《Utterly Barbaric || Harald Finehair》xliv


"Trouble, no."

Harald knew that he had just gotten her back but he was tempted to throttle her the next time she went off on her own again. He understood that she was simply trying her best to recover and the healer had said that it was alright yet that did not put to bed all his fears that she might be in a fragile state.

"Harald, yes." Kari responded, smirking at him as she reached for a ladder, intending on climbing it to see what all the fuss was about.

Everyone had been excitedly bustling about ever since that morning. Granted, the previous day had been a busy day as well with so many well-wishers wishing to see Kari alive and well. At the end of the day, Harald had fallen asleep on the chair beside her bed while they were talking to Hvitserk.

Her brothers had been overjoyed upon receiving news that she had woken up. Though they, along with Harald, had agreed not to tell her much about the outcome of the battle other than the fact that they won. She had enough on her plate. Even callous Ivar had agreed to that.

Kari had wanted to speak to her brothers about how she met their father but she had no idea how to bring that up in conversation. They would surely not believe her, even she could not believe it but she knew it had happened.

She had met Ragnar Lothbrok. She had met her father. The thought of not seeing him again for a very long time filled her with sorrow but the promise of one day made her hopeful.

Nevertheless, today was a new day that brought more excitement as ships were spotted on the horizon. Not wanting to entertain the idea of spending another day in bed when she was feeling much recuperated, Kari went off to see what was going on.

Harald had refused to let her leave the bed but she wasn't going to let him stop her. By the time he returned with their meals, she was already gone from their chambers. Luckily for him, he had found her talking to some of the people of Kattegat, allowing him some relief that she was alright.

Presently, she didn't even get the chance to make it to the first step of the ladder when he grabbed her by the waist and set her back down on the solid ground. She rolled her eyes but did not move toward the ladder again, knowing that he would stop her.

Harald knew that he was being a bit overprotective. Alright, he was being very overprotective but who could blame him? Just a few days ago, his wife was dying and chances were low that she would wake up. Now that she was able and moving, he didn't want to take any chances, especially since she was carrying their child.


"Harald," Kari sighed out, completely frustrated that she was not allowed to do anything.

"Kari," Harald returned, matching her tone as he wrapped an arm around her waist to lead her back to the main hall.

"You're being overbearing." She pointed out, even as she walked beside him. Behind her, she could hear everyone chattering among themselves about the unexpected guest that had arrived.

"And you're being difficult." He retorted, pressing a kiss to her temple as he pushed open the doors to the main hall.

"Am not." She crossed her arms over her chest, turning to face him with a frown.

"You were injured and you're not at your full strength yet. You're also with child, Trouble." He listed, his hand pressing to her abdomen fondly as he drew closer. "You need rest."

She closed her eyes, counting to three before confessing the truth. "I know. I just-I feel as if I've been asleep for so long. The world seems to have moved on completely and I can't help but feel that I alone have been left behind."

Harald's gaze softened at what she said. He had sensed that she was not feeling herself. Yes, she had managed to laugh and joke around much like before. She kept up with all their quips and banters but from time to time, she would quiet as if she was lost in her own thoughts.

Whenever she thought that he wasn't looking, she would release a deep sigh, rubbing her wounded shoulder with a wince. He knew that she was still in pain and that she was only trying to keep up a strong front for all of them. It broke his heart that she thought she had to do so.

It convinced him even further that he should not tell her about anything else that had happened in battle. There was enough sadness upon them, he'd be damned if he allowed it to consume them.

"My world stopped the day I saw you lying there on that battlefield. I thought time itself had stopped and that the world had stopped moving." He spoke, his hands cradling her face. "My point is, you are not alone. My world stopped that day because you are my world. I would never leave you behind."

She smiled, kissing him softly. He tasted of ale and comfort, of warmth and home. He was right. In all sense of the word.

"Good. I never want you to."


"You know you do not even have to be here."

Kari looked over at her brother before sarcastically saying. "Oh Ivar, I did not know you to be so concerned for my wellbeing."

Ivar rolled his eyes in response, leaning forward from his throne. "I am not. I just want some peace and quiet from you."

Hvitserk snorted, joining in the conversation. "As if you did not send over all medicinal herbs you knew to help her wake up."


Kari laughed, her joy ringing out in the crowded room. Harald smiled upon hearing her laugh, his chest feeling infinitely lighter at the sound. "You do care! I knew it."

