《Never in a Million Years ✔️》72- I'm not high, are you high?
"So when are we telling them?" Co questions as he follows me into my house, we'd gotten home early Monday and basically slept the past two days. This is the first time we've actually all hung out since we got back.
The whole group went out to Kane's this morning and kinda all split up afterwards, I just had to run home to grab my wallet and Co said he'd tag along. We were supposed to be meeting back up with Jordy, Tyler and Wes in a little bit though, we were gonna tell them.
It was bitter sweet leaving Chicago. I cried, Ashley cried, Sage cried, my mom cried, Leland cried, their moms cried, their siblings cried. Just a lot of crying happened. I'd forgotten how much it sucks to leave that city, but it also sucks leaving my family here in Texas.
"I don't know, whenever you want I guess," I shrug basically plopping in his lap as he sits in the couch. I just rested my head against his shoulder as we relaxed. I'd missed being like this with him. I had my guy back.
"Are you enjoying this?" he laughs lightly
"Oh very much, you're very comfy" I grin "Like my own personal pillow,"
"Oh really?" A devious smirk makes its way to his face, suddenly I feel his hand creep up the side of my leg. Just as I'm about to move, he holds me tighter with that arm and starts poking my side with the other. Instantly tickling me.
"Caleb stop!" I yell through my laughs, he knows I hated being tickled "I'm going to punch you!"
Somehow we'd ended up on the floor, him straddling me while holding my hands above my head with one hand as he tickled me with another "Kazer I will kick you in the dick so hard, I don't fuckin care!"
"Then how would we have our kids Princess?" he stops tickling me, now just hovering over me with a teasing grin on his face.
"Oh so now we're having kids?" I quirk a brow as I look up at my boyfriend. "Last time I checked we're still in high school,"
"Okay smartass, obviously not now," he rolls his eyes playfully at me "In the future,"
"The future?"
"Yep," he grins "The future. You down? Sound good?"
"Yeah I'm down, when though?"
"I don't know,"
"After we're married, I don't wanna be pregnant for my wedding, I wanna be able to drink," I chime as he rolls next to me.
"Yeah that's fair, and I wanna have a girl first," He says
"Fuck no I want a boy," I argue "Girls scare me. What would we even name them?"
"If we have a boy, I say we name him Dexter,"
"Like from the show? I am not naming my son after a serial killer detective." I laugh at his suggestion, of course he'd suggest that name.
"Fine, what would you name him?" He snorts "I thought Dexter was a good name,"
"Well for our first son, I say we name him after one of our dads, so Aaron or Adam," I say "If it's a girl I say Aubrey or Aiden,"
"I like those," he nods "This Will sounds insanely stupid, but I like the name Jordan,"
"You know if we name any of them Jordan, we'll have to name the others after Ty and Wes right? We'll never hear the end of it otherwise,"
"Damn you're right," Her snorts "I like the name but not at that expense,"
"Exactly," I laugh at his face. I liked the name Jordan too, but we could never give our kids that name. Not only would Tyler and Wes harass us to no end, Jordan's ego would explode through the roof.
"How many kids do you think we'd have?" Caleb starts to play with my hand as he holds it in his. We just laid there in my living room floor staring at the ceiling.
"Shit I don't know, three? Four?"
"I'd say three," he nods "It's a good amount"
"Yeah," I smile even though he's not looking at me. We both just sat there in silence after this for a good few minutes. I didn't even know he actually thought about that stuff, I did from time to time. What my life, if we lasted that long, would be like with him. Obviously I'd wanted things to last with him, I love him more than I can even explain, but at the same time nothing is ever certain. All we can do is try our best and if it's meant to be, then we'll be together. It would fucking suck if it wasn't though.
"I love you Bails." He says out of nowhere, bringing my hand that was still in his to his lips.
"I love you to Co," I smile, we weren't this touchy PDA type couple but every once in a while he'd do stuff that could literally make me melt.
"I wanna spend the rest of my life with you," He sits up to face me and I do the same
"Me too," I can't help but smile and feel my face heat up. This damn boy, I can't.
