《Seoul Mates | OT7》Seumul (스물)



I know.

I already know what you're thinking.

And you are right.

I'm an ass.

I know.

Listen, it is not my fault...

Okay, it's 100% my fault but listen anyway and hopefully you will understand. I'm not condoning my behavior toward Ma-ri but I had my reasons, whether they are good reasons is a gray area. This wasn't how it was supposed to go...

"I'm going to pick up Hobi hyung's cake, want to come with?" Jimin asked, standing in my door frame

"No thanks"

"Let me rephrase that, I'm going to pick up the cake let's go, now" He stated with his arms crossed over his chest. I sighed and got up from my desk chair

"Why do I have to go and why am I listening to you? I'm the eldest"

"Not today. Today you are not my older my teammate today you are my boyfriend and we need to talk"

"About what?"

"Not what but who" I rolled my eyes. I knew this was coming. Everyone gave me lectures on how I act towards Ma-ri and I was sick of hearing them but Jimin hadn't given me one yet so it was his turn.

I already knew I was wrong but I had a plan to apologize and redeem myself but I didn't want anyone to know yet. Not until I needed their help but everyone just kept chewing me out for being rude to her and ignoring her, rightfully so, but I hated repeatedly hearing how much of an ass I was being to her.

"Jimin, I know, okay? I know"

"Do you? Because you have made very few attempts to rectify the situation"

"Yes I do" I groaned, snatching my jacket off the back of my door. I followed him out the house and to his car. I climbed in the passenger seat and buckled up then we were off to one of our favorite bake shops, we've been getting Hoseok's cake from here for years. They make the best strawberry cakes in Korea.

"Jin I'm not trying to nag and be a broken record but I just don't understand why you were so hard on her in the first place" He said as we neared the shop, parking on the street

"I just wasn't expecting her and it's taking me some time to get used to her being my soulmate" He nodded then unlocked the car doors. I climbed out first since I was near the safe side.

"I don't know if the two are related but I noticed you have been acting differently, strange even for months now. Long before Ma-ri came to us you weren't being yourself"

Why is his short ass so observant?

We entered the shop, blending in with the few people already in there. We stood in line, only two people were in front of us so we moved up quickly. Jimin communicated with the clerk while my mind raced

If Jimin noticed then who's to say the others haven't? And if they have noticed why didn't anyone say anything until after Ma-ri showed up? Maybe I should just tell them the truth now, it's going to come out eventually. I debated myself over and over again as to what I should do and when but I was scared of what they'd think of me once they knew.


"Thank you, see you next time" Jimin said, smiling beneath his mask as he accepted the boxed dessert

"Good?" I asked as he examined it through the plastic window on the top

"Yeah, lets go" I took the cake from him and we got back in the car, he started it up and we drove back home quietly. "Thanks for riding with me"

"You didn't really give me a choice" I huffed out receiving a sideways look from Jimin. I hate the fact that I keep snapping on everyone and being short with the loves of my life but I can't help it. I pray I will be back to normal soon "Sorry. You're welcome"

We go inside and he sticks the cake in the refrigerator then goes off to do something else. I stood there for a moment trying to figure out what my next move should be. I went back upstairs to my bedroom for the time being and tried writing for a while. A few hours passed when Yoongi knocked on my door telling me we were leaving soon so I took a quick shower and threw on a sweat suit.

"Jin and Ma-ri, you're riding with me" Yoongi said when I arrived downstairs "Jungkook is driving too so Namjoon, Jimin and Tae will ride with him. Tae or Jimin can ride back home with Hobi afterwards"

"Yes sir" Jimin said, winking

"Unless you want to risk us being late by being bent over the counter, don't play like that Jiminie"

"Can we just go already?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes and pulling my coat on. Everyone filed out of the house to their assigned car, I was right behind Ma-ri who was sticking very close to Namjoon as he was in front of her.

I felt really bad that she didn't feel comfortable being near me, especially after that night we hugged for nearly twenty minutes in the kitchen. I wanted to spill everything to her that night but I was a coward so I chickened out and the very next day I said something stupid to her. The hurt in her eyes made me feel lower than dirt, we haven't said anything to each other since and it's my fault.

I really hate myself right now.

We got to the HYBE building and parked, everyone packed on the elevator and we rode in silence up to the recording studio where Hope had been spending the last three days trying to finish his next mixtape. Spilling out of the suspended metal box we quietly snuck into the room after Taehyung confirmed he was on a break and had left to use the restroom.

With Jungkook as the lookout, Jimin unboxed the cake and lit two sparklers candles on top "He's coming! He's coming!" the youngest whispered with excitement.

