《Vikings, Mini Drabbles》Ubbe: Hunting


You sat crouched down in the forest, fingers slipping over the falling leaves from the trees. Since your brother passed away of illness there wasn't a hunter in the family anymore. You father got to old and your mother hardly did anything to provide the family. So it came to you, you went trading in the hopes to get some things in to provide you and your parents for the winter. For that you had to have something to trade. So you took that bow for the first time, looking to the string, the arrows, thinking about your brother. You needed to learn how to hunt. And here you were, looking to the leaves, following the marks of a deer in the mud onto an open field. You looked through the trees to the field, looking for the deer or at least a white spotted tale or his brown ears but there was nothing and you signed, frustrated about the situation and the lack in skills. Your brother learned you a thing or two about hunting, or at least trailing a deer through the woods but doing it was not that easy as he always explained it. You sat down against a tree, looking over the field, the trees, cursing yourself over your situation.

A whole hour past when you heard the noise of leaves brushing against each other. You looked up, seeing a small group of deer's crossing over the field.

'Just sitting and looking won't help you.' A voice said from behind. You startled and pushed yourself up, turning around to Ubbe. Offcourse it startled the deer's to, they vanished between the trees.

'Really?' You asked him. He leaned against the tree, tilting his head a little. He knew your brother, they both hunted sometimes together, so he wasn't an unfamiliar face.

'It's cute, you stepping up like this.' He said.


'It's that or starving to dead.' You answered without looking back to him. You started walking, crossing the fields to fiend those deer's again, off course he followed.

'You could just ask for help.' He stated. You signed, stopping and turning back to him.

'You know I won't do that.'

'I also know you can't hunt.' He pointed to that bow you had between your hands.

'First time for everything.' You replied rather stubborn, not trying to look to long to him and following the trail again. He was silence, following you in your footsteps while you were looking for that group of deer's. It couldn't be that hard right? You just had to pull the string, aim and let it loose ... you could do that.

'It suits you.' He said after quite some time of silence.


'This, you, looking like this.'

'What are you trying to say Ubbe?' You asked without looking away from the trail between the forest ground.

'Just, the bow, the arrows, you holding all of that.' He said. He didn't say it in the manner of speaking it supposed to be.

'Are you flirting?' You asked him impatient. He leaned a little in and you just kept your eyes in his once.

'I don't know, you tell me.' He answered that question way to polite. You gazed a little longer and turned around to the trail again. It was about five minutes in silence before you grabbed you around your waist and pulled you behind a tree all of the sudden. Your heart raced as he laid his finger against your lips to keep you silence. You looked at it, feeling how his chest raised against yours. It took you some time before you finally found some words.

'What?' You asked. He smiled and turned you, pointing between the trees to the deer's resting in a small open spot.


'Can I hit them from this distant?' You asked softly. He looked over your shoulder, still to close by.

'Don't know, is this asking for help?' He asked amused. You gave him a frustrating look, looking back to the deer's, trying to remember what your brother always told you. You signed, turning back behind to tree.

'Will you learn me how to shoot one?' You forced out. He smiled, titling his head while he studied your face, looked shortly over your body. He nodded. 'Thank you. Tell me, what should I do?' You whispered, looking back to the deer's. It was silent for a moment and you looked over your shoulder back to Ubbe. He had an arrow in his hand, studying the arrowhead before giving it to you. You took it over, rather nervous and looked back at the deer's.

'It isn't just shooting Y/n.' He began, whispering from over your shoulder. You looked a little aside before looking back. 'The first question you have to ask yourself is if you can kill such a beautiful animal.' He said. You looked to the deer's, asking yourself the exact same thing.

'I need to survive, this is me surviving.'

'I wouldn't turn a beautiful animal down if it came to ask for help.' He whispered. You felt his warm breath against your neck and you closed your eyes for a moment.

'I'm not an animal.' You pointed out. He chuckled lightly before nodding back to the animals.

'Alright. You need to think about your breathing, you won't shoot straight all nervous like this.' He explained you further. You felt his hand slip around your waist to your stomach and it looked like he was pulling you in a trance. His fingers laid between your breast, where your breathing was the most obvious. 'Calm down.' He whispered. You laid focus on the animal more than the fact he was touching you. He pushed your elbow up and you raised your bow, laying the arrow on it. His hands shifted on your body, stroking from your elbow to the side of your chest, while his other hand covered yours. It left all kind of feelings behind. He was mimicking your position, placing your feet a little wider by pushing his leg between yours. 'Pull that string, aim but don't let go.' He whispered. You did what he told you to, you felt his head resting aside yours as he followed your aim to the deer that was closed by. He adjust your aim a little, you felt your heart raise in your chest. 'Breath out Y/n and shoot, go on the feeling.' You did, slowly breathing out before you let the string go and that arrow flew right at the animal, piercing in it's neck. The others ran off, that deer to but it didn't go far. 'And that is how you shoot a completely harmless beautiful animal.'

'Are you making me feel guilty?' You asked him, looking to the animal his last movements between the grass.

'No, just me saying that you should come to me the next time.' You felt his lips move against your ear and you breathed out again.

'Because I'm a completely harmless animal to?' You slowly turned around to him. He laid his hand against your jaw, stroking his hand over your cheek.£'Harmless, I don't know, beautiful, defiantly.' He stated with a charming smile.

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