A cocky smirk takes over his face as he sees me blush "That'll never get old,"
"You're an asshole Kazer,"
"You love it, shut up." He snorts at my remark. Of course I did.
"Make me,"
And he most certainly did. Instantly his lips are on mine as he positions himself over me. I run my hands through his hair, attempting to pull him closer than he already was, if that was even possible. He easily wins dominance and chuckles lightly against my lips as he does. God he was adorable.
"Oh shit," I push Co off me as I sit up and look to the entryway of the living room. I literally feel my body relax, it's just Wes and Ty.
"Fuck you scared the shit out of me!" I yell at him, holding my hand to my heart. We were going to tell my brothers, but having them walk in on us in the midst of a heavy make-out session is not the way I wanna do it.
"Wes please tell me you just saw the same thing I did," Tyler says, his expression matching Wes's of bewilderment.
"Bro I don't even fucking know anymore," Wes says, his eyes not leaving Co and I "Did you see those two practically eating eachother?"
"I did,"
"Then yes,"
"Good, so I'm not fucking crazy,"
"Guys" Co starts
"Did you know about this previously?" Ty questions Wes
"No, did you?" Wes responds. They were just staring at us as if they were in their own little world. They usually were, those two, but not in situations like this.
It was like Co and I weren't even here anymore
"I'm not high, are you high?" Wes questions Tyler
"I'm not high either, are you high?"
"Bro I just fucking said-nevermind, dude I think we're both fuckin hallucinating," Wes states "I didn't smoke today though,"
"Neither did I and I always smoke with you,"
"Guys" I try to snap them out of their little world, they're literally going in circles here.
"Was it something we ate?" Wes asks
"Maybe. But dude we didn't have the same thing, was all the food contaminated?" Tyler adds.
"I don't think so, Jordan was acting fine in the car,"
"Dude I think this is actually real,"
"Yes it's fucking real, now snap out of it dumb and dumbass," Jordan comes out of nowhere behind them and smacks both of their heads "Now sit the hell down and let them explain,"
"Wait hold on before y'all say anything, is this like a fuckin friends with benefits thing ore boyfriend girlfriend thing?" We'd questions
"Yeah like 'no strings attached' fuckin or like 'I love you' type fuckin?" Tyler clarifies even though it was not needed at all.
"Oh my god," for the second time I feel my face turn red in embarrassment as Co laughs beside me.
"We are actually together guys," Co grins "Like actually dating,"
"Really?!" Wes yells while practically jumping out of his seat on the couch "I fuckin told you they were acting weird T!" He points a finger at Tyler who looked almost as surprised and Jordan was.
"Yeah," I grin
"HOLY SHIT" Tyler finally speaks as his grin mirrors Wes's "Do your brothers know?"
"The twins and Beck don't, so don't say shit in front of them yet, we're telling them tonight," Co orders
"Sir, yes sir," Wes smiles "So when did this happen?"
"Well it originally happened on New Years eve, then we broke up on St.Patrick's day and got back together this weekend" I can't help but smile as Co places his arm around me
"Dude this is cute," Tyler jutts out his lower lip as he looks over at Wes "Almost makes me wanna stop sleeping around and get in a actual relationship,"
"T you wouldn't," Wes snorts
"Hence why I said almost." He smirks at Wes's previous statement before turning his attention back to Co and I "So what are you gonna do now?"
"Well we're gonna tell everyone tonight at the barbecue so be there cause that's gonna be a shitshow, but until then we're just gonna chill"
"Sounds like a plan," Jordan states as he lays across both mine a Co's laps "What are we watchin?"
Jordan's been sending Co and I suggestive looks all night. I wanna punch him.
We're trying to not be obvious, and I know we aren't but I think the both of us are just kinda paranoid at this point.
"So we are telling them?" Caleb questions as he follows me inside to help me grab drinks
"If you're in, I'm in," I grin "Can you take those?" He does as asked as we re-enter my backyard just as everyone's taking a seat. I pass around the various drinks for everyone before taking my own seat between Co and Jordan, right across from Beck, Arrex and Em. Like normal all of us kids were down at our designated table considering there were so many of us, while the adults resided at their own.
