《Vikings: Imagine you and ...》Imagine Halfdan seeing you as a Goddess - II
You thought Björn being back would settle Ragnar his soul a little, but going to Paris only made it worse after he saw Rollo standing there, betraying him. In some way you wanted to kill his pet, the slave he had but who were you to challenge your own father. So you stood in the back, looking how he messed up things by acting unusual, bringing Ubbe and Hvitserk, walking over the camp with his head somewhere else. You sat on the table, playing your knife while Björn was drinking aside you when Ragnar came in. Rollo betrayed his gods, his family, you knew him, you admired him and now all you wanted to do was kill him. You pulled the knife out of the wood, looking up to your father who was followed by King Harald and his brother. Halfdan looked at you for a moment, nothing ever changed. Since your interaction the day of his arrival he placed a mark on you, claiming the princess of Kattegat for he wanted you to become the queen. But Ragnar decided to go to Paris and you hardly spoke Halfdan since then. He looked over your body, you only pointed the tip of your knife towards him, causing him to give you that kind of smile ... a wicked one, one that helped you remember all the details of that night. 'What is your plan of attack?' King Harald asked after stating the obvious about Rollo. You turned a little, looked how your father crouched, laying out the battleplanes, ships sailing in between the towers while a part attacked by land.
'Any objections?' Björn asked. Nobody really trusted Ragnar his instinct anymore, not since he came back from Paris all injured. When you looked up Halfdan was looking at you, questioning, you only nodded softly before the both brothers agreed with the plan. And in that way you were the spy in your fathers own business, for what was nothing more than heated desire between you and Halfdan. 'We attack tomorrow.' You brother announced. The brothers nodded and walked away, Halfdan threw you a dominant look and you only gave one back before turning to your mother.
'You should be aware that he only wants you for your name.' She advised you, looking over her shoulder towards Halfdan. Offcourse she knew, she saw the details in even the smallest things.
'Keep your enemies close, isn't that what they say?'
'Be careful, go with your father tomorrow.' Lagertha followed. You nodded and walked out, Ragnar almost jumped from behind a tent into your path.
'You need to go with your mother tomorrow, she shouldn't fight in her condition, with the pregnancy.' He insisted, thoughts hardly on the subject.
'Too late, she commanded me to go with you. And she can handle herself, it is her choose.' You shrugged. Ragnar revealed his teeth before he started to look around, walking off. You looked at him, all distract and impatient, your father needed to get his head straight, before another king would take over.
You stood in the darkness, looking over the ships while you tried to get a clear head about tomorrow. In the footsteps of your father, mother and brother you hadn't a change to be different; you needed to be like them, fierce, a leader. You felt the tip of a blade piercing in your back, followed by the pressure of his lips against your neck. You tilted your head, giving him a clear path to the rest of it. He wrapped the arm which held the knife over your chest, pushing your back against his body. 'I hardly see you.' He whispered. The sharp edges of that blade pushed against your throat, leaving you no other choose than to stay still. You closed your eyes, absorbing the longing he pushed through your body.
'It is not that we are bound to each other Halfdan.' You pulled the dagger out of his hands and turned around to him, pointing it on his chest. You slowly looked up to him, giving him a warning look before pushing the knife back in his belt.
'We are, you are my princess that shall become the queen of all.'
'And you are looking to much to your brother.' You fired right back. Halfdan was in some cases worse than Harald, but were you scared ... no. You didn't believe stories until you had actually witnessed it. You knew he wanted you to badly to do something stupid. He grabbed your body at your waist, pushing you harshly against a tree. His dominance poured down on you from his eyes. You looked at him before he place his lips on yours and started to kiss you again. You grabbed for his leather armor, trying to not let his body push in on yours. You knew what it would do with you and you weren't planning doing it here. But the longer he kissed you, the weaker you felt inside, the more dominant he go.
'I want you.' He insisted, breaking that barrier you put up by pushing his body against yours. You caught your breath, looking up to him.
'Is there something you don't want my future King?' You mocked him. He grabbed your chin while his other hand went looking for some bare skin to touch.
'You have the tongue of your mother.'
'The temper to, be careful Halfdan, I may like you on certain levels, but loyalty doesn't shift easily.' You warned him with a stern look. He looked down on you, still with his grip tight, looking into your eyes for something he could not take serious, but there wasn't something. His grip softened while his other hand found his way to your ribs, counting them up. He kissed you again, less dominant, more enjoyable while his hand caressed your skin, leaving certain desires behind with you. 'If we conquer,' you began, catching your breath while you looked for his eyes that laid part hidden behind the strains of hair. 'you can have me.' You whispered, stroking your fingertips over the bald part of his hair. 'If I don't kill you first.' You smiled. He chuckled, giving you a long kiss you hardly could withstand.
