked until he stood directly in front of him, then grabbed the hem of Stiles' shirt and pulled it over his head, so that Stiles was left in his swimming trunk. Derek took two steps back to look at Stiles and smiled one of those smiles that were only reserved for his boyfriend. "I think you're beautiful", he told the truth and Stiles looked him in the eyes, searching for a hint that this was a lie. "It's the truth", Derek assured him "but you can feel my pulse, if that makes you feel better". He extended his arm for Stiles, who took his hand instead of feeling his pulse. "Thank you", Stiles kissed him shortly. "We should get going", Derek mumbled "but I would like to continue this later". "If you stay in this outfit, I'm in", Stiles winked at him. "Only if you do too", Derek smirked and Stiles felt better immediatly. "Get out before I start drooling", Stiles told Derek who laughed and then left. I have the hottest boyfriend in the world, Stiles thought and left the locker room after Derek. They found the others and headed out to find a spot to lay down."Damn, Derek looks hot", he heard Lydia whisper to Allison who nodded. "Fuck yeah, he does", Stiles whispered proudly that only Scott and Isaac could hear him, who laughed at his comment. Stiles did his best to not look at Derek the whole day in the pool especially when he was covered in water that dropped down his perfect body. Isaac snapped him into reality one or two (or fifteen) times, but everyone was so caught up that they didn't notice. Maybe I should come here with Derek alone someday, Stiles thought when he put his sun blocker on, a little sad that Derek didn't help him as promised, but that would have just been too suspicious to the other pack members.

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