《Utterly Barbaric || Harald Finehair》xliii


Amidst the darkness, Kari heard a voice.

Just as she had started to accept the darkness and the loneliness that came with it, a spark of sound burst through the nothingness. At first, it was unclear. Her head was pounding and she felt groggy but the voice was there.

Second after second, she could suddenly feel a surge of energy thrum through her veins like ice and fire combining. It was cold and warm at the same time, the clash confusing her immensely. It was too much but also not enough.

The voice seemed to bring her back to life slowly as she felt air rush into her lungs and her heart liven up within her chest. She could the cool wind that blew into the room. She could feel the warmth from the sunlight coming from the window. She could feel her golden strands tickling her neck. She could feel her fingers brush through soft linens.

After being in the darkness with nothing for so long, everything that came crashing in felt overwhelming to the girl. For barely a moment, she did not even wish to open her eyes. Her other senses were already too much, adding in sight might make it worse and she was afraid of what she might see, the future she would be waking up to.

She did not know how much time had passed. She did not know who they had lost, who she had lost. She did not even know if they won or not though she supposed that the fact that she was lying on such a soft bed would be a good thing.

Kari was just about convinced to succumb back into the darkness when she heard the voice again, much louder and much more powerful. The words that were being spoken sounded so familiar.

"Trouble, I don't know if you can even hear me but I need you to wake up. Please." The voice of the man she loved more than anything filled her ears.

She could feel him, his body being close to her. His warmth radiated like a furnace as his hand came to encompass her own. His large hand dwarfed hers as if seeking to protect her from anything that might harm her even now.

"Remember when I told you that it would be a great honor to die in battle, to join our fellow Vikings in Valhalla? I want you to forget that. Don't go. It's not yet time for you." Harald continued, pressing his lips to the back of her hand. "I am still holding on to you. Please. Don't let go of me."


He closed his eyes, leaning his forehead against their clasped hands. He breathed out shakily, his breaths coming out in unstable intervals. Every inhale and exhale felt like a struggle he was steadily losing.


Harald's head snapped up at hearing the soft word. His eyes widened upon seeing Kari's eyes blink open slowly, a smile already on her face as she continued to stare up at him in wonder and confusion.

With his hand still holding hers, he used his other hand to rub his eyes. He did not know if this was a cruel dream that came upon him though if it was, he would never wish to wake up.

"Trouble?" Harald's voice came out soft, still unsure if it was real. If she was really awake.

"I'm never...letting you go." Kari answered, her voice was brittle as if each word was fragile.

When he heard her speak again, he could not help himself as his eyes filled with tears, a breath of relief leaving him. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes upon seeing her alive and well, awake and smiling. Looking at him. He had begun to lose hope, had started to think that he would never see her beautiful azure eyes ever again.

"Thank the gods. Thank you, Odin." He whispered under his breath, standing up to press his lips to her forehead, his eyes closing in gratitude. "Thank you for giving her back to me."

Returning to his seat, Harald planted kisses on her hand, not wishing to speak for fear that he would start sobbing. He needed to be strong for her. She was still not fully recovered and how would she feel if he started crying in front of her right then and there?

Kari opened her mouth to speak, only to start coughing. Hurriedly, he grabbed the pitcher on the table and poured some water into a cup, handing it to her. He had to assist her, making sure that she didn't spill it on herself as she drank quickly. Once she had finished, she rested her head back on the pillow.

Looking over at him, she could see the warring emotions on his face. Kari latched on to his hand before leaning closer and capturing his lips in a gentle kiss. It lasted for a mere second but as she drew back, she could feel the tension leave his body as her hand remained on his cheek.

His lip quivered for a mere moment before tears started trailing down his face in earnest. "I thought I was going to lose you. You were taking so long to wake up that I had started to think that you were going to leave me."


"I'm here. I'm still here." She assured him, her thumb reaching out to wipe away his tears, her own heart clenching at the sight of him so vulnerable.

"I was lost. So lost without you. When I saw you on that battlefield, I thought I was going to die. Not once did I fear falling in battle but seeing you like that, gods, I was so afraid." He confessed, pressing his cheek further onto her hand.

"I never left. I would never leave you. I made a promise, didn't I?" She said, attempting a smile. When she noticed that he did not return it, she sat up, meeting his eyes. For a moment, she thought that he was upset because of that until she realized what had caught his attention.

He looked at her before his gaze fell upon her abdomen, lingering there. Her hand consciously placed itself on top of it. His eyes found her once again, this time, there was betrayal and agony within them.

She tilted her head in confusion only for realization to hit her. He could not have possibly known. How could he have known?

"It's true then." Harald confirmed, frustration evident in his tone. He was frustrated that he had to find out in the way that he did, that he had found that out from her brother and not from her. "Hvitserk told me when you-you were unconscious."

Kari closed her eyes, trying to think of a way to explain to him why she did not tell him. "I'm sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am. I wanted to tell y-"

He interrupted her, hurt that she did not tell him. "Then why didn't you?"

She admitted bluntly. "I didn't want you to leave me behind. If you had known, you never would have let me fight."

He opened his mouth as though to disagree only to think twice about it. She was right, he wouldn't have allowed her to fight had he known. "That's true. But you also wouldn't have suffered such a fate!"

Kari knew how much pain she had caused him. Her shoulder may be aching and her body may not feel quite right but these would have been next to nothing if she had found out that Harald had been hurt.

She could not even fathom the idea of him getting hurt yet somehow he had stayed strong for this long. He had found her and managed to save her life, even when he himself did not look to be at his best.

Not knowing what to answer, she changed the topic to one she was aching to find the answer to ever since she woke up. "Is the child alive?"

He was silent for a moment before he nodded, granting her some comfort. "Yes."

She apologized, knowing that all he ever wanted was to protect her. It was unfair of her to blame him for something that was not even his fault but hers. "I'm sorry that you had to find out that way."

He sighed, telling her honestly what he felt and needing to hold her hand while he did so. "When you fell in battle, I thought I failed you. But when I found out about the child, I knew that I failed you both. As a husband and as a father. I could not protect you both."

She tightened her hold on his hand, shaking her head. "You didn't. You didn't fail us. We're both still here. We're both still alive. You found us and you saved us just as you saved me the day we met."

"But you were hurt. Both of you could have died!"

"We're both alive. Thanks to you. Now, stop fighting me on it."

It was quiet for a few moments and Kari thought that he was still frustrated. To her surprise, he started chuckling to himself. She gazed at him, a small smile tugging at her lips at the sound.

She missed that. She missed hearing that. She did not know how much time had passed since the battle but she knew that having one day pass without hearing his laugh was entirely too long.

Harald finally stopped, an inconceivable smile forming on his lips as he gazed at her. "How do you always know what to say? It's completely unfair. I cannot find it in me to be upset with you. Never leave my side again."

Kari pressed her lips to his, perfectly content with the world she woke up to. A world where they were together. "I'm not going to leave. Not ever."

And this time, she knew it was a promise she could keep.


Stay tuned and sending you all my love

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