《Sharing Materi with IWF》Sinopsis dan Blurb
Hari: Selasa, 8 Agustus 2017
Materi: Sinopsis dan Blurb
Pemateri: Rosida
Sumber: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blurb#cite_note-variety-3
Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.
Oke. Selamat malam, hari ini aku mau share Sinopsis dan Blurb.
Apa itu Sinopsis? Apa itu Blurb? Apa mereka sama?
Yup, sinop sama blurb itu beda ya, rata-rata pasti udah tahu ya perbedaannya. Oke, di sini aku mau ingetin lagi perbedaannya, aku mau jelasin sinop dulu ya,
Kalau merujuk KBBI sinopsis adalah,
n karangan yang biasanya diterbitkan bersama-sama dengan karangan asli yang menjadi dasar sinopsis itu; ringkasan; abstraksi
n Sen yang berisi cuplikan seluruh adegan sehingga membentuk tema cerita
Jadi, sinopsis adalah ringkasan dari sebuah cerita yang mencangkup, perkenalan, konflik, klimaks, ending. Semuanya diringkas menjadi padat sepadat padatnya.
Dalam membuat sinop itu sendiri kita nggak usah bertele-tele, langsung hajar, enggak usah ada kata-kata mutiara juga, karena itu cuma buang-buang waktu. Dan setahu aku, sinop itu max panjangnya sekitar 2 lembar di Ms. Word. Tapi, ada yang bilang 2 lembar itu juga kepanjangan, selagi bisa dipadatin, ya padatin aja jadi satu lembar misal.
Oke, udah paham kan apa itu sinop? Sekarang kita lanjut ke blurb
Aku ambil di Wikipedia, dan kata Wiki blurb itu,
A blurb is a short promotional piece accompanying a creative work. It may be written by the author or publisher or quote praise from others. Blurbs were originally printed on the back or rear dust-jacket of a book, and are now found on DVD and video cases, web portals, and news websites. A blurb may introduce a newspaper or magazine feature story.
A blurb on a book can be any combination of quotes from the work, the author, the publisher, reviewers or fans, a summary of the plot, a biography of the author or simply claims about the importance of the work.
In the 1980s, Spy ran a regular feature called "Logrolling in Our Time" which exposed writers who wrote blurbs for one another's books.
Perlu terjemahan? Ahaha
adalah bagian promosi singkat yang menyertai karya kreatif. Ini bisa ditulis oleh penulis atau penerbit atau kutipan pujian dari orang lain. Blurbs awalnya dicetak di jaket belakang atau belakang dari sebuah buku, dan sekarang ditemukan di DVD dan video cases, web portal, dan situs berita. Sebuah uraian dapat memperkenalkan cerita majalah atau majalah.
di sebuah buku bisa menjadi kombinasi kutipan dari karya, penulis, penerbit, pengulas atau penggemar, ringkasan dari plot, biografi penulis atau hanya klaim tentang pentingnya pekerjaan. Pada tahun 1980an, Spy menjalankan sebuah fitur biasa yang disebut "Logrolling in Our Time" yang mengekspos penulis yang menulis uraian untuk satu sama lain.
Jadi, intinya. Blurb adalah uraian singkat yang sering ada di belakang kover novel-novel itu. Blurb biasanya singkat, enggak panjang-panjang. Hanya 200-300 words, dan itu udah panjang, kepanjangan malah.
Menurut aku ya, 300 words itu udah kepanjangan (haha)
Jadi, sekarang udah ingat ya, sinop adalah ringkasan sebuah cerita secara keseluruhan. Sedangkan blurb adalah uraian singkat yang sering ada di kover belakang novel. Kalau di wepe disebut deskripsi cerita ya
Aku mau kasih tips menulis sinop dan blurb, ya. Ini tips membuat sinop dan blurb dari aku, kalau ada yang mau nambahin juga boleh.
Yang pertama membuat sinop.
1. Dalam membuat sinop kita harus jujur. Kenapa jujur? Ya, karena dalam pembuatan sinop itu enggak ada yang boleh dirahasiakan. Mesti dibeberin semua dari awal hingga akhir.
2. Dibuat sepadat-padatnya. Jangan sampai ada kata-kata yang terbuang. Nggak boleh bertele-tele seperti yang dibilang tadi.
Yang kedua membuat blurb
1. Dalam pembuatan blurb, sebisa mungkin blurb yang kita buat itu menarik dan bikin penasaran. Itu dua poin yang sangat penting. Kalau blurb kita menarik dan bikin penasaran, otomatis pembaca pun akan tertarik dan penasaran ingin membaca cerita kita.
2. Kita juga bisa bikin blurb dari premis yang kita punya. Terus tinggal dipoles dikit-dikit deh.
3. Buat blurb jangan terlalu panjang, apalagi kalau isinya yang enggak ada kaitannya sama sekali dengan cerita. Itu jelas jangan. Karena dengan begitu, pembaca akan lari dan mencari cerita yang lain.