Ivar grumbled under his breath. "If only I could strangle you both in your sleep."

Before either of them could reply, the room hushed as Frankish soldiers entered the great hall. One of them announced loudly. "Rollo, Duke of Normandy."

All of them immediately straightened up, their faces turning serious as they all took on the role that they had created for themselves. Kari found her curiosity being piqued as she peered to look at the man who had provided them with troops, the man who was her uncle.

A tall man strode into the great hall, his clothing full of jewels with a sword hanging at his waist. He looked every bit a Frankish royal though if one would look even closer, they would see the barbaric sense in his eyes. It was as if within him was a Viking hiding beneath the bejeweled glamor.

Amusement swam in Rollo's eyes as he looked over each of them. "King Ivar. King Harald. Hvitserk. Queen Kari, I presume."

His gaze lingered on her, poring over how much she looked like his late brother. It was almost amusing how she reminded him of Ragnar. There was no mistake that she was his daughter.

"You would be right. Hello, Your Highness." Kari greeted, a smile brightening up her face as she came face to face with her uncle.

Ivar interjected, spreading his arms in salutation. "Your Highness. Rollo. Welcome back to Kattegat. We would like to thank you for supporting our cause and helping us gain a famous victory over our enemies."

Rollo expounded further. "Kattegat is an important trading station. I have every reason to desire to make an alliance with it. And I was persuaded by Hvitserk that you, Queen Kari, and King Harald together would overcome the forces of Lagertha, Bjorn, and Ubbe."

Even so, it did not make sense to Kari. Having Kattegat as an ally was good to be sure, but it did not seem to match the worth of the number of troops and the help he gave them. To meet her uncle brought joy but not knowing why he was there made her antsy.

As if sensing her own question, Harald spoke up. "But may I ask, why are you here now in person?"

Rollo shrugged. "Because I missed the old place."

Laughter scattered across the room but her suspicion came back in full force. If he was unwilling to disclose the real reason he was there then he was a threat. Kari met Harald's gaze as a silent message passed between them. They would not trust the Duke of Normandy until they find out the truth.

Ivar seemed to share the same sentiment as them as he looked at the two, a cautious look on his face. None of them laughed, the tension growing in the room at the attempted joke.

"Perhaps, you have ambitions to rule the old place?" Harald offered, a silent threat underlying his words.

"I rule over enough cities and lands to satisfy the requirements of any man. Why would I want the further burden of garrisoning Kattegat." Rollo waved off as though he was not interested in the land he had once betrayed his brother for.

"We obviously want to reward you for what you have done for us." Ivar drawled, his tone bored though his eyes remained calculating.

"Don't worry, you will. We will strike a trade deal which will be extremely favorable to me. We will also make an alliance for our mutual defense so that if I am attacked by anyone, you will send warriors to support me." Rollo responded, sitting down on one of the seats in the front. "Now, in the old days, we had a tradition of hospitality here. Even Ragnar fed and watered his guests, yes?"

Ivar continued to glare, a tight expression on his face. No one dared to move but everyone still stood waiting to see what will happen next. With everyone's unpredictable persona, it was difficult to tell what will happen next.

Knowing that no one else would make their move, Kari decided on the course of action that would lead to the least amount of conflict.

She stood from her seat, ignoring all the looks of protest that were shot her way. Walking to her uncle, she stopped in front of him. Rollo raised a brow before standing up, his height towering over her.

Harald's hand inched toward his sword, not liking how the other man was looking at his wife. Ivar's fists were clenched tightly while Hvitserk attempted to maintain his stoicism in the face of what was going on.

Unexpectedly, Kari's face broke out into a smile before her arms reached out to embrace Rollo. His eyes bugged out of his head, not used to negotiations wherein he would be embraced. Still, his arms went around her, reciprocating her action.

"It's good to have you here, Uncle." Kari said, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

"Happy to be here." Rollo grinned, looking at his own men with a nod that he would be fine.

All it took was a few simple words but it was enough to have everyone breathe in a sigh of relief that there would not be fights breaking out left and right. After the war they won, it was already a victory in itself.

For the hundredth time that day, they were all thankful that their queen had survived.

"What are you all waiting for? Let us celebrate our victory, shall we?"


There will be tons of drama and some revelations. Just a warning that it's going to get tougher from here :)) As always, stay tuned and sending you all my love

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