《Utterly Barbaric || Harald Finehair》xxxix


Kari picked up her skirts and ran as fast as her feet could carry her.

Behind her, she could hear heavy footfalls, spurring her to move even faster as her heart pumped relentlessly inside her chest. She could hear the person behind her begin to gain an advantage over her.

Chancing a look behind her, she saw how near he was. Quickly, she picked up a twig from the ground and threw it as hard as possible. Satisfied to hear a pained grunt, she continued running only to have strong arms wrap around her waist.

Yelping, she tried to elbow her captor yet he was too quick, his hand reaching out to subdue any of her movements before she could cause any further damage.

"Did you have to do all that, Trouble?" Harald groaned, not letting up even as she squirmed in his hold.

Kari suppressed a smile, looking over at him. "Of course I did. I've got to keep you on your toes somehow."

It had been a few days since Hvitserk embarked on his journey to Normandy, a few days since they had spoken, and a few days since she had told him the secret that had been eating at her.

In the time span that he was gone, the soldiers and the people of Vestfold had slowly but surely recovered. The dead warriors were given a proper send-off, their burials being worthy of such a glorious welcome to Valhalla. The injured had been able to heal in the presence of their loved ones. Their ships were repaired and their weapons replenished.

Even Kari's morning sickness had lessened. Things were not as perfect as before but they were not as bleak as they previously were. The people had begun to smile again and laughter did not seem like a crime, instead, it was welcomed, especially by those who were injured.

When bells rang to signal the arrival of ships, Kari and Harald looked at each other, and without a single word passing between them, they raced to the highest point in Tamdrup.

"Believe me, you always do. I can't seem to catch my breath with you around." Harald shook his head, kissing her slowly.

Smiling into the kiss, she turned in his arms, placing both of her hands on his nape to kiss him even more intently. He tasted briefly of ale and smoke, things that she had already associated with him.

His hands tightened around her waist with no sign of letting go. They could have stayed like that for longer however an irritated voice cut through their haze, making the two of them immediately glare at said person.

"Seriously? Can you two keep your hands off each other for just a moment?" Ivar complained, already at the highest point and looking at them critically.

"Can you just keep your eyes shut?" Kari retorted, crossing her arms over her chest as they began to trek over to where her brother was.

"Very funny. You're lucky Hvitserk has returned or I would have locked the two of you up somewhere dark and dreary. Especially you, dear sister." Ivar rolled his eyes when they reached him.

"That's good to know. I'll make sure to have one of the cells ready for you then, dear brother." Kari returned, patting her younger brother's shoulder before turning to look at the ships that just entered the harbor.

Harald shook his head at the two of them, more or less already used to the banter between the two siblings. It seemed like they hated each other, despised each other even, but there was no denying that they had become closer as siblings.


It made him happy, albeit a little sad as he missed his own brother, but it made him happy for her that she had her own brothers to keep her company. He was glad that she had more family.

Although he would have been perfectly happy to have her all to himself, it was nice to see her spending time with their people and her family. It brought him back to the time when she claimed not to have anyone, how far she had come.

As if sensing his thoughts of her, Kari turned to him and pressed a kiss to his cheek as they watched the Frankish ships arrive at the docks. The three walked to the docks where they waited for the soldiers to disembark.

The smiles on their faces were identical, a sense of victory even before they fought the final battle. It was difficult to be hopeful when they had an advantage before and still lost but with this many soldiers, it was impossible for them to lose.

Everyone could see that. The people of Tamdrup cheered loudly as soldiers marched through the kingdom, all of them covered in Frankish colors and dressed for battle.

Amongst the throngs of soldiers was Hvitserk, clad in Frankish colors as well, with a wide smile on his face. Upon seeing them, his face lit up, his feet carrying him to them. Hvitserk swept Kari into his arms, laughter erupting from the two of them.

"You've been busy, Hvitserk." Kari remarked, embracing him tightly.

"Not as much as you. The place looks good. I hope it can house more soldiers." Hvitserk smirked, pulling back but not before looking into her eyes to silently ask if she was alright. At her nod, he fully stepped back, satisfied.

The two siblings moved side by side, turning to face the incoming soldiers. Hvitserk clapped with the crowds, being taken by their enthusiasm. They all were, with Ivar laughing, Harald smirking, and Kari grinning widely.

When all the Frankish soldiers were properly housed and situated in Tamdrup, the four walked to the docks to inspect the ships. Their ships from before were still intact and in good shape. With the new boats, their fleet is sure to be intimidating.