"So how was Chicago?" Amy questions as soon as the three of us sit down
"Fuckin awesome," Jordan grins "Even Co liked it,"
"Really?" Ace quirks a brow at him as he just nods with a grin on his face
"Dude we gotta go sometime, the fuckin food was probably the best part," Okay, little offended that it wasn't making up with me but you know, I'll let it slide.
"Yeah I'm sure that was the best part," Jordan mumbles under his breath so only I can hear.
I resort the urge to kick him under the table and instead plaster on a fake grin as I take the pan of corn on the cob from my brother.
"How was Sage and Ash?" Em questions
"Oh they were good, the boys loved em', they and their families loved the boys, we had a good time," I grin
We continued most of the meal in good spirits. Talking about anything and everything like we usually do. Tyler and Wes we being the typical children they were, Em was annoying the hell out of Arrex, making Ace, Jordan and I laugh; then Beck, Amy and Caleb were all messing around, making disgusting food concoctions Safe to say it was a typical family dinner.
"So Bails," Jordan starts "I remember you telling me earlier that you wanted to share something with the rest of the group?" He questions
"Dude what the fuck," Caleb sighs
"Uh, y-yeah I guess," I shrug glancing at Co who just looked back at me and nodded "So uh-we're um-" I start to say it but fail miserably and essentially stutter all over myself. Co however ends my embarrassment by leaning over and planting a kiss on my lips. Smiling against mine as I kiss him back. It wasn't a long kiss, just a normal one to basically get the point across.
"There," he says simply before leaning back in his seat and returning his attention to his food.
I force myself to look at my brothers. Colton obviously didn't give a fuck, the little asshole actually looked bored as he looked at our other brothers. Ace looked indifferent-not mad, just indifferent. A HUGE contrast to the looks on both my twins and Arrex's faces right now.
"You have got to be fuckin kidding me right now." Arrex snaps, looking at both of us.
"We aren't," I say, "Please don't be mad, we-"
"Don't be mad? The one fucking thing we've ever asked of either of you, you fuckin ignore. But sure we won't be fucking mad, you fucking-"
"Dude don't finish that sentence," Caleb states coldly, glaring at my twin "If you're mad, which is clear that you are, be pissed at me. I love you but it would be in your best interest to not talk to your sister in the tone you are."
"How the fuck do you expect us not to be mad Bailey? Beck said it. We've asked one thing from you two and you go behind our back and do this? You fucking serious?" Arrex questions raising a brow at both of us accusingly. "And you." He looks at Co "You are our best damn friend. You always have been, and you've been fuckin around with our sister? You have always gotten what you wanted, and the one thing we told you you couldn't you fucking go for? What is she just another you're gonna fuck around with? I refuse to let her be one those. What happened to you never wanting to hurt her? What happened to your fucking promise to us? Did you have complete amnesia and totally fucking forget our last conversation on this matter or are you just that much of a back stabbing asshole to completely disregard it?"
"A it's not like that," Caleb tells him "and don't ever accuse me of treating her like that, cause that is not what this is."
"Sure it fucking isn't" Beck snorts "He's fucking right. Did we completely imagine our last conversation about this? If I remember correctly, Ace was there weren't you?" Beck questions looking at our unusually quiet brother
"I was," he breaks his silence looking at Co and I "I remember it almost word for word."
"I don't wanna fucking hear it. From either of you. You can fuck off" Arrex states, looking at Co before turning his attention on me "And I have nothing more to fucking say to you." And with that he stands up, ready to storm off, Beck right on his trail. That is until my youngest brother speaks up.
"Okay. Hold the fuck up." Coltons commanding voice demands everyone's attention. He was the youngest but damn that kid could be intimidating. "Hey Ace, who introduced you to your current boyfriend? The one you're utterly infatuated and completely in love with?" Ace was quiet as he just glanced at me
"Or Beck, I'm just wondering if you can riddle me this little fuckin diddy, whose best friend are you currently dating? Your hypocritical ass ever take that into consideration?" As soon as the words leave Coltons mouth, I almost spit my drink out. Fuck yeah baby brother.