'I'm looking forward to it.' He whispered into your ear before admitting his defeat in this and walking away. Would you ever have the nerve to challenge Halfdan the Black? Probably not but you would do anything for your own family, so if that meant killing him, so be it.
You held on to the rope of the boat while the men row their way before the army of ships. Björn stood beside you, looking towards the ship of King Harald that would go first, as promised. 'You need to take over from father Björn.' You began, looking over to Harald and Halfdan, who had Floki in between them.
'I did once and look what happened.' You knew he was talking about Floki, about what he did. You looked down for a moment before you looked up aside to him.
'Than let me eliminate his problem.' You followed. Björn looked at you, nodding in some kind of approving way.
'As you wish sister.' He nodded. You both looked to Ragnar who walked to the front of the boat, looking towards two big watch towers that doomed up. You pushed yourself away from the ropes and walked over to stand aside him.
'Paris.' Ragnar whispered. You heard all about his conquering of Paris the first time and you saw those memories on his face again. Seeing it made it so much more real. Your eyes traveled up to the watch towers, even a blind man could see Rollo standing.
'Shields!' Björn commanded when the first arrows when through the sky. You crouched down, moving your shield above you synchronized with the others until that whole ship was protected. But for which you used the shields you hardly saw what happened. You peeked into a whole, looking to Harald his ships leading as first. You saw the chain coming up from underneath the water.
'Halfdan!' You yelled, turning to your father.
'Stop!' He commanded as he saw the chain to. You looked up to Rollo who just stood there watching his own people getting into trouble. Harald wasn't fast enough, the boat kicked in on the chain and capsids. It changed in a very short amount of time, ships crashed in on each other, people started drowning and you were just useless on that boat, trying to grab people out from the water while you had to protect yourself. Your eyes scanned the water, looking for Halfdan but you didn't found him.
'Y/n.' Björn hissed. You nodded, jumping on the edge of the boat and pulling an arrow out. You were the best female archer Kattegat had, even better on a horse or moving object as this rocking boat. You pointed your aim for Rollo, clenching your cheek in concentration. But where you were aiming arrows flew your way to, somebody pushed a shield before you, catching a arrow from piercing into your body. You looked aside to Halfdan, relieved that he was still around, soaked weth but alive.
'I got you.' He sat with that anger hidden in his voice.
'Was already worried on never seeing you again.' You said while aiming again, pointing to Rollo before letting loose, hitting him right in his shoulder from this distant. You grabbed a new arrow, looking how he got up again, letting his eyes scout over the boats until he found you. You smiled, pulling the arrow back before shooting again, and that was when the fire started to burn down the boats, the people, forcing everybody back in the water. You lost, Ragnar lost his fight, and you were defeated in this game.
After the camp was taken by soldiers to everybody took is as a failure, believing less in their king than they did before. You sat on the edge of the boat. Because you didn't want to hear more from your father you sat on the boat of King Harald. 'What is it?' Halfdan asked, walking over. You looked up out of your thoughts and shook your head. 'We are defeated Y/n, because of your father.'
'And I know that.' You fired right back. He wasn't shy to use his influence; he wasn't scared on hurting you with the facts. He crouched down beside you, resting his arms on your lap.
'If Björn isn't taking the lead you have to. Do you want to go home emptyhanded?' He asked. You looked down to him, biting the inside of your cheek.
'I won't take his power away,'
'He doesn't have any.'
'You have to watch what you're saying Halfdan.' You warned him low voice. He looked up in the anger, smiling a little because of it.
'At least you shot Rollo in the shoulder, but it hardly gave us anything.'
'I have plans and thoughts of my own but it doesn't involve killing my own father.'
'What does it involve?' He titled his head, curious.
'Killing somebody else.' You whispered, looking to the ship your father sat on, with his slave, the slave who gave him things, who destroyed his soul. Halfdan followed your eyes, bringing that devilish smile on his face.
'When this is over Y/n, you are mine.' He stated his attentions with you. You slide your feet from the edge of the boat and turned towards him. Your fingers ran through his hair, grabbing them in your fist while your thumb pushed against his temple.
'Don't attach to much. If you do my family harm, if Harald does my family harm you will wish you never met me.' You pulled his head a little back, looking to the desire he showed in his eyes.
'First night on land, I will find you princess.' He slowly got up, pecking your lips before the horns started to sounds through the air. You and Halfdan forgot each other for there wasn't a more dread fuller place to lay camp than here between the rocks. But that wasn't it, it was just your father and his genius mind to lift the boats over the mountain to the other side. You smacked your hand against Halfdan his armor, proud that you were the daughter of Ragnar Lothbrok for a change.