Tujuan dibuatnya blurb kan untuk menarik pembaca. Maka, buatlah blurbmu semenarik mungkin dan buat blurb yang bisa benar-benar membuat pembaca penasaran hingga dia ingin mengetahui kelanjutan ceritamu.
Sharing dari aku udah selesai segitu, kalau misal ada yang mau tambahin juga boleh.
Q1: Kak, misalnya kita mau promosiin cerita, lalu lebih baik kita nyantumin sinopsis atau blurb nya?
A1: Kalau mau promosiin, menurut aku sih cantumin blurb dong ya, dan buatlah blurb semenarik mungkin yang bikin orang penasaran pengin baca
Q2: Di blurb, kan td dijelaakan dr wikipedia kalau blurb itu bagian dr promosi. Nah bs dr penulis, penerbit, atau pujian dr pembaca. Contoh blurb pujian dr pembaca spt apa? Berarti hrs ada yg sudah pernah membaca cerita itu sebelimnya dong? Berarti blurbnya pada cetakan kedua?
A1: Aku ganemu nopelnya huhu. Iya, si pembaca itu baca ceritanya terlebih dahulu, yang aku tahu ya biasanya yang baca itu sesama penulis yang bukunya diterbitin di penerbit yang sama. kalau blurbnya pada cetakan kedua, aku kurang tahu hihi. Beritahu kalau aku salah 😁
Nah, Fams. Udah tahu, kan apa itu Blurb dan Sinopsis, jangan kebalik loh yaa.
Semoga sharing kali ini bermanfaat, ya. Sampai jumpa di sharing materi selanjutnya.
Sekian dan terima kasih.
This Strange New Life
Seems like I got a new chance. Better not fuck it up then, since I really want to see what it feels to have a family. Power is pretty lame alone. Best used to build things and protect people. Did a lot of building 'till now, lots of research stuff and all. Now, let's protect the people that I love and that loves me back. An enjoyable life with my loved ones. Whatever the cost. Mufufu~~ What can I do, my siblings are so cute~~ maybe I'll try having children at some point~? --- PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION ^p^ ---- This is an extremely slow reincarnation story, with heavy usage of dialogues and diminutive descriptions. Chapter are posted whenever I feel like it, because I won't burn myself down like I did before. Chapters will often be around 2k words. The first arc, Life in Valince, will be at least 50 chapters deep, and the main character won't get to her 1 year anniversary over the span of this arc. As I said, it's a slow, character interaction, dialogue-heavy story. Lots of feeling, slice-of-life etc, with some dramatic events that shape the rest of the story ^^ AND PLEASE, STOP PESTERING ME ABOUT JAPANESE. this story contain a very limited amount of japanese words, used in context for a reason and that are part of the mystery of the worldAnd the bad guys use german (not because nazi buit because german is badass)And there’s also french. Please be open-minded. I’m not a delusional weeb and this kind of thing, and it would be very appreciated if people could be more polite.If you don't like it, I don't force you to read it, but a lot of people seems to like this novel nonetheless, so maybe you should give it a shot. ---- Lux's here! Yeah I know I should work on ToL and ToF but I had another idea, then another one. So here it is. Story talk about a war vet that reincarnate and can finally know what it is to have a family. I like engineering, creating things and all, so I'll try putting production scene in this. Like all my stories, it's about love, be it with family, friends or lovers. I like my coffee with so much love sugar that half the planet would get diabetes. You're warned. Also, the MC is quite OP, but I keep a progression curb and she still has things to learn, which she will eagerly do. After all, curiosity is one of her main drives, with a thirst for love and utter hate of loss, be it losing a battle or losing someone she loves. Ha, nearly forgot. CONTENT WARNINGS AREN'T FOR SHOW. Sex, of course. I'll try to explore sexuality as a male, a female, and some other PoV that can't be categorised like that, not exactly. Also, beware the yuri/yaoi. I don't limit myself to straight couples. Gore. A lot. Blood everywhere, guts spilling and all. I don't do censure. The Mc cut a wolf in half? you get the details of what is inside it. Traumatising content. I dunno. No NTR, no heartbreaking drama. However, some of you may dislike the way I handle bodies and flesh. Got some feedback about body horror on my previous works, but everyone as a different border separating transhumanism and body horror. Mine is pretty high. How high? Go read The Other Labyrthin to have an example. To put it in simple term, I've no problem at all to describe alien bodies, change in human bodies, interactions between differents strange species etc. Expect a lot of tentacle, bio-incubator, spawning pool à la zerg. Profanity. Well, I think you fucking got it in the very first sentence of this synopsis, ain't right? ---- THIS IS A WIP (work in progress)! Earlier chapters may get retconned or completely changed, structure of the story isn't set in stone, all the usual stuff. ANY HELP IS WELCOMED. Want to throw me your idea? Shoot! Spotted an error in the text? Comment! Seen a plothole bigger than the impact zone of a nuke? I'll gladly hear you out and try to fix the problem (somehow ;-;) --- Cover: John Martin - The Plains of Heaven (c. 1851) ---- Official Editor: TheZouave (starting from ch25 onward) ---- List of thanks: Necrotyr (English) Asviloka (English) Damokles (Review) David Talon (Review) JHA (English) Helbom (English) Slee202 (Common Coherence) NEEDS_MORE_DAKA (First First) Srayan (English) Koooomakimi (Dialogue Flow) Emagstar (English) Apocryphal (Review) ToasterForker (Review) Ellen Taylor (Review) Zak (English) PrimalShadow (English) Elliot Flanders (HUGE THANKS for the re-write of the poem "Tale of Ashen Night" Go check their work, it's good ^^) Lance Wheeler (Huge thanks for the English edit on each chapter ^^) (If you think you should be here because you helped me, feel free to ask, pointing the reason, like the comment you gave that could have helped me ^^)
8 198The Sword And The Butterfly
Virtuous Masters, terrible Demons.Mortal armies fighting for mortal Kings.Sages reaching for immortality. In such a world, filled with wonder and slaughter, two precocious children try to join a mighty Sectand the ranks of the fabled Cultivators. This is their story.