"And Arrex, I probably shouldn't be saying this cause you know, being a good brother and shit. But based on how you've been talking to our sister and your best friend, I think you've thrown that 'good brother' boy scout badge in the fuckin trash. Who the fuck have you been sneaking out with almost every night for the passed few months or so? Cause I'm willing to bet money that it's the blue eyed blonde sitting right next to you. If any of you need fuckin clarification, they've been messin around for a while." He adds that last part, looking around at all of us.
Everyone was silent. Including the brother in question. Colton just stares, challengingly at our older brothers icy gaze as panic fills Em's face.
With a satisfied sigh, Colton stands up and very dramatically, dusted himself off. "Now that that's all out and everyones hypocrisy has been exposed, Ary, Cody, you two wanna go inside and steal some of my moms pie?"
As if itching to leave the drama that is now our table, the two hop up and follow my very confident little brother into the house.
"I feel like I'm in a fuckin reality tv show" Wes grins as he starts to laugh
"Dude same, it's fucking great" Ty just laughs along with him
"Shut up" I snap, not taking my eyes off my beat friend "Both of you"
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“It’s life’s illusions I recall. I really don’t know life at all.” from the song, Both Sides Now, by Joni Mitchell Starchild is an adventure novel set within an understanding of reality that is rooted in Eastern spiritual traditions.It takes as its starting point experiments in remote viewing that were genuinely undertaken by the American military in the nineteen-nineties under the name of the Stargate Project. It then imagines how a more advanced attempt to weaponise the capabilities of consciousness might have been developed in the present day.The story then explores how Ultimate Reality might respond to such a threat.Deep, elemental forces thus bring together Samantha Martin and Sahadeva Varma, old colleagues from the Stargate Project, to avert the apocalyptic consequences of this military attempt to weaponise consciousness. This fast-paced story spans genres including romance, action, adventure, science fiction and more. Although this story is based on concepts drawn from established spiritual traditions, these have sometimes been extrapolated to the point of very extreme speculation for the needs of an adventure story.Much of the underlying philosophy, however, as explained in the dharma talks given by Samantha Martin, is paraphrased from the guidance of respected spiritual teachers. Scheduling: Starchild is a previously unpublished novel of one hundred thousand words which was serialised in weekly instalments over twenty-five weeks from 15th November 2021 to the 29th April 2022. Each instalment contains five chapters – an average of approximately four thousand words in each instalment. Acknowledgements: All the mandala images, with one exception, were drawn by Brian Huggett using the Spirality mandala drawing application. The mandala associated with chapter 82 and which occupies the centre of the front cover of Starchild is attributed to Jgmoxness, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons. The comet image is derived from a photograph by Marco Milanesi downloaded from Pexels. The cover image was assembled from these images by Brian Huggett.
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One fateful day, a caravan was passing by the village of Teira, which had been raided and set ablaze by bandits. Within the burning rubble, a young woman found a baby, a sole survivor of the attack, and decided to take it with her and raise as her own. As she was leaving with the little child in her hands, two falling stars lit up the night sky, and she named the boy Asterios. Years passed and he grew up in a caring and warm home, developing a passion for all magical beasts, choosing the path of a Summoner as his way of life. While his love and knowledge also grew boundless, his practical abilities clearly pointed out his complete lack of compatibility with that school of magic, but he never wavered in his resolution. Follow Asterios as his life of perpetual failure and bullying suddenly takes an unexpected turn, after just seconds short of his death, a powerful summon answers his call and saves his life. Wait... doesn't it look like... A GIRL?! Are those animal ears and tail?! ★━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━★ Release schedule: Two times a week is the goal. Most likely Tuesday and Friday. What to expect:A quite chill fantasy adventure with an MC devoted to summoning magic and fantasy beasts, slowly getting rid of his title of the Weakest Summoner (sudden strength gain but with progressive development), lots of exploring, magic, encounters, lots of character development, quite some fluff and feel-goods and perhaps a lovely harem of Monster Girls (not too many). It's a quite light story.
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