《Utterly Barbaric || Harald Finehair》xxxiv


Some people spend their entire lives wandering aimlessly.

Perhaps they were trying to find a home to settle or perhaps they were simply averted to the idea of settling down. Perhaps they choose to wander to see new things, things that lay undiscovered by those that came before them.

Nevertheless, these people are the ones who travel all over the world, searching for answers that they cannot find where they are.

There are also those who have settled and have ingrained in their minds what they wish to do yet still, their minds wander to endless possibilities, trapped in a prison of their own ambition's making.

Kari could not help but let her thoughts drift off. Outside, she looked the perfect picture of grace and composure. However, on the inside, she was a mess. Only now was it dawning onto her what she had gotten herself into.

She had been nothing all her life. She had kept to herself and kept her head down, focusing on survival. But now she finds herself in this new world where she was a queen and was responsible for many lives and futures.

If she were being honest, nothing prepared her for any of this. Her past life prepared her for disappointment, not leadership. Whereas prior to all this, all she worried about was becoming like her mother, now she was terrified to lose.

Her family, her brothers, her people. Her husband especially. She was more terrified of losing them than of losing herself. Her fears had shifted, her nightmares causing her to twist and turn as her own mind conjured up horrible things.

Her destructive thoughts were put to a halt when she felt a familiar hand upon hers. She closed her eyes momentarily, releasing a breath. Upon opening her eyes, she found herself much calmed.

"There you are, Trouble. I thought I lost you there for a moment." Harald spoke softly, looking very concerned yet regal as he sat upon his own seat.

"I'm fine, I promise." Kari forced out a smile, the words even sounding untrue to her.

Though he didn't look convinced, he knew that he would tell her what was bothering her, in time. Giving her another comforting grin, he raised her hand to his lips and placed the softest of kisses on the inside of her wrist.

Her heart warmed at his sweet gesture before facing forward just on time as the other party arrived. Hvitserk hastily returned to their side, shooting Kari a look to assure him that he was alright. Not that she thought otherwise but he knew that she had been worried about him.

As the others began to take their seats, vikings carrying blue flags completed the square surrounding them. Flags being blown in the wind caged them all in as though they were prisoners of their own making.

Perhaps they were.

For the first time in a while, Kari's eyes caught Bjorn's and she could not help but feel a sense of sadness upon seeing the hurt and betrayal in them. They had vowed to see each other again but they did not think that they would be seeing each other from opposite sides of a battlefield.


Breaking their gaze, Bjorn spoke up first. "We all know today we have so many shieldmaidens and warriors-at-arms that we must decide whether we fight or we reach an accommodation allowing us to go live our lives with integrity and honor. I call upon my brothers, Ivar and Hvitserk, as well as my sister, Kari. Let's put aside our differences, for the sake of our father. A civil war can only bring tragedy, weaken our family, and set in train a lifetime of revenge obligations for those who manage to survive. Is that really what you all want?"

Bjorn looked at Ivar, then Harald, knowing that it was them who was truly pushing for all the fighting. Hoping that his message had sunk in, Bjorn looked to Ubbe.

Ubbe continued, looking very much remorseful. "I want to speak up and support Bjorn, and his call for a peaceful resolution. It is true I set my face against my brother. But if you can forgive me, Ivar, let us make an accord."

"We are going to war for the Kingdom of Kattegat. The Kingdom of Kattegat was carved out by my husband, Ragnar Lothbrok, and then by me. I am its rightful queen." Lagertha stated, as though there was no foul play as to how she became its ruler. "What we should be discussing is how we combine our great armies and direct them out towards new lands, new conquests, new opportunities. What a terrible pity to kill our young men for a piece of land which is already ours."

Harald smirked at her way of trying to create peace. Even Ivar found himself amused by her words. Lagertha frowned at how they were taking what she was saying, as if she was merely joking.

"Kari. Whatever has happened between us, it is not too late. I do not want to fight you." Lagertha continued, her words measured and calculating. "We all know you have no place in this fight. An unknown girl showing up, claiming to be the daughter of Ragnar, a filthy daughter of a whore."

If Kari learned anything from her time in Wessex, it was that she would never be the type to take such words lying down. Without a single word, she rose from her seat, fully intending on running the other woman through.

Everyone tensed, knowing that if she were to attack, it would mean war. However, before she could dart to do as her anger had planned, both Harald and Hvitserk stepped in her way.

"Get out of my way." Kari hissed, her hand shaking from anger. She itched to unsheath her dagger but she knew her bare hands would do as well in doing what needs to be done.

