— 9. Infidelity
Upon the orders of King Horik after Ragnar made an alliance with the man, Tova and Bjorn were among those who joined Ragnar on his journey to see Jarl Borg, an enemy of King Horik. They sailed by ship a part of the way and then by horseback.
By the time they reached Jarl Borg's, they were drenched in water from the freezing rain. They stood together, shivering. They looked ahead to see Jarl Borg standing there, speaking with some of his men as they paid no mind to Ragnar and the others.
"Why don't they let us dry ourselves and get harm?" Floki asked, his teeth chattering as his whole body shook, "If I stay like this, I will rust."
"What kind of fellow is this Jarl Borg?" Rollo asked in a low tone, beginning to glare at the man who sat at the other end of the hall, "This is no way to treat guests, whoever they are."
"Especially if they've been traveling for days on end," Arne commented and Tova nodded in agreement as she stood beside Bjorn and Ragnar.
Soon enough, Jarl Borg turned, looking eyes on the men, Bjorn, and Tova. He gestured for them to walk forward, which they ended up doing.
They rushed over to the first, where Tova and Bjorn sat beside each other. They leaned against each other in front of the fire, trying to provide each other extra warmth.
"Are you the emissaries from King Horik?" Jarl Borg asked and the silence he received gave him his answer, "Well, I can tell you at once you're wasting your time. It's my land and I want it returned to me. That's all I have to say."
"He wants to make peace with you and come to some king of agreement," Ragnar informed him in a calm tone.
"Then tell him if he leaves my land, we can have peace," Jarl Borg responded in a cold tone, "But not before."
Ragnar smiled and nodded his head slightly. "How can you make peace, Jarl Borg, if you insist on humiliating him?" He asked, beginning to chuckle in amusement.
"If I invade and defeat, will he not be even more humiliated?" Jarl Borg retorted and Tova turned, exchanging to look with Bjorn.
The men around them began to laugh and Tova rolled her eyes at them.
"Not if he fights well," Ragnar commented, smiling at Jarl Borg teasingly, "In any case, I am sure that he would relish a fight."
Jarl Borg stared at Ragnar suspiciously. As he did so, he tapped his mug of ale on the table he was sitting at three times before standing up. He walked toward Ragnar, leading to the man standing up. "What's your name?"
"Ragnar Lothbrok," He informed Jarl Borg, whose eyes immediately lit up at the revelation.
"You are Ragnar Lothbrok, the one who sailed west?" He asked, staring at Ragnar closely.
"I am surprised that you've heard about that," Ragnar replied and Jarl Borg laughed in response.
"How are you surprised? Everyone has heard of your exploits," Jarl Borg admitted and Tova turned, noticing how jealous Rollo looked.
Jarl Borg sighed, remaining silent for a long moment as he looked downwards. "Why have we not offered our guests dry clothes and food?" He spoke up loudly and Tova's eyes lit up, "Treat these folk well. Give them ale, let them dry out, feed them. Tomorrow, you and I will talk again, Ragnar Lothbrok."
Ragnar placed a hand on both Bjorn and Tova's shoulder, beginning to lead them away. "Who knew by simply stating your name, their treatment toward us would change so quickly," Tova commented, beginning to smile up at Ragnar, "Perhaps next you should start by introducing yourself? Then we wouldn't have to freeze like that again."
"I'll remember that for next time, Tova," Ragnar replied, beginning to laugh at the girl.
The following day, Jarl Borg ended up sending Ragnar and the rest of them off to visit a nearby tree that was called an Ash Tree. It was famous not only for its large size, but because it was never lost it leaves, even in winter. Ragnar had told Bjorn and Tova that some people even claimed it to be Yggdrasil, a tree known by the people because it was said to hold up the sky.
Rollo was to stay with Jarl Borg while Floki was sent back to King Horik to give him the news of what Jarl Borg wanted in return for giving up his lands.
They ended up coming to a stop when they made it to a river, where the man escorting them informed them that they would set up camp there.
Torstein and Arne ended up offering to go fishing for food, leading to the rest of them being being alone in setting up camp.
It wasn't long before the duo arrived with Torstein having a large fresh cut sliced across his face.
They ended up informing Ragnar that they had been caught spying on a woman as she bathed in the river.
"I never knew that fresh fish was also packed in salt," Ragnar commented in a sarcastic tone as he tossed it at Arne, who quickly caught it.
"Listen, it's not our fault," Arne complained, an annoyed look on his face, "We just saw her bathing. What were we supposed to do?"
"Not look?" Tova commented and Ragnar gestured his hand toward her, "And fish as you were told to?"