Everything seemed like it was happening in slow motion. The door opened and Hobi walked in, you know he scares easily so seeing us when he wasn't expecting us nearly sent him out of his skin. He jumped back with a loud scream


"Happy birthday J-Hope!" We all yelled as he clutched his shirt

"Yah! You scared me to death" he huffed then smiled. Jungkook cut the lights on in the room and the group shifted a little to have elbow room


"Surprise" Taehyung laughed wrapping him up in a hug and kissing his cheek

"Thank you all so much"

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Hobi, happy birthday to you!" We all sang on Jimin's lead, he blew out his candles and gave everyone a hug

"Are you done for the night? We want to go to dinner" Namjoon asked with his arm thrown across Hope's shoulder

"Yeah, I'll wrap it up for now. Give me ten minutes" Yoongi stayed back with him while the rest of us waited in the common room. I sat on the end of the long sofa with my legs crossed and my phone in my hand watching everyone.

Have you ever felt like an outsider in a room full of people that know and love you? That's how I felt during that time and I felt a migraine coming on. These fucking migraines. I closed my eyes and dropped my head to block out the light in an attempt to fight it but it was already too late, the top half of my face felt tight. The sofa dipped meaning someone else was now sitting on it too but I could not bring my eyes up to see who it was

"Are you okay Jin?" Namjoon's voice asked me quietly. I nodded my head slowly "Another migraine?"

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"Do you want to go home?"

"No. No, just give me a few minutes. I can't miss Hope's birthday dinner"

"He will understand Jinnie" Although I wasn't looking at him I knew Joon had a worried look on his face. He has worried about me a lot lately, I hate lying to him of all people and I'm sure he knows that I am. "Besides, how much fun can you have with a migraine? I'll have Jungkook drop you off at home so you can lay down"

"Joon, seriously I'm okay" I raised my head just enough so he could see my eyes "I don't want to go home"

"Okay, okay I won't make you go" he grabbed my hand and rubbed the top of it with his thumb

"You guys ready?" Jimin asked, walking over towards us

"Yeah. I'm switching cars, I will ride with Yoongi and Jin"

"Okay" he agreed, without protest or questions as to why the change in passengers

I stood up with Namjoon's help and we walked behind everyone else to the elevators now that Hoseok was ready to leave. Joon allowed me to use him for stability and balance as we walked, he looped his arms through mine to keep me close to him. I was thankful for the dark interior of the building as bright colors and lights only made my migraines worse. We took the elevators down in two groups, me and Joon in the second group with Jimin and Yoongi, once in it I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes as we descended to the underground garage.

"Hyung, I'm going to ride with you and Jin, he's got a migraine" I heard Namjoon tell Yoongi is a quiet voice

"Is it really bad?" he asked and I shook my head no. It really wasn't that bad, I've had worse ones but none of them are pleasant to deal with. "I'm guessing you don't want to go home?"

"No, I don't want to be alone," I admitted. Jimin's hand touched my shoulder as the elevator doors opened revealing the dark parking structure.

Everyone loaded into the cars and drove to the restaurant. I slouched in the backseat of Yoongi's vehicle, willing my migraine to go away. We arrived at the Japanese restaurant and were seated almost instantly in the back where it looks like they hosted the larger parties of patrons. Everyone took a seat at the table, I stuck close to Namjoon, sitting in the end seat, he sat to my left, Jimin on his left and Jungkook in his. Across the table, Yoongi was across from me with Hoseok next to him, Ma-ri to his right and Taehyung on hers.

Everyone ordered their food and talked amongst each other while I remained quiet. It was hard to concentrate and I lost my appetite but Jimin insisted that I eat something so I got a small salad and a cup of tea. The dinner was nice, at least what I remember of it but I had mentally checked out before we even got there. Hoseok seemed like he had a good time and that's all that mattered to me.

By the time we got home I was near tears because the migraine had not eased up at all. In fact, it got worse then my chest started to hurt as well and my breathing was labored. Jungkook had to carry me upstairs to my room, right behind him was Jimin who looked worried.

"I think you should go to the hospital" he told me with crinkled eyebrows

"Once I get some rest I will be fine" he felt my forehead and frowned

"You are on fire"

"Should I run a cool bath for him?" Jungkook asked while pulling off my pants. I was about to deny it when I got a sharp pain in my head forehead, felt like my skull was being sawed open

"Ahhhh!" I screamed with my eyes screwed shut. A few second later a high pitched wail echoed throughout the house from downstairs, I squeezed my head because it felt like it was splitting in two

"What the fuck?" Jungkook questioned as he and Jimin were trying to hold me and calm me down "Jimin, what do we do? He's in pain and so is Ma-ri"

"I'm calling for an ambulance"

I knew what was happening but I wasn't able to tell them, the pain was too much for me to speak. I writhed in my bed as Jungkook tried his best to soothe me but there was nothing he could do to help. I had brought this on myself. I felt a burn in my chest and I saw Yoongi standing above me, except he wasn't in my room, right before I passed out.


So we finally heard from Jin himself, what do you think is happening to him? And why?

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