8 229Tales of a Grim World.
Ancient prophecies say that once every thousand years, one shall rise to bring about a new age of darkness. A harbinger of evil, a being born for the sole purpose of sowing misery and disgrace. Through them, the world shall know of war, famine, pestilence and death— the four seals that herald the end of times. Besieged by the maws of evil, humankind shall suffer in agony as they watch everything they once knew be unmade before them. To oppose such a being, the whole world has had to stand united, in the battles that came to be historically known as the Great Holy Wars. Guided by the Saintess of Irithel, brave heroes coming from the four corners of the world had to sacrifice their lives in order to fight against the Harbinger and cast away the darkness. Our story begins in the year 578, a bit over six hundred years since the end of the fifth holy war. In the kingdom of Valtia, a small nation belonging to the Union of Western Kingdoms, an urgent missive bearing the royal seal arrives at the hands of Earl William Taylor. Though it might still be almost half a millennia too early for another Harbinger to be born, dark clouds already loom over the northern continent of Gram, as many bizarre events start taking place. Follow the story of our main characters as they struggle to survive in a grim, unforgiving world. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Warning: This work is intended for mature audiences and contains adult scenes and heavy descriptions of violence and gore. If you are not over the age of 18, turn back right now. You have been warned.
8 127The White Horde (Revised)
The rewritten version of the same ongoing story, recast into Past Tense and lightly edited. Inspired by the intrigue, drama, and destruction whispered to us by ancient history, this story is set in a world where magic is slowly dying, and decadent empires struggle against each other as well as against the barbarian hordes pushing ever westward. The story is told from the viewpoints of three people whose actions will change the fate of nations and empires alike: Amazonia. More than just a female gladiator but a champion of the arena, she will win her freedom at a price: to become a Reaver Knight not seen since the days of ancient Babylonia, with a mission to save the empire that enslaved her from destruction at the hands of a rival empire, the Sasnayams. Wysper. A Celtic priestess stolen away from her homeland by Muzen, high priest of the Sasnayam deity Yun-Kax, she possesses a mana node like a second heart inside her body which Muzen rips out each time he 'sacrifices' her to their god to appease the masses. Despite her strong will, everyone has a limit, and Muzen's actions have driven Wysper close to the edge of suicide. Greywolf. Son of the infamous Shadow-walker, Ghostdog, and the Celestial Asena, who was once revered as the Wolf-mother goddess, but now guards caravans for drinking money. His boring life will change when his impulsive act puts Wysper's life in danger, yet saving her risks his death, or enslavement at Muzen's hands. And all the while, the White Horde sits on the edge of empires, biding its time...
8 98The Lord of War [Dropped]
A planet where the strong is in control. A planet where war is waged every day. A planet where the fight is between the races for domination! There is one man who will change the world forever as he wages one war after another making the people against him, submit to him using his head and brute force. He will be known as 'The Lord of War' and this is his story. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ You can also read it at https://saleban1.wordpress.com/ I will always post there first before I post it here. If you want to help me please share the story around but refrain from taking it as your own, if you want to make a fan fiction about it please make sure to talk to me first as this is my first story and work. [You can all thank Nexus Wolf for editing them, He aslo got his own fiction you can find them here http://royalroadl.com/fiction/7346 and the other story is here http://royalroadl.com/fiction/7489] Ps; Any comments are welcome and I hope you like it. If there is something you don't understand make sure to ask me about it as I will help you to the best of my ability's. [The story might be slow in the first 6 chapters but the pace and the info dump will change] Pss; the cover is not mine as I got it from google, if you can help me with a cover I will be thankful.
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