As soon as a few ships were on the mountain and a camp was set you went to look for your father and his slave girl, you found them, your father commanding the man around and her gazing over the water. You looked down to your bow before you looked back up to her. When you turned around, looking for a other way to kill her your eyes met with Halfdan again. He stood there, tilted head, looking from you to Ragnar his slave. He walked over, giving you a strain of rope he was playing with since you looked over to him. 'May the gods forgive you Y/n.' He smiled darkened.
'It is a sacrifice for the greater good.' You took the strain of rope and walked over to her. You felt that Halfdan was watching, knowing that him seeing you kill a person would turn him on you didn't hesitate on doing it. 'You are a poison to my father.' You whispered, wrapping that rope around her neck and pulling it. She started to grab for her neck, trying to yell but you only looked over the water, knowing you were stronger, knowing that you were the better one. 'And that's something I can't allow.' You said to her, while her body started to hang in your grip until she didn't moved again. You pulled the rope away and looked over your shoulder to Halfdan, he only bowed for you, like you were his queen already. You pushed her in the water, tossed the rope behind her before you went back to work, not caring for a bit for what you just did.
'Y/n.' Lagertha called you over. You turned around from the path you were walking and looked at her, Halfdan on a little distant watching. 'I need a scout, somebody I can trust. This work won't be done on a week , it will take time and in that amount of time we can't afford that they see us.' She pointed towards Paris.
'I will scout.' You nodded.
'Not alone.'
'She won't.' You both turned around to Halfdan. 'Let me go with her.' He suggested. Lagertha looked slowly aside to you, you only shrugged.
'He won't kill me, for that he loves me already to much.' You mocked him again, taunting, teasing, knowing that as soon as you were both alone it would bite you back.
'If you do her harm,'
'he won't mother.' You reassured her. In that way you trusted Halfdan enough, he wouldn't do you harm, it wouldn't play in his advantage.
'Fine.' Lagertha agreed, giving him a warning look. He bowed, mocking her before you looked how Lagertha walked away.
'I will have you sooner than I thought.' He said as soon as Lagertha was out of distant.
'Who says I'm willingly?' You cocked your eyebrow, looking aside to him.
'You will, I promise you that.' And something in his glare just gave you that promise right to the core of your body.
You were hardly four hours away from the camp when Halfdan stopped you, nodding towards a open field with a few soldiers. You crouched down aside him, looking through the bushes to how they got ready to move again. When you looked aside to Halfdan you could see his bloodlust coming right of him. 'Let's kill them.' He suggested. You nodded, grabbing your axe before following him on the open field. Seven of them, two of you.
'Vikings!' One noted. You threw your axe to the first one, swiftly grabbing one of your arrows and killing the other one following in an second behind. You grabbed the dagger on your back and held it in a defensive matter before your body, taunting the enemy to challenge the small size of that dagger. He did, running towards you. You grabbed towards his sword, cutting your own hand in the process before you pushed the dagger through his arm. He yelled, letting loose of his sword so you had a clear shot to his chest, which you did. You turned around to another, who stood way to close, Halfdan grabbed him from behind and slit his throat, causing the blood to sparkle all over your face. You closed your eyes, frustrated before you opened them again, seeing that body fall to the ground. Halfdan was looking at you, he pushed his sword back in his belt without losing contact with you.
'Why did the gods gave me you.' He whispered, in such an admiration for you stood there covered in the blood of a soldier. He stepped over the dead body, cupping your face, fingers smearing out the blood there was.
'The gods always have a reason Halfdan the Black.' You replied with a slightly heavy breath from the fighting.
'One day you will be my queen.' His fingers ran a strain of hair out of your face, his eyes lusting over your body.
'You can't tame me Halfdan.'
'I don't wish to break you, I don't wish to tame you, I only wish to own you.' He started to kiss you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, smearing your own blood over the bald part of his head and pushed your body against his. He was hungry, like he missed your for years and saw you back for the first time. His lips bited your neck, sucked your ear for there was no limit to his longing.
'You better behave then.' You went further on the subject. He chuckled against your neck, lifting his head back up to look at you again.
'Here there are only the dead who are watching Y/n, and they can't judge the pleasure I'm seeking in you.' He whispered. Your fingers started to untie his leather armor while he pulled out yours. He tackled you on the ground, you smiled when his body crawled over yours, pulling off whatever piece of clothing there was on you. Your skin flamed red from his soft bited, the path his tongue made down before he pushed his nose in between your tights to take in your sweet female smell. You arched your back, pulling him back up on his hair. He kissed you, passionate before he made himself ready and sunk down in you. Everything of his harsh, almost rude, movements was some kind of enjoyment for you, the raw sensation of knowing he wanted you this bad, knowing you were his goddess pleasured you even more. And that was all between the bodies of dead soldiers, because there was no better place for Halfdan the Black to claim his price in battle, you.
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