Harald stepped onto one of the boats and nodded to himself, satisfied with the durability and the structure of the boats the Franks sailed upon.

"Where is Rollo?" Ivar asked, wondering why their uncle had sent soldiers but did not come himself to supervise their command.

"Rollo couldn't come. He had too many responsibilities." Hvitserk shrugged, still smiling from the joy of being welcomed back as a hero.

"Mm-hmm," Ivar hummed, clearly unimpressed.

"But he also told me that he would come back and celebrate with us afterward. He is looking forward to meeting you, Kari." Hvitserk said, giddily looking at his sister as he recalled the conversation he shared with their uncle.

The surprise that flashed upon the other man's face was remarkable when Hvitserk told him about his sister. Rollo's mouth dropped open upon hearing of her exploits in Wessex and her being the wife of King Harald.

"You spoke to him about me?" Kari asked, her heart warming at the thought that her brother had found the time to talk about her. Harald chuckled softly at her reaction, finding her quite adorable.

"He said he could not wait to meet his brother's only daughter." Hvitserk grinned before his smile faded as he remembered a condition that his uncle had given him. "He only asked for one thing."


"And what was that?" Ivar questioned, feeling skeptical of the fact that there was a particular clause that they had to follow.

"That we spare Bjorn's life." Hvitserk answered, clasping his hands together in front of him.

At that, everyone turned stoic, not knowing how else to react. Of all the things that Rollo could have asked for, that was perhaps the most unpredictable. For one, they did not know the reasoning behind it.

Kari had no qualms with the request though it made her suspicious. Rollo's help had almost seemed too good to be true. Did such a request mean that the soldiers Rollo sent would be for Bjorn?

Ivar only looked toward Kari and then toward Hvitserk, the three of them agree on one thing. They would comply, for their sure victory, they would, but they would get to the root as to why their uncle demands such a thing.

"Perhaps we will."


Kari pushed the large doors open, her eyes looking over each person in the room.

They were all already gathered in the great hall, in the midst of conversation. Without uttering a single word, she walked to the large man in the corner who stood up at the sight of her.

All the men situated inside stiffened, their hands edging towards their weapons, ready to protect their queen should the need for it arises. However, Kari did the unexpected and threw her arms around the man.

Bjorn Ironside had not wanted to come, knowing that Ivar would most definitely do something unexpected. He could be killed, he knew that, but still he had to come. He had to try to fix this before a bloodbath made its mark across history.

He had thought that his uncle Rollo would be there and that he could be persuaded. Alas, he was disappointed when he arrived only to see that the man was not present. Greeted by the likes of Ivar, Hvitserk, and King Harald, he felt a pang of sorrow upon not seeing his sister.

The previous times they saw each other were heartwrenching, facing off in battle, disagreeing in the war council. It was far from the relationship he had thought he would have with his sister. Even so, watching her barge into the great hall with wide eyes brought him a sense of relief that she was alright.

"Hello, sister." Bjorn murmured, holding her tightly. They may be on opposite sides of the battlefield but he still cared deeply for her. Gyda had been taken from him far too soon and he would not allow Kari to be taken from him that way.

Kari looked up at him, smiling. She was glad to see him, no matter the circumstance. If he came here because he wanted to say something to them then he will be heard. "Hello, Bjorn."

Noting the way everyone seemed to have held their breath at their exchange, Kari rolled her eyes before taking a step back from her brother. Bjorn nodded understandingly, returning to his seat as Kari took her place beside Harald who had only been looking on with an indiscernible expression.

She held onto his hand assuringly as she took a seat on her throne right beside him, knowing that he was just worried. "I'm so sorry I'm late."

He chuckled softly, rubbing circles on the back of her hand. "It's alright. We waited for you. I wouldn't let them start without you."

Meanwhile, her three other brothers had gotten into a stare-off. None of them looked away from each other as they all waited for the other to break the silence.

"But where is Rollo? Where is my uncle?" Bjorn questioned, speaking first.

"I went to meet him. He sends his love to you, Bjorn Ironside, and hopes you're not willing to fight against his forces." Hvitserk replied, casually taking a sip of ale as he spoke.

"Then why would he commit his forces to you?" Bjorn asked, looking confused as to why their uncle would choose a side in a fight that does not even include him.

That made Kari pause. So Bjorn did not know about Rollo's stipulation. It meant that they were truly at an advantage and it was not some sort of trick on Rollo's side. If Bjorn knew about their uncle asking for them to spare his life then he would not be here questioning them about it.

