《Utterly Barbaric || Harald Finehair》xxx


"To the overthrow of the witch, Lagertha!"

Hvitserk exclaimed, raising the cup of ale high in the sky before placing his arm around his sister, equally as loud.

"And to the liberation of Kattegat!" Kari continued before they both downed their drinks as cheers sounded from all around them.

The two laughed, both of them looking tipsy from all the ale they had drunk. They had entered the great hall first before anyone else had and with them being alone with nothing to speak of, they began drinking.

At first, they merely sat at a table and poured each other a drink. A drink that became two, then soon became five. Their conversation drifted from introductions until they were both exchanging stories of their lives and adventures.

In no time, the two acted like such close friends that even Harald and Ivar looked confused with such a situation. It was no matter though as Kari and Hvitserk did not care what either man thought. They could all have their own intentions and plans but the siblings who had spent time together would not let such a thing affect them.

Even now, the two embraced tightly as laughter reigned from all around them. Kari pulled away, ruffling her brother's hair fondly before taking back the gold circlet that he had taken from her a while ago.

"Aww, Kari. I thought you had given that to me as a gift." Hvitserk pouted as the girl placed the gold circlet back unto her head.

"I never did such a thing. Besides, this is mine. Get your own." Kari retorted, sticking her tongue out playfully.

"Fine. But you owe me." He frowned, looking longingly at the circlet she had taken back from his head.

"I'll get you a crown of spring blossoms instead." She patted his arm comfortingly as if he were a child.

"You better." He continued to sulk, drinking even more ale to alleviate his sadness. Never mind that his brother was staring at him as though he had grown a second head with his closeness to their sister.

Harald and Ivar had watched the exchange with confused expressions. It was the most surreal and absurd conversation they had witnessed in so long. In no time, as the feast began to calm, Kari and Hvitserk returned to their seats looking much more composed.

Harald pulled her chair closer to his, taking the cup of ale from her hand and replacing it with a cup of water. Kari smiled at him gratefully, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he piled some food unto her plate.

"So, when do we attack?" Ivar interjected, looking between the two to bring up the business of their alliance.

It took everything in Kari not to show her irritation toward the man who wanted to interrupt such a joyful feast with talks of plans that would benefit him more than it would them. If there was someone to dictate plans, it was them.

"I will summon my Jarls. And my ships still need to be repaired and made ready, as do yours. But when all this is done, we should have a fleet of at least 70 ships." Harald answered, explaining all that was still to be done.

"There's a full moon tonight. Let us say that we will attack in two moons' time." Ivar offered, looking at them expectantly.

"I agree." Harald nodded, raising his own cup before calling out. "Skål."


"Skål." Ivar accorded, downing his cup as he continued to assess everyone around the room. It was a difficult way to live but someone like him only knew to distrust everyone to survive.

With no thought toward how her other brother was acting, Kari took a sip of water, continuing to eat as she enjoyed the delicious and smoky meats that their people had procured for the feast. Even with the new people joining them from Ivar's men, she could not deny that having a feast was good.

It had definitely raised the spirits of the people of Tamdrup as she spotted many enjoying the music and food. It made her happy to bring them such delight though it also made her doubt whether or not it was worth it to go to Kattegat.

"It will be strange for you to return to Kattegat as a queen, Trouble." Harald mused, leaning forward to whisper conspiratorially as if they were in their own little world and sharing a language only they knew. "I wonder what they will all think."

Kari smirked, murmuring collusively. "Something outrageous, I hope. It seems that even though I am trouble, you prove yourself much worse."

"Skål." They exchanged, toasting their cups with gleeful smiles on their lips as their eyes met in amusement.

Ivar watched the two carefully, noting that they were much closer than he first thought. For one, they were leaning so casually into one another as though it were instinct. King Harald had not taken his hand off her leg and Kari always had her hand atop his, not bearing to move away from one another.

He could not help but feel envious of them. If what he thought was true, then even Harald Finehair had found a wife to love him. Something that Ivar himself did not have. Ivar shook his jealousy away as the man began to speak.

"And here is to our sacred agreement! Which, if any man breaks, he will deserve to die!" Harald announced, standing up and capturing the attention of all in the feast. Everyone was quiet as the message of his announcement sunk in as well as who it was directed for.

Kari's lips morphed into a smirk as she met the gaze of Ivar. He tilted his head at her in question as she raised a brow at him.

Joining her husband, she stood and raised her own cup. "Skål!"

When she broke the silence, everyone stood, cheering in agreement. Music began flowing once again as drinks were poured at a much faster pace.

Harald winked at her, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek as he sang. "My mother told me, someday I will buy, a galley with good oars, sail to distant shores,"

When Harald continued to go around the great hall, singing as he went along and asking how people were, Kari remained in her seat. She watched him with a relaxed smile on her face as she drank from her cup.

Ivar mused from beside her. "Queen of Vestfold? Impressive. I admit I underestimated you."

Kari narrowed her eyes at the other man. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Hvitserk looked between them, trying to act as a buffer for the two who looked about ready to fight. "Ivar. Kari."

"What? I was just admiring our dear sister for her ingenuity and her ambition. Did he ask you to marry him before or after you opened your legs?" Ivar asked, a sneer on his face.


Kar exhaled, calming herself down before she could think about stabbing her brother with a dagger. She forced a grin on her face, taking on a sympathetic expression. "I married Harald because I love him and he loves me. Some are not as lucky. Besides, he fucks as good as he fights and from rumors I've heard, not everyone is as gifted in bed."