To her surprise, it was Hvitserk who answered her softly. "Calm down. There is a time and there is a place. You don't want her to die here like this. You'll only be making her a hero for others."


Registering her brother's words, Kari took a deep breath before nodding, signaling for them to return to their seats. Even Ivar gave her a look as if to say not yet. She returned his look silently, both of them making the agreement that if anyone were to take Lagertha down, they would be doing it together.

"Or maybe you are just saying that because my claim towards Kattegat is much stronger than your own. Ragnar Lothbrok's blood runs through my veins and I am married to the King of Vestfold. If anything, who is it that doesn't belong here?" Kari retorted, her lip curling into a sneer.

Harald looked on at his wife proudly, pleased that she was no longer hesitant in her place in this world. She belonged here, that was for sure. Ivar and Hvitserk grinned too, delighted that their sister had said such things to render the other woman speechless. It was a good thing they had her on their side.

"Enough. Kari has every right to be here. She is Ragnar's daughter and my sister. She should have a say as to what will be done for the kingdom our father created." Bjorn declared, not wanting there to be any more arguments about it.

They may not be on the same side but blood was blood. Kari was his sister and there was nothing else to be said about that. Once again, she could feel her heart begin to sadden at having to do this to Bjorn. To face him in such a way.

"Brother, let's not fight. What can we gain? Nothing." Halfdan brought up, advocating for the peace.

"On the contrary, we will gain the world. Join us and I will share it with you." Harald replied simply, a final plea.

"It is really up to you Ivar. If you decide that you cannot fight against your brothers, that you do not want to fight against your brothers, then we can find an accord." Bjorn put forward before glaring at the man he had begun to despise for taking his sister away. "And King Harald can't stop us."

"You have so much to lose, Ivar. If you want war, then let's have war. But win or lose, you lose." Lagertha proclaimed, her tone holding a sense of foreboding. "You gain victory over the other sons of Ragnar and people will say that you are an illegitimate ruler and a usurper. And if you lose, they will say it was by the will of the gods and the will of Ragnar, who now sups with them in Valhalla, and cries for us now."

Ubbe further enunciated. "Do not do this, Ivar. We're the sons of Ragnar. Is that not enough for any man?"

Ivar paused, silence overtaking them all as conflict reigned on his face. To fight or not to fight, that was the question, wasn't it? Or perhaps it was less about Kattegat and more about legacy. With difficulty, Ivar stood, digging his crutch into the solid soil.

They all watched as he came to stand in front of Lagertha, looking forlorn at the next words that would emerge from his mouth.

"Bring horns of mead. We should celebrate. There will be no battle today. Nor tomorrow." Ivar finalized, sounding dull and defeated.

"What are you talking about? You cannot decide this!" Harald exclaimed, his voice full of rage. He had brought his men this far only for the other man to scamper away from the fight cowardly.

Kari placed a hand on his arm, this time being the one to provide a calming force. She did not want him to do anything he could possibly regret. Especially when tensions were still high.

"I do not want to fight against my brothers. I still hate myself for killing Sigurd. This would be 10 times worse. I...I can't. I renounce my promise to kill Lagertha. She can have Kattegat. I don't want it." Ivar said, looking guiltily at both Hvitserk and Kari before turning to his other brother. "Ubbe, you're right. We are all the sons of Ragnar. Forgive me."

Ubbe nodded, his relief is shown in his eyes clearly. He was quick to forgive, wanting nothing more than to be reconciled with his brother. He may not admit it so soon but he missed the times when they were all fighting on the same side.

As the two brothers seemingly reconciled, Kari glanced warily at Harald, sensing that he would not let this be. She could not help but feel a sense of reassurance that there would be no fighting. She could only begin to wonder what it was Ivar was feeling after killing Sigurd.

On one hand, Kari felt relief that she did not have to fight her brothers. On the other hand, she could only share in Harald's disappointment. After all, when they had married, she had begun to imagine a unified Norway under their rule.

Yet for some reason, it did not feel as though it were over. In fact, it only felt like a farce of an accord. It all felt like a lie. Too good to be true but too much of a relief not to acknowledge.

But in the end, lies have a way of catching up. Sooner rather than later.


Hello everyone! Originally, this was supposed to be one long chapter but I decided to cut it since it was getting rlly long. This was a pretty mild chapter but the next one will have a lot of clashing and arguments oomphs.

We all know what's coming and I can't wait for you all to read it. Stay tuned and sending you all my love

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