Hvitserk shrugged, not a care in the world for their uncle's reasoning. "He didn't tell. That's the truth. Only that he was prepared to do so."

Ivar piped up, almost amused. "I can tell you. Rollo sees justice in our cause. Lagertha murdered our mother and usurped her kingdom."

Kari highly doubted that. Sure, Rollo was fond of them but she did not know if he truly saw justice in their cause. Asking for Bjorn's life to be spared showed that he was fond of him too. It was all just a big mess to her if she was being honest.

"All that is in the past now, Ivar." Bjorn remarked, his gaze scalding.

"I must avenge my mother's murderer and I think you would do the same if it was you." Ivar observed, his tone calm as he answered.

Bjorn inhaled deeply, looking to his sister, his words meaning to reach her. "For the sake of our father, for the sake of our father's legacy and everything he believed in, I am asking you, do not put our people's lives at risk."

Ivar, noticing the look he gave their sister and knowing he had to put a stop to it, leaned forward. "The only reason why you are saying this is because you see all the might gathering against you. If you still thought you could win, you would not be here, Bjorn. The fact is, you are afraid."

"I am not afraid." Bjorn calmly contradicted. "This changes nothing."

"Well," Ivar trailed off before gesturing for his men to step forward and grab Bjorn.

Everyone tensed, Bjorn especially. Their hands drifted to their swords as the men approached, all of them at the very brink of a fight before they even start the battle they all knew was coming.

Harald and Kari stood from their seats quickly, the anger on both their faces was evident as they looked at the men and Ivar with rage.

Harald was angry as this was far from what honor demanded of them. Being king meant knowing what was right and attacking a man who came alone was not what vikings were taught. It was cowardly and dishonorable.

On the other hand, Kari was furious at seeing Ivar do such a thing. They had agreed to hear the other man out and going back on their word was not something she wanted to do. It made her want to throttle Ivar.

"What is this?!" Harald demanded, enraged at seeing the men still advancing.

"Stop! This instant!" Kari commanded darkly, her voice seething. At her tone, all the men stopped and looked at Ivar, confused yet scared to go against either one of the two siblings.

They may be Ivar's men but they were not in their territory. They were in Vestfold and they knew that should they disobey the king and queen, they would be punished severely.

"You know as well as I do that this is not our way. It's not our way!" Harald exclaimed, fully prepared to fight the men should they take one step further.

Kari breathed heavily, glaring daggers at Ivar as she dared him to continue. Rolling his eyes at their reaction as if they were overreacting, Ivar sighed.

Gesturing with his hands, he ordered his men to step back. "It was worth a try."

Bjorn stood from his seat, taking the opportunity to leave. "I am sorry Rollo had to involve himself in our quarrel. Doesn't he have worlds enough to conquer?"

Kari stood up, making to go after him. Knowing that Ivar would just try to stop her, she ignored his words and raced after the man. "Bjorn, wait!"

Bjorn said, still moving towards the docks, all the while ignoring the stares that he received from the people of Tamdrup. "I do not see what else we have to talk about, Kari. I think it's much too late for all that now."

Kari apologized, not knowing what else to say but she could not lose him, not like this. "I'm sorry this had to happen."

He turned to face her, desperation lacing his tone. "You could stop this. You of all people know that you can put an end to this. Talk to King Harald, he will listen to you. If you tell him to withdraw his support, he will do it."

She replied sadly, regretting that, after everything they had been through, all of it had come to this. "I can't. Everyone's gone too far now to turn back. Nothing could make it the way it was before."

"Then your apologies mean nothing!" He hissed, causing everyone on the docks to stop working to look at them, distrusting the man who stood by their queen. Shaking off the sudden burst of emotion, he jumped onto the ready ship that had brought them there. "I'll see you on the battlefield."

As Kari stood there, watching her brother's ship get smaller and smaller as it traveled to the horizon, all she could remember was the agony she had brought him. His eyes reflected betrayal and loss, it would haunt her.

Even as Harald moved to stand beside her, asking her if she was alright, she could vividly remember the last moment she shared with Bjorn. The last time she could ever face him as his sister. The last time she could ever consider him as her brother.

Goodbye, brother.


Hello everyone! Yes, we are SOBBING!! :,,,(( I've always loved Bjorn and Kari's sibling bond but this had to be done especially since the battle will leave them sorta hating each other. It won't be the end for them as siblings though :0

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