Ivar gritted his teeth in anger, his eyes darkening at her words. "Spoken like a true whore."

Before she could retaliate, Hvitserk brought his fist down on the table, stopping the two from going any further. "Enough!"

Harald chose that precise moment to return, an oblivious smile on his face as Kari pulled him in, capturing his lips with hers passionately. She made sure to make it obvious to the other man as she tangled her fingers in his hair.

When they had pulled apart, Kari looked at Ivar from over Harald's shoulder with a clear message being exchanged between the two.

This isn't over.


Bishop Heahmund kept his eyes closed, his gaze turned dark but his other senses remained awake.

He could hear the damp creeping in and the droplets of water trickling from the ceiling all night. It was enough to drive anyone mad. But not him. Not when he was not alone. Not when God was with him.

His mind was filled with prayers of anger and disappointment. Mostly him asking why he had been abandoned to such a tragic fate.

He was in a bout of self-loathing until his mind was pierced by a certain sound. It was at that moment that he heard footsteps begin to approach.

It was not the sound of Ivar the Boneless as there is no sound of dragging feet or loud crutches. No, it was only the sound of persistence as the footsteps carried on without falter.

The footsteps stopped in front of the door to his cell, bringing about silence until voices rose outside. There was a tone of protest before it was followed by agreement and subjugation.

Keys clanged together as the door to his cell was unlocked. The sound of metal on metal finally called to him to open his eyes.

From darkness, there was light. At first, he thought he was dreaming. When he saw her enter, the woman who had been in his mind for quite some time now, from the moment he saw her for the first time.

Her golden hair was let loose, a gold circlet placed atop her head as her gown trailed behind her. Her nose didn't crinkle in dissatisfaction at the smell nor did she act disgusted by his state. She merely looked at him and he felt seen.

She was a vision. A mirage. An angel sent by God to remind him that he was not alone. She certainly looked like one and for the first time in his life, he forgot where he was in his prayers.

She stopped in front of him, placing down the metal plate and raising a cup to his lips. He found himself narrowing his eyes in distrust at the drink being offered.

"Drink, bishop. It is only water." She assured him, amusement in her eyes as she positioned the cup to his lips.

He drank gratefully, taking in as much as he could of the clean and refreshing drink. He had consumed nothing but dirty water and stale food ever since he had been taken prisoner. After he had drunk his fill, she used the clean cloth placed on her arm to wipe his face clean.

Much like how his lord was cleansed by a cloth in his grievous moments, Heahmund looked down at the once clean cloth to see the dirt and blood from his face staining it.

"Many thanks to you, great lady." He gazed at her gratefully as he picked up the bread she offered him, sitting down in front of her.

He certainly felt more like himself afterward. More a man and less like a mindless creature rotting in his own filth.

She laughed, her laugh twinkling like a hundred delicate bells, surprising him. "Great lady? I do not think I have ever been called that before."

He tilted his head in curiosity, not knowing how to react. "Forgive me. Did I say something wrong?"

She shook her head, still chuckling. "No, you did not. I just-I never thought that a bishop would address me as such."

He asked in earnest, wondering why she was talking to him as such. "What did you think I would call you?"

She admitted, moving to sit down opposite him, using her skirt as a cushion, not a single part of her skin touching the dirty floors. "Truth be told, I thought you would be threatening me instead of thanking me."

In that horrid cell, the bishop barked out his first laugh, finding such amusement in her words. "Is that so?"

She agreed, more than content to get through to the man. "Most Christians I have come across either attack, threaten, or beg first."

If she had any hope of undermining Ivar's rule when it was so clear that he was desperate to stay in power, then she must begin by taking apart bit by bit everything that makes up his pride.

Starting with the bishop.

"I have yet to see you on the battlefield but I am sure that you are a sight to behold." He nodded contemplatively, imagining her with her golden hair trailing behind her as she wielded a sword, like an angel guarding the garden of Eden.

"I'm afraid I have yet to see my first battle. Until then, my abilities would have to remain my secret to keep." She winked as if they were sharing a secret, just between the two of them. "And you?"

"What about me?" He tore the bread into pieces, eating them as quickly as he could, his hunger overcoming everything else.

"I have heard many great things about your skills with warfare and the blade." She trailed off, a smile on her face.

Heahmund sighed tiredly, already having accepted that he would rather die than fight under a madman. "Stories of a time long gone. Before I became a prisoner."

Kari placed a hand on his wrist, somehow making him forget the harsh bite of the metal. "Would you ever consider fighting on the battlefield again?"

"I-I don't," Though he had been sure that he would never fight again, something about her made him reconsider his words. "Perhaps, only under a worthy and virtuous cause."

She continued, saying exactly what he was hoping to hear. "And led by a competent leader."

He grinned, almost relieved to hear such a thing. It made sense. She understood it, understood him. "Yes."

Kari smiled, and once again he found himself returning to his faith, convincing him that God indeed had a plan for him. All he had to do was stay in the light. Her light.

What he failed to consider was that she had a mind of her own. A mind that knew what she wanted and a heart that completely and irrevocably belonged to another.

Little does he know that she had plans for her and her husband. A victory that would be theirs and theirs alone.


Hello everyoneee! Heahmund is officially a simp :>>> And Kari knows exactly that. As siblings do, Kari and Ivar are trying to one-up each other and both have schemes of their own.

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