"See? Even the girl has more sense than you and she's twelve," Ragnar remarked and Arne shook his head in disagreement.
"You did not see her, Ragnar," Arne complained, smiling as he spoke of the woman he and Torstein saw bathing.
"So you get your cheek slashed and now I'm supposed to apologize for you two staring at a naked body," Ragnar complained as he gave the duo a puzzled look.
"That's what she said," Torstein replied as he shrugged his shoulders.
"Who is she, anyway, to put such a high price on her nakedness?" Ragnar asked, an amused look on his face.
"We didn't ask," Arne replied as he shrugged while Ragnar smiled.
"I'm intrigued," Ragnar admitted as he leaned forward.
"What's so intriguing?" Bjorn asked, frowning in confusion.
"Sometimes the Gods put things like this in front of us as some kind of test," Ragnar informed Bjorn, causing Tova to frown in confusion.
"A naked woman as a test?" She asked, a puzzled look on her face.
"She has set me a challenge and I am up to ask," Ragnar admitted in a confident tone, "See, I'm less interested in what you say is her beauty, then what I suspect is her wit. So tell her I invite her here to join us...Neither dressed nor undressed," He explained, smiling as he stood up and began to walk around, "What else? Neither...hungry nor full, neither in company nor alone. Can you remember all of that, one eye?"
Arne turned to Ragnar, awkwardly nodding his head.
Tova frowned, turning to exchange a puzzled look with Bjorn.
It wasn't long before the unknown woman arrived. She walked up to them, wearing fish nets as a dress. She was eating an apple and she had a dog with her.
Ragnar immediately stood up while Tova remained seated beside Bjorn. "What is he doing?" She asked Bjorn quietly as they both turned, looking concerned as they watched Ragnar move closer to Aslaug.
"I do not like this," Tova admitted as Ragnar led Aslaug over to them.
"Nor I," Bjorn agreed with her as Ragnar took a seat near them with Aslaug.
"May I ask your name?" Ragnar asked the woman curiously.
"My name is Aslaug," She replied and Ragnar nodded in understanding as he gestured around at the group.
"We're on our way to see the Great Ash Tree," He informed her and Aslaug began to smile.
"Of course," She responded and Ragnar eyed her closely.
"You are welcome to join us," He proposed and Aslaug smiled, clearly tempted by the idea, "Will you come along, Aslaug?"
Aslaug smiled down at Ragnar and Tova tensed up, already having the feeling Ragnar was about to do something with Aslaug he'd never be able to take back. All because Lagertha couldn't give him the sons he wanted.
Was Bjorn and Gyda not enough for him?
It wasn't long before they arrived at the Great Ash tree. Tova stood beside Bjorn and Ragnar, staring up at the large tree curiously.
"But if this is Yggradsil, then it must be the same tree that Lord Odin once hanged himself from," Bjorn commented and Tova tilted her head slightly as she looked upwards.
"Why not?" Aslaug asked Tova with a smile on her face, "All things are possible."
"Forgive me, but I don't think he was asking you," Tova commented as she turned to Aslaug, glaring at her.
"Hey, be nice," Ragnar warned her and Tova sighed.
She rolled her eyes and lifted her hands slightly in surrender. She turned, exchanging a look with Bjorn.
Ragnar glanced between Bjorn and Tova, knowing both children didn't like Aslaug. Tova was usually kind to people as Gyda was. However, when she didn't like someone, she was made it clear to everyone how she felt about that person. And she was doing that right now.
Finding somewhere to stay the night, Tova sat near Bjorn, away from the rest of the men and where Ragner was shamelessly flirting with Aslaug as if he weren't married.
Arne sighed drunkenly as he walked over to Tova and Bjorn. He glanced between the duo, taking a seat beside them. "What's wrong, children?"
"What do you think?" Bjorn asked Arne with an attitude, "My father is making a fool of himself."
"He's enjoying himself in the company of a beautiful woman. What's foolish about that?" Arne responded to Bjorn's question as if what Ragnar was doing was normal, "Some day you'll do the same. And you shall find a man to be with, Tova. Perhaps you'll be with each other."
Tova rolled her eyes as she watched Arne smile and glance between them, clearly hinting that she and Bjorn should be together.
"But what about Lagertha?" Tova found herself asking Arne in concern as she gestured toward Ragnar and Aslaug.
"If Lagertha were here, she'd cut his balls off," Bjorn commented in a low tone.
Arne laughed, amused by what Bjorn had said. "Then it's a good thing she's not," He replied, only to see the disappointed looks on both Tova and Bjorn's faces, "Listen to me, my friend. Your father and mother are a famous couple. They love each other. Everybody knows that. So don't begrudge your old man a little harmless fun, huh?"
"How is it only harmless fun to betray the one you love by being with another?" Tova asked, frowning at Arne in concern.
"You have a lot to learn, Young Tova," Arne replied in a calm tone, "Just because Ragnar is having a little bit of fun with Aslaug, it doesn't mean he loves Lagertha any less. Sometimes, people just get tired of having the same thing all the time. Sometimes, they want to look elsewhere, but it doesn't mean they won't return back to what they had in the first place."
Tova remained silent as she stared Arne closely. She listened to what he said intently, foolish and gullible enough to believe what he said was the truth. She wasn't the only one, though. Bjorn listened as well.
And for that, both of them made one of the greatest mistakes of their lives.
It was nighttime and Tova was laying on the floor beside Bjorn when they were both awoken by the sounds of moans. Tova had been woken up almost instantly and tried her hardest to fall back asleep, but failed miserably.
It wasn't long before Bjorn woke up. He turned his head, disappointment by the sight of Ragnar having sex with Aslaug at the other end of the room. He turned again, only to find Tova awake as well with a calm expression on her face.
"Ignore it," She told him in a whisper as she grabbed his hand and held it, "We have no say in what he does nor we will ever. He is his own person."
"It isn't right," Bjorn argued quietly as he shook his head in disapproval.
"I know. But there's nothing we can do. Your father makes his own decisions. And it doesn't mean he loves Lagertha any less. You heard what Arne said," Tova whisper to Bjorn, who sighed in defeat.
"Just because Father says that we should listen to people who are older because they are wiser, it doesn't mean they are always right. You still do not seem to understand that. In that way, I pity you, dear Tova," Bjorn explained softly, a pitiful look on his face.
The following day, Tova was standing against the tree beside Ragnar. They were conversing with each other when Bjorn walked over, prepared to confront his father about what he was doing with Aslaug.
"I hate you," He growled at his father in a low tone, "It's disgusting."
Ragnar exchanged a look with Tova, who was avoiding contact with the duo. He turned, smiling at Bjorn, who was glaring at him. "I could not help myself."
"Shall I tell that to Lagertha, your wife?" Bjorn asked with an attitude.
"If you want to," Ragnar replied as he shrugged his shoulders.
"You cannot love her that much after all, no matter what you say, no matter what people think," Bjorn explained in a venomous tone.
"I don't care what people think," Ragnar argued in a cold tone, "Of course I love your mother."
Bjorn walked closer to Ragnar and Tova, looking directly at his father. "Swear to me that it will not happen again," He demanded in a stern tone, "Swear to Tova."
Bjorn lifted his head, looking directly at Bjorn. "I swear to you both it won't happen again," He assured them, but Tova had the feeling he wasn't going to keep that promise.
Ragnar wrapped his arms around Bjorn, glancing between his son and Tova. "I love you both," He told them and Bjorn smiled before walking away.
Once Bjorn was out of sight, Tova turned to Ragnar, her smile fading. "You're lying."
"Of course I am not lying," Ragnar argued sternly, "How could you say such a thing?"
"Because you are a man. You can't help yourself. You think with that..." She trailed off, pointing downwards, "And not this. " She continued to explain as she pointed to his head next.
"You sound like Lagertha," He responded as he gave her an annoyed look.
"Lagertha is right," Tova replied, standing up from her seat before walking away.
The following night, Bjorn and Tova laid beside each other on the floor as they went to sleep. They listened as Aslaug walked over to Ragnar, beginning to kiss him passionately as she climbed on top of him.
"Wait, no," Ragnar whispered to her softly, the two of them kissing once more before Ragnar pulled away from her, "I said, no."
The duo continued to hear Aslaug and Ragnar pant as they kissed until Ragnar forcefully pulled her back. "No," He demanded in a stern tone and with that, Aslaug stood up and left.
Bjorn and Tova turned to each other, both of them beginning to smile with satisfaction as they believed that Ragnar intended to keep his promise. How wrong they were.
They ended up returning to Jarl Borg's Great Hall when Floki arrived. They feasted together and it wasn't long before everything went to hell when it was revealed that King Horik had no intentions of making any negotiations with Jarl Borg that benefited the latter.
It was nighttime and Bjorn and Tova were laying in bed when they heard a clunk. They both sat up from the bed and Bjorn picked up a candle.
They walked through the room and hearing a caw, they looked up to see raven there, looking directly at them.
"What does it mean?" Tova asked, turning to Bjorn with a concerned look on his face.
"I do not know," Bjorn confessed in